Jesus Duenas Becerra*
Department of Roman School Rorschach, Italy
*Corresponding author: Jesus Duenas Becerra, Department of Roman School Rorschach, Italy
Submission: January 06, 2023Published: January 10, 2023
ISSN 2639-0612Volume6 Issue2
Positive Psychology or a Positive Look at Psychology by Dr. Miguel Ángel Roca Perara, emeritus professor at the University of Havana, is the title of the book, prefaced by Dr. Dionisio Zaldívar Pérez, emeritus professor at Alma Mater in the capital, published by Editorial Havana University, and aimed at island lovers of Marti’s “science of the spirit”.
First of all, it would be necessary to define-from the conceptual aspect- what Psychology is, as well as Positive Psychology. Psychology is a discipline of the neural and social sciences that studies the laws, categories and principles in which the psychic and spiritual life of the human being is structured, while Dr. Martín Seligman, president of the American Psychological Association, characterizes it “such as the scientific study of positive experiences, positive individual traits, the institutions that facilitate their development, and the programs that help improve the quality of life of individuals, while preventing or reducing [to its minimum expression] the incidence of [the psychic conditions or emotional disorders suffered by the generic man]”. In this text, a true jewel of specialized Caribbean literature, Dr. Roca Perara offers us-with a clear and simple style, and therefore, free of incomprehensible technicalities or elaborate idioms-a work that will make you meditate (“make inner silence to listen to the sound emitted by our self, the authentic, the true one”) to those who decide to immerse themselves in its attractive pages, since it presents an updated vision, and also very much his own, about the main concepts, categories, model and strategies of intervention used by Positive Psychology with a salutogenic approach. In other words, one that guides the resources of science, technique and technology towards maintaining the bio-psycho-socio-cultural and spiritual balance on which the personality and health of homo sapiens are based.
On the other hand, the author proposes a positive look, not only at human nature-so controversial and controversial-but also at what Psychology has-or should have-as a science and profession regarding its fundamental object of study: the “sovereign of creation”, in the socio-historical milieu, where he lives, loves, creates and dreams. A serene and reflective reading of the volume Positive Psychology... I am sure will contribute-to a great extent-to broadening the cultural horizons of specialists who perform functions such as therapists, counsellors, teachers or researchers, in such a way that they are capable of taking into account, not only the character genic weaknesses and vulnerabilities of the people with whom they interact in these contexts, but also the strengths and potentialities that lie in human subjectivity. Or in other words, the resilience to get up every time they slip and fall, as a consequence of the “stumbles” that life throws in front of them while writing their personal legend. These valuable resources -contributed by Positive Psychology or derived from the positive perspective of Psychology-undoubtedly favor the proactive and creative character in the construction of one’s own well-being, which only depends on oneself, and consequently, an optimal human and spiritual development.
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