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Psychology and Psychotherapy: Research Study

The “Undiagnosed” Autism Spectrum Disorder: Need for Support in Adolescence to Prevent Secondary Disorders in Adulthood

  • Open or CloseOmiya T1* and Deguchi NK2

    1Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health Nursing, University of Tsukuba, Japan

    2Faculty of Education, Shizuoka University, Japan

    *Corresponding author:Tomoko Omiya, Faculty of Medicine, Division on Health Innovation and Nursing, Department of Public Health Nursing, University of Tsukuba, Postal Code: 305-8575, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba-City, Japan

Submission: August 07, 2023;Published: August 31, 2023

DOI: 10.31031/PPRS.2023.07.000664

ISSN: 2639-0612
Volume7 Issue3


The characteristics of the ASD spectrum encompass a range of attributes that blur the distinction between the concepts of “Normal” and “Abnormal,” thus forming a continuous spectrum. While signs of developmental disorders are most evident during childhood, they become more intricate in adulthood due to interactions with the surrounding environment. Diagnostic challenges arise from insufficient information during childhood, particularly in individuals with average cognitive abilities. Patterns of ASD that have not been fully confirmed are marked by challenges in social interactions, exhibiting a greater prevalence among females. Some studies suggest the presence of a Pervasive Autistic Phenotype (BAP) within the families of individuals diagnosed with ASD. Despite Japan’s implementation of legislation prohibiting discrimination against individuals with disabilities, students not diagnosed with ASD may not have access to the necessary support. Establishing an adequate support system in schools at an early stage, including adolescence, is crucial to mitigate the accumulation of trauma and the development of secondary mental disorders.

Keywords:Abnormal; Undiagnosed; Mental disorders; ASD; Developmental disabilities

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