1Department of Psychology, Iran
2Islamic Azad University of Medical Sciences, Iran
3Associate Professor, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
*Corresponding author:Alireza Khoshnevisan, Associate Professor, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Submission: April 19, 2021;Published: April 30, 2021
ISSN: 2639-0612 Volume4 Issue5
Neuromodulation has been used in Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD) as a presumed intervention targeting diverse brain regions however, antidepressant properties of DBS for TRD in latest clinical trials are still under debate. We review the main putative neuroanatomical targets of DBS applied for the treatment of intractable TRD in this paper. Different researches imply that stimulation parameters and neuroanatomical locations could influence DBS-related antidepressant effects. Among different neuromodulatory targets that have been studied, DBS in the neuroanatomical structures of the Subcallosal Cingulate Gyrus (SCG), Anterior Limb of Internal Capsule (ALIC), Ventral Capsule/Ventral Septum (VC/VS), Medial Forebrain Bundle (MFB), and Nucleus Accumbans (NAcc) yielded more reliable antidepressant success rates in cases with TRD. Nonetheless, more well-designed randomized double-blind, controlled trials are necessary to entirely evaluate the efficiency, safety and compatibility of these DBS targets for the management of TRD.
Keywords: Depression; Neuromudulation; Subsingular gyrus; Medial forebrain bundle
Abbreviations: TRD: Treatment-Resistant Depression; SCG: Subcallosal Cingulate Gyrus; ALIC: Anterior Limb of Internal Capsule; VC/VS: Ventral Capsule/Ventral Septum; MFB: Medial Forebrain Bundle; NAcc: Nucleus Accumbans; DBS: Deep Brain Stimulation; PD: Parkinson’s Disease; TRD: Treatment-Resistant Depression; LHb: Lateral Habenula; ITP: Inferior Thalamic Peduncle; TRI: Treatment of Intractable; ACC: Anterior Cingulate Cortex; RSE: Retrosplenial Cingulate Cortex; AC: Anterior Commissure