Yandri H1, JuliawatiD1, Alfaiz2*, Ramdani R3, Nur Rusliah1, Yuzarion4, Nofrita5, Saputra R6, Eva Ardinal1, Sendayu FS7 and Syaputra YD8
1IAIN Kerinci, Indonesia
2STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
3Universitas Riau Kepulauan, Indonesia
4Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia
5Universitas Langlang Buana, Indonesia
6IAIN Pontianak, Indonesia
7Universitas Palangka Raya, Indonesia
8Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: Alfaiz, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
Submission: April 22, 2021Published: May 13, 2021
ISSN 2639-0612Volume4 Issue5
This study aims to map students’ intelligence in accordance with the human brain which consists of the sense of thinking, intuiting, feeling, and instinct, through the implementation of the STIFIn approach. This method was also used to help them determine their career path for optimal productivity, because in this era of 4.0 industrial revolution, students are required to upgrade their skills according to their talents and intelligence. This study therefore uses critical analysis studies in literature review and practical data to expose the importance of STIFIn approach to education counseling for students. The result showed that from students attending to STIFIn test which uncovers that students has a uncover and understanding their potential within their sense such thinking, intuiting, feeling and instinct, thereby, making it easier to explore and decision of their behavior and career choice. Also with this finding, it is potential to develop a counseling approach to facilitate this potential.
Keywords: Career planning; STIFIn; Sensing; Thinking; Instinct; Genetic; Education; Intelligence
The advances in science and technology have further encouraged humans to develop
their abilities and skills to achieve various global goals. Currently, lots of ideologies tend to
spring up in this globalization era, such as the capitalism. There are advantages associated
with the activity conducted by person or groups of people [1,2]. In order to produce proper
productivity, a persons’ career planning need to be adapted with experience, knowledge,
and interactive habits [3,4]. Capitalism is an effort to obtain the benefits of productivity
in accordance with the competition between individual or groups, and when not properly
controlled it leads to the wrong execution of power.
Nowadays students still need the assistance of their parents and teachers in preparing
their mental and educational wellbeing to avoid restless conditions, stress, and confusion when
they become adolescents [5]. According to Santrock JW [6], adolescents are in development
phase that make their confused with self identity and specialization, which means that they
easily experience indecision in facing life problems or learning. Linamarliyah et al. [7], also
stated that adolescents tend to be confused in picking careers due to the various problems
faced as students and has the ability to influence the future employment market [8]. It is also
related to learning meaningful contents in a good environment to achieve better results [9].
When students are properly directed in choosing their career path, they obtain a brighter
future. Furthermore, career is defined as a series of attitudes and behaviors associated with
a job position [10-12].
Schools need to assist students in achieving success in their
future career through the implementation of proper education
curriculum. Career planning is the process of choosing the
target or goals to be achieved within a period [13,14]. According
to Greenhaus JH et al. [15], career planning is an important
component used to develop integrated human resources, therefore
it requires early arrangements to achieve success [16,17]. The
result showed that when children are properly mentored by their
parents and teachers, they tend to make significant career decision
[7]. Therefore, parents and teachers need to carefully ascertain the
genetic potential of children, with 20 % naturally formed and 80
% due to environmental development [18]. This is supported by a
Super-Career theory which suggests a person’s career is affected
by internal factors such as talent, passion, desire, and intellect
[19]. According to Farid Poniman, a person’s genetic potential is
usually difficult to change, because it comes from their DNA [20].
Therefore, it is important for parents and teachers to determine the
genetic potential of children to properly direct them in choosing a
career, and implementation of psychological counseling [21]. This
research is, therefore, focussed on introducing studies and STIFIn
test utilization in Senior High Schools (SMA) to enable students
plan a better future in accordance with the 4.0 industrial revolution
One of the techniques used to determine the genetic potential
of a person is through Genetic Intelligence STIFIn test. This
technique discusses the dominant cleavage and lining of the human
brain, which is referred to as the operating system or “machine
intelligence” consisting of sense of thinking, intuiting, feeling, and
instincts [18,22,23]. Some results of previous research showed
that STIFIn is effective at developing a person’s potential, such as
in mathematical mapping [24], leadership model development
[25], and in enhancing their ability to memorize Al-Qur’an [26].
