1Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2Oil and Gas Research Institute Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
*Corresponding author:Rodkin MV, Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences and Oil and Gas Research Institute Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Submission: March 13, 2023; Published: April 06, 2023
ISSN 2637-8035Volume5 Issue2
The database has been compiled containing the Trace Elements (TE) content of coals, shales, mud-volcanic and carbonic waters, crude oils, and oil degradation products, more than 300 analyzes in total. A correlation analysis of the TE content of these samples with the model compositions of the upper, middle, and the lower continental crust and with different types of biotas (terrestrial and marine, plants and animals) was carried out. For coals, shales, and clays the expected maximum correlation with the upper crust content was found (correlation coefficient R_Upper). On the contrary, for the overwhelming majority of oils, the TE content correlates better with the chemical content of the lower crust (R_Lower>R_Upper). A reliable trend was found when a decrease in the correlation with biota (maxR_biota) corresponds to an increase in the difference between the correlation coefficients with the lower and the upper crust, R_Lower -R_Upper. The results of calculations for oil degradation products (asphalts) are characterized by a large spread of values, and even larger values of R_Lower -R_Upper, and lower maxR_biota values. In some cases, the calculation of correlation coefficients makes it possible to indicate the dominant type of initial organic matter, viz., terrestrial or aquatic. The obtained results are interpreted as evidence in favor of the necessity of existence of an ascending flow of the deep fluid in the process of oil formation. Seismological evidence in support of the existence of such ascending deep fluid flows are given. The results testify for conjunction of important features of organic and inorganic models of oil genesis in the real process of oil genesis.
Keywords: Caustobioliths; Trace elements; Database; Hydrocarbons; Mud volcanic; Carbonic fluids; Correlation analysis; Biota
TE: Trace Element; OM: Organic Matter; CC: Correlation Coefficients; DB: Data Base; CMW: Caucasian Mineral Waters