Ojewumi EO*, Omoba SO and Awolu OO
Department of Food Science and Technology, Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria
*Corresponding author: Ojewumi Emmanuel Omotayo, Department of Food Science and Technology, Federal University of Technology Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria
Submission: September 09, 2021;Published: October 19, 2021
ISSN:2640-9208Volume6 Issue2
In this study antioxidant and antinutritional composition of wheat-tacca [T. involucrata] flour biscuits produced in the following blend ratio: Wheat: enzymatically modifies Tacca flour 95:5, 90:10, 85:15 and 80:20 was analyzed, biscuit produced from 100% wheat flour was used as control. There was a significant reduction in the antinutritional composition of the composite flour biscuit with increase in substitution. Also, there was a significant increase in the antioxidant properties (Total phenol, DPPH, FRAP, ABTS, OH, Flavonoids), with increase in substitution of wheat flour with enzymatically modified Tacca flour.
Keywords: Antioxidant; Antinutrients; Tacca; Enzymatic; Biscuit
Wheat flour is a major raw material in the production of all baked products such as bread,
doughnut, biscuits, buns, cakes because of its functional properties [1]. Climatic condition
as well as inadequate technology has made it difficult for developing country like Nigeria
to grow wheat that is sufficient to meet up with its local domestic demand [2], and hence
depend largely on importation of wheat, this in turn affect the economy of the country [3]. For
this reason, this research focusses on the possible way of complete or partial replacement of
wheat flour with locally grown crop with the aim to reduce cost of baking while enhancing the
nutritional functionalities of the baked products.
Composite flour can be described as a mixture of flours from tubers, grains, legumes with
or without wheat flour to achieve nutritional composition or functional properties [4,5]. Tacca
[T. involucrata] is the underground stem tuber with a short-lived storage and regenerative
organ developing from a shoot that branch off a mature plant [6], Tacca is an annual herb,
which grows upright to a height of 30 cm and it is widely spread in the savanna zone of Central
Africa including Chad, Nigeria and Cameroun which produces an underground tuber which is
subject to commercialization in local market for human consumption [7]. Tacca comprises of
approximately 15 species of acaulescent forest understory herbs and is included in the family
Taccaceae [8].
Biscuits are mostly readily available bakery products worldwide, due to the fact that they
are handy, not expensive and can stay longer on the shelf [9]. Producing quality and acceptable
biscuits depend largely on the selection of appropeiate flour and right processing steps
like fermentation, mixing, aeration, baking and cooling as well as packaging [10]. Biscuits
is also considered as low moisture products, this enhance its crispness and crunchiness. It
is consumed mostly by children and young adult, it also serves as important tool for food
fortification [11]. The objectives of this study are to produce biscuits from varied ratios of
wheat flour substituted with tacca flour to improve the nutritional quality; and determine
the effect of substitution in the composite formulations on the antioxidant properties and
antinutrients composition of the wheat-Tacca flour biscuit.
Freshly harvested Tacca (T. involucrata) tubers used for this study were obtained from Eruwa in Oyo state, Nigeria. It was identified at Taxonomy unit of Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria Ibadan, Nigeria, while authentication was done at the Department of Crop, Soil and Pest Management, Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria. The chemicals for the analysis were of analytical grade and were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich, London, United Kingdom.
Tacca flour samples preparation
The freshly harvested tacca tubers were processed into flour using the modified method of [8]. Freshly harvested tacca tubers were washed, manually peeled using stainless steel knife, chopped into smaller pieces, oven dried at 40 °C (Plus11 Sanyo Gallenkamp PLC, UK) for 8h, pulverized into flour using Kenwood laboratory blender (BLX52 model, UK) and sieved using a 60mm mesh sieve (British Standard) to obtain tacca flour. The flour was packed in a plastic container, sealed and stored at refrigerated temperature (~4 °C) until required for use.
