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Psychology and Psychotherapy: Research Study

Tree Planting Program Celebrating 18th Birthday: Can Psychology & Psychotherapy Driven Environmental Policy-approach Reduce Air Pollution Levels Country-wise Such as Bangladesh?

  • Open or CloseAkim M Rahman1* and Debobrata Sharma2

    1Associate Professor and Director, Institute of Business Studies, Sheikh Hasina University of Science and Technology (SHUST), Bangladesh

    2Lab Instructor (Pharmacy), Faculty of Science, Sheikh Hasina University of Science and Technology (SHUST), Bangladesh

    *Corresponding author:Akim M Rahman, Associate Professor and Director, Institute of Business Studies, Sheikh Hasina University of Science and Technology (SHUST), Bangladesh

Submission: March 18, 2024;Published: May 10, 2024

DOI: 10.31031/PPRS.2024.08.000679

ISSN: 2639-0612
Volume8 Issue1


In 21st century business-driven world, air pollution level has been significantly growing country-wise such as Bangladesh. Most countries have enacted a range of legislative measures where Bangladesh is no exception. However, like many other countries, Bangladesh still grapples with the challenges due to rapid industrialization, urbanization, and increased vehicular traffic etc. Dhaka is the capital city of Bangladesh faces air pollution problem severely. Besides current relevant command & control policies in place, Bangladesh requires adaptation of policies for encouraging people in society for environmentally responsible behaviours in daily lifestyle and for planting more trees. So that the expected policies can become psychology & psychotherapy driven environmental policy-approach reducing today’s air pollution levels in Bangladesh. Tree planning for celebration of 18th birthday can serve as psychology & psychotherapy driven environmental policy-approach meeting today’s air pollution crisis in Bangladesh. This proposal is known as Akim’s model-2024 in literature. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Bangladesh can facilitate a tree to the individual who is ready to celebrate. Obviously, officials’ engagements are not daily but will be once a month where all can be joined who turned 18th during that month. In the gathering, other environmental efforts such as solid waste management can also be discussed, which can be inspirational to the audiences of tree-planting programs.

Keywords:Air pollution; Health hazards; Tree planting program celebrating 18th birthday; Psychology & psychotherapy driven environmental policy-approach

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