Furthermore, this concept is used in determining career paths
[22]. However, STIFIn test approach is rarely used to analyze and
synthesize the career planning of Senior High School students’
in an educational counseling context. Therefore, this research
aims to synthesize the utilization of STIFIn concept in conducting
mapping on Senior High School students’ machine intelligence to
enable them to plan their career in accordance with their potential,
talents and interests. This study was part of the critical analysis
used to determine appropriate theoretical reference sources of the
problems under study. The literature was conducted by providing
a written summary of articles based on journals, articles, books,
and important documents contributed to the theory by adding
information and data to the topic discussed [27,28].
Adequate career planning enables students to achieve success.
According to Yusuf [11], success is attributed to the application
of basic principles to minimize failure and not due to miracle
and mystery. Zikic et al. [16], stated that a person’s career is
characterized by a lifetime of successful planning. Therefore, career
needs to be planned early in life with adequate understanding in
order to achieve set goals [29]. Santamaria JO [30], stated that
there are a variety of choices related to consequences, identifying
options, making decisions, developing goals and making the right
employment, educational and training plans in all works of life.
Issacson LE [31], students, need the undergo through the following
five stages, when making career plans: awareness, exploration,
decision-making, preparation, programming education and
Greenhaus et al. [15] stated that career planning include the
following three components:
1. determine the right information related with talents,
interests and values that are able to deal with the challenges
associated with working life and family,
2. identify the desired purpose, and
3. strategic development to achieve set goals. Career
planning needs to adapt to development preferences. For
Senior High School students, it is tentative, stable and directed.
Alfaiz et al. [3], stated that the key to the right career planning is
dependent on obtaining information regarding a person’s, potential,
intentions, forethought and the right students environment.
Students are, therefore, expected to consider independent careers
after being provided with the right information, while considering
the various factors that might affect these professions [32].
Based on some experts’ claims, it is concluded that career
planning consists of the following:
1. Self-understanding,
2. Exploration,
3. Decision making,
4. Developing goals,
5. Programming education and training.
A good career planning for Senior High School students is
carefully conducted when the students are provided adequate
knowledge with the exact mapping based on their potential and
talents performed by a guidance and counseling teacher. An
example of such solutions is conducted using a STIFIn test aimed
to map students’ intelligence according to the operating system of
the human brain.
STIFIn approach in intelligence test
The concept of STIFIn was first developed by Farid Poniman
in 1999 based on a collection of past theories related to the brain.
Other theories include Al-Ghazali (1058-1111) on Triun Brain, using
Iradah, Quadrah and Idrak. In addition to the theory carried out by
CG Jung (1875-1959) on the cerebral hemisphere or The Whole-
Brain Concept of Ned Hermann, and Triune Brain theory from
Paul MacLean (1976), using the 4MAT learning system developed
by Bernice McCarthy [18]. The use of the STIFIn test is conducted
by scanning the ten fingertips that carry the human brain nerve
composition information. It is, therefore, analyzed by linking the
human brain with the hemispheres, which act predominantly as a form of operating system [20,22,33]. Human brain nervous system
is directly connected to the fingerprint. This was strengthened by
the research findings conducted by Dr Rita Levi Montalcini and Dr
Stanley Cohen in www.nationalgeographic.grid.id. In their research,
they stated that nerve growth in the human brain is closely related
to the skin tissues. According to Erikania J [34], the intended skin
tissues are human fingerprints, therefore, by determining the
neural structures in the brain, a person’s character is ascertained.
This was explained by Allah in the Al-Qur’an of Al Qiyamah surah
verse 3-4 as follows: “Does man think that We will not assemble his
bones. Yes. (we are) Able (even) to proportion his fingertips.”
