Bahadır Eristi*
Anadolu University, Turkey
*Corresponding author: Bahadir Bahadır Eristi, Anadolu University, Turkey
Submission: May 17, 2021Published: June 09, 2021
ISSN 2639-0612Volume5 Issue1
There is no doubt that education is a multidimensional and highly complex process aiming at the development of human beings by using the scientific, technological, social, cultural knowledge, etc. The most basic reason that makes the educational process multidimensional and complex is that human beings show a multidimensional development in terms of many features like cognitive, psycho- social, emotional, and psycho-motor, etc. As every feature subject to human development is important on its own, each feature has the power to affect the development of other traits directly. Accordingly, it is an important necessity to consider human development from a holistic perspective in the education process. When the subject of human education is taken into consideration in the point of psychology, two basic dimensions come to the forefront.
The first of these is about the psycho-social development of students through education
[1,2]. As it also affects behavior and personality development, this issue is important for the
entire life of the individual. The second is related to the psychological foundations of learning.
Most of the variables affecting learning are of psychological origin [3,4]. When psychological
variables are ignored, it is not possible to achieve the intended results in education [5]. A
teaching process that are not taken into students’ motivation characteristics, attitudes,
anxieties, academic self, self-esteem, etc. account cannot succeed [6]. However, schools have
abandoned the duty of educating children as a whole and in all aspects, and have become a
means of production directed by the markets since the industrial revolution [7]. Instead of
seeing it as a human being, this distorted point of view, which sees human as an economic
creature, a resource, or a human capital, does not match up with the individuality of the
human being, and it is far from giving people the value they deserve. This is the most important
mistake in the emergence of many contradictions that are experienced today.
It is regretful to say that, for many schools, children’s individual characteristics and
their development stages are important in providing clues to how much more information
can be loaded on them. It is hard to say that it means more [7]. The school, which does not
care enough about the responsibility of preparing students for life by developing them with
their psycho-social aspects, is in an attitude as if it is very concerned about the psychological
features that affect learning. This situation shows a great similarity with the viewpoints of
neo-classical management theories, which consider the psychological aspects of humans
as a motivational tool that only increases productivity and profitability with the classical
management approach that cares about work, production, and costs instead of people.
It can be said that this distorted understanding of human education once again showed
itself with the educational practices carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19
which was first reported in Wuhan, China in December 2019 [8], and spread rapidly and affected the whole world in a short time, changed life habits
due to the rate of transmission and its deadly effect, as well as
significant changes in the functioning of all social institutions [9].
To prevent the spread of the epidemic and to minimize loss of life,
the implementation of many restrictions, including the most basic
human freedoms such as traveling and going out [10] has deeply
affected all sectors [11], and educational institutions [12,13] as well
as rules on working life.
Schools at all levels have been closed in many countries due to
restrictive measures and educational practices have been moved
to online environments [14] under the name of emergency remote
education [15]. Considering the spreading rate of the epidemic and
the number of patients, it is necessary to say that some countries
adopt hybrid or blended education practices [16]. In this period,
it is possible to say that educational activities took place through
interaction in virtual environments, in the form of online lessons
and online exams, using the internet and digital technologies [17].
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the situation, which is expressed
as a distorted understanding of education that does not prioritize
humans as a value, can be explained as follows. In this process,
which developed suddenly and unexpectedly with the pandemic,
the implementation of emergency remote education, of course,
brought along many problems that need to be solved.
When examining the aspects of the reflections of COVID-19 on
education, which are the most prominent variables in the researches
in the literature, it is observed that the technical discussions on
the subject constitute a very important intensity. When the most
prominent variables in the researches in the literature on the
aspects of the reflections of COVID-19 on education are analyzed, it
is observed that the technical discussions on the topic constitute a
very important plurality. Accessibility to technology and the internet
in online education applications, connectivity, flexibility, and ability
to create learning interaction [18], academic success during the
pandemic period [19], technology infrastructure competencies of
schools, effectiveness of online learning process [20], technological
competencies of students, teachers, and school administrators
[21,22], the way of having theoretical and applied lessons and
exams [23], technology addiction, educational ergonomics, equality
of opportunity in education [24], and teacher training during the
pandemic [25] are among the topics most discussed. Based on
these explanations, it can be said that the focus of the discussions
during the pandemic period is the continuity of education without
It should also be noted that there are studies that address the
problems teachers and students experience regarding the COVID-19
pandemic. The research focused on the cognitive [26,27], social,
emotional [28], psychological [29-33], economic [34] impacts of the
epidemic on students, teachers [35] and school administrators [36]
could be given as examples for the aforementioned studies. Aside
from the discussions about the problems caused by the pandemic,
it can be said that the number of schools or countries develop
solutions for the such problems arising is extremely limited.
Great numbers of countries and schools only preferred to focus
on teaching lessons during this difficult period by making their
curriculum and instructional plans flexible instead of providing
psychological support to students and teachers or contributing to
their recovery.
Some issues such as teachers and students infected with the
virus, the ones whose family members are sick, the experiences of
teachers and students who lost their family members traumatically
in this process are still unknown. The more thought-provoking
aspect of the subject is that students have been tried to be educated
by ignoring all these facts in this process where human psychology
is massively negatively affected and anxiety of life comes to the
fore, although the determining impact of psychology on learning
is known clearly. In other words, pushing the psychological and
emotional needs, anxieties, fears, and worries of teachers and
students who have not experienced similar circumstances before
into the background and considering continuing education without
interruption as the most vital and prior issue in this difficult process
is a dramatic situation.
It can be stated that the negative and unwilling behaviors of
students, which are frequently observed in the online education
process, are the most concrete reactions to educational practices
in this period. Unlike the disciplinary control of the teacher in the
school or classroom environment; students, who take control at
their homes during the online education period, exhibited attitudes
that ignore the school in response to the educational approach
that did not care about themselves such as not turning on their
cameras and microphones during the lesson, not participating, not
taking part in the interactions, using other irrelevant applications,
playing games or chatting with friends, watching videos or movies,
being interested in other topics, etc. by taking advantage of their
superiority over their teachers in using technology. As a result,
it can be said that education continues uninterruptedly during
the pandemic period. Considering the negative psychological
conditions, they were in, could we say that the teachers succeed in
teaching or the students were able to learn?
© 2021 Bahadir Eristi, This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.