Enzymatic modification of Tacca flour
Tacca flour starch were modified using enzyme (α-amylase) as described by Mahloko et al. [12] with some modifications [13].
Flour blends formulation
Based on preliminary analysis, enzymatically modified flour was used in production of biscuit blend with wheat flour. The flours blends were in line with the following Wheat: Tacca flour ratio: 95:5, 90:10, 85:15 and 80:20 respectively. While biscuit produced from 100% wheat flour was used as control.
Wheat-tacca biscuit
Wheat-tacca biscuit was produced according to the modified method of [3,4,14].
Determination of saponin content
The method described by Ndouyang [7] as modified by Olagunju [15] was used to determine the saponin content of flour blend samples.
Determination of alkaloids content
One gram of flour extract was treated with 10mL dilute HCl, gently warmed and filtered. Filtrate was divided into three parts and allowed to react separately with reagents (Mayer’s, Dragendroff’s and Wagner’s). Presence of alkaloids was indicated by the appearance of precipitates and turbidity [16].
Determination of phytate content
The determination of phytate in sample was done using the method described by Harborne [17].
Determination of oxalate content
The method described by Abulude [18] was used.
Determination of tannin content
This was done using the method of Ukpabi et al. [19].
Antioxidant properties of wheat-tacca flour biscuits
Table 1:Antioxidant properties of wheat-tacca composite flour biscuits.
Means (±SEM) with different alphabetical superscripts in
the same column are significantly different at P<0.05.
TEB 5%: Wheat-tacca biscuits at 5% enzymatically
modified tacca flour substitution.
TEB10%: Wheat –tacca biscuits at 10% enzymatically
modified tacca flour substitution.
TEB15%: Wheat-tacca biscuits at 15% enzymatically
modified tacca flour substitution.
TEB 20%: Wheat-tacca biscuits at 20% enzymatically
modified tacca flour substitution.
The antioxidant activities of wheat-tacca flour biscuits are
presented in Table 1. The DPPH [Diphenylpicrylhydrazyl] of
wheat-tacca biscuit ranges from 59.89% in control-78.40% in
Tacca Enzymatically Modified Biscuit [TEB20%]. Results obtained
from the present study showed a significant increase in the
DPPH scavenging activity with substitution of wheat flour with
enzymatically modified flour. The result in this study is similar to
previous works of [20] who reported increase in DPPH of biscuits
with increased supplementing Cladode Flour (CF) of Opuntia ficusindica.
Flavonoids of Wheat-enzymatically modified tacca flour
biscuits ranged from 0.11mg/g in control to 0.48mg/g in TEB 20%. Result obtained shows a significant increase (p>0.05)
with increase in addition of enzymatically modified tacca flour
in the order of TEB20%>TEB15%>TEB10%>TEB5%>Control.
This result is similar to the trend obtained in previous work of
[9] where total phenolic compounds increased with addition of
banana concentrate. The increase in the flavonoids with increase
in the addition of enzymatically modified tacca flour might be
attributable to the presence of varying phytochemicals including
steroidal, diarylheptanoids, phenolic, flavonoids, sesquitepenoids,
triterpenoids and starch [8]. The result also agrees with the with
the scientific previous discoveries of [21-23] that reported the
presence of flavonoid in tacca tuber extract as well as justify the
role of the phytochemical present in tacca in controlling high blood
pressure. Flavonoids are group of natural substances with variable
phenolic structures which possess anticarcinogenic properties;
they also displayed antioxidant activities, free radical scavenging
properties, heart disease prevention and exhibit potentials for antiimmunodeficiency
virus [24].