Analysis from the ten fingertips through STIFIn device test,
divided the human intelligence into five parts
1. Sensing,
2. Thinking,
3. Intuiting,
4. Emotion and
5. Instinct [23].
According to the concept of STIFIn, a person’s personality is
formed from the combined intelligence of an introvert or extrovert
STIFIn is also divided into nine genetic personalities as follows:
1. Sensing introvert (Si),
2. Sensing extrovert (Se),
3. Thinking introvert (Ti),
4. Thinking extrovert (Te),
5. Intuiting introvert (Ii),
6. Intuiting extrovert (Ie),
7. Feeling introvert (Fi),
8. Feeling extrovert (Fe), and
9. Instinct [18,22,23].
It also tends being used as an educational tool for explaining
students’ inclinations. It is similar to the context of the psychological
test used to calculate evidence [35].
Each human intelligence machine has a unique potential similar
to certain types of real and factual elements in accordance with the
five senses in information, description. The sensing process is also
not detached from the identification of each experience [36]. This
type of thinking also utilizes the power of thought, with the ability
to alleviate the problem logically, by analyzing without considering
personal attributes and by conducting a critical debate in line
with individual situation and condition [37]. Furthermore, the
intuition has an advantage in creativity, and with a thorough view,
it becomes the basis in the process of information, with interest in
the understanding of imaginative, abstract and theoretical, patterns
and meaning of events. The type of feeling that relies on emotions
is a strong desire to please others, seek for harmony, have a high
sense of empathy, friendly, sensitive and vengeful feeling, make
decisions based on affection. The last type of instinct has the power
to spontaneously process information as a whole, with versatile
skills [20]; (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Process of individual intelligence machines to understanding of tendency and selection of career choice in STIFIn test paradigm.
STIFIn intelligence test for student’s career planning
The STIFIn test helps students to recognise their potential following their machines intelligence, by determining the right course for them to study at school and to make undertake proper future careers. The direction of high school student options based on their intelligence machine in accordance with Andrei [37] shown in the following Table 1. The Majority, according to the intelligence machine from the STIFIn test above is positioning of the potential of every student who has taken the test process, who has obtained an achievement score from the test result. This is necessary because the impact of the findings of this score will clarify not only the interests and talents of students, but more deeply than like a spiritual potential of students is transcendent that they can aware and understand [22]. Through result of STFIn test, a student can decide and learn about their career and will choose it after completing their study that helps them to convince the right job in accordance with their intelligence machine as shown in table ([22,23]; Table 2.
Table 1: Somatic diseases and concomitant OMD.
Table 2: Direction of career options in the working world industry according to the intelligence machine.
The process of the STIFIn assessment in understanding the tendencies and classifications of potential students in terms of sensing, thinking, intuiting, feeling and instinct is a representation of the intelligence possessed by each person. This has the ability to evolve with increasing insight to increase their creativity level in determining their career. The aspect of creativity is an important part of thinking that is in line with their divergent in the realm of cognitive intelligence, therefore, creative thinking is one of its outcome [38-42].
High School Students’ career needs to be planned early to
help them in dealing with capitalism behavior in the era of the 4.0
Industrial Revolution. Career preparation is conducted through the
following stages:
1. Self-Understanding,
2. Exploration,
3. Making decisions,
4. Developing goals,
5. Programming education and training.
These stages are properly achieved when the mapping of
students intelligence, potential and talent are properly utilized
by conducting the STIFIn test [43,44]. This helps to map students’
intelligence according to their brain also known as human
intelligence machine, which consists of sensing, thinking, intuiting,
feeling, and instinct. When students are able to understand
themselves properly, and in accordance with their intelligence
machine, then the career exploration stage becomes easy following
their potential, talents and interests. Also, it enables teachers to
inculcate the right educational program at school.
© 2021 Alfaiz, This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.