Table 1 shows that experimental sample might be a good
supplement for health-conscious people. The phenols present
in wheat-enzymatically modified tacca flour biscuits ranged
from 4.93mg/g in control to 15.60mg/g in TEB20%, result
shows that there was a significant (p>0.05) and progressive
increase in the levels of phenols in all the samples in the order
of TEB20%>TEB15%>TEB10%>TEB5%>Control. Similar trend
was observed in the work of [25,26] where there was a significant
increase in the phenol with substitution of ginger in composite flour
used to produce biscuits. The result also agreed with the previous
work of [27] who recorded the presence of phenols and other
antioxidants in tacca tuber extract. Phenols are names attached
to compounds that have one or more hydroxyl groups linked to a
6-carbon aromatic ring [28]. Phenols occurs in food as a secondary
metabolite usually in a polymeric polyphenols form and are usually
closely associated with sensory and quality of fresh and processed
plant food [29]. Phenolic compounds are vital in defense responses,
such as anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiproliferative
activities [28]. Hence, experimental product might be
a good source of anti-aging and anti-inflammation supplement [30].
The Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) of wheatenzymatically
modified tacca flour biscuits is also presented in
Table 1. The ability to reduce Fe3+ exhibited by Wheat-enzymatically
modified tacca flour biscuits ranged from 3.03mg/g in control
-7.39mg/g in TEB 20%. Where 100% wheat flour biscuits were
used as control, and it exhibited Fe3+ reducing ability of 3.03mg/g.
The reducing ability was in dose dependent manners which
increase with increase in the substitution of wheat flour with
enzymatically modified tacca flour. Fe3+ reduction power is often
used as an indicator in-vitro determination of reducing power
of pure food substances [31]. The reducing power usually relied
solely on the presence of a reducing agent (antioxidant) which
crystallizes antioxidant activity by breaking the free radical chains
through donation of a hydrogen atom. It observed that from the
results obtained that TEB20% exhibited the highest Fe3+ reducing
power and next to it is TEB15% < TEB10%, TEB5%. This implies
that enzymatically modified tacca flour contributed to an enhanced
reduction of Fe3+ complex experienced in all the biscuits samples.
This is an indication that antioxidants present in plant might
also be a contributing factor to enhanced antioxidant activities in
experimental sample [32].
Table 1 shows the ABTS* Radical Scavenging Activity (ARSA) of
wheat-enzymatically modified tacca flour biscuits. The value ranged
from 35.70%-88.30%. TEB20 had the highest value of 88.30% and
the highest scavenging activity against the ABTS*, TEB15 was next
in ABTS* scavenging activity while TEB5% had the least scavenging
ability of 42.80%, whereas 100% wheat biscuits was used as
control with ABTS* scavenging activity of 35.70%. All the biscuits
samples exhibited a stronger antioxidant scavenging ability against
ABTS* relative to the control, it was however observed that ABTS*
radical scavenging activity increase with increase in the ratio of
enzymatically modified tacca flour, indicating the influence of
tacca flour on the ABTS* scavenging ability justifying the finding
[31], who reported the presence of phytochemicals/antioxidants in
extract of tacca. Result is also consistent with the previous findings
of [9] where there was an increase in the ABTS* radical scavenging
activity in biscuits made with wheal-prickly heat and banana flour,
result of this research shows that experimental sample might be a
very good source of antioxidant.
The hydroxyl (OH*) radical scavenging ability of wheatenzymatically
modified tacca biscuits is shown in Table 1. Value
ranged from 16.30%-68.80% result shows that OH* scavenging
activity of wheat-enzymatically modified tacca flour biscuits
were concentration dependent, increasing with the increase in
substitution of wheat with enzymatically modified flour at different
ratio. TEB20% had the highest hydroxyl radical scavenging ability
of 68.80% followed by TEB15% with OH* scavenging ability of
61.60%, then TEB10% with OH* scavenging ability of 46.40%
and the TEB5% with the least enzymatically modified tacca flour
inclusion having OH* scavenging ability of 17.70% which happens
to be the least OH* radical scavenging ability. 100% biscuits
were used as a control. This increase might be influenced by the
antioxidant present in the tacca flour, this result agrees with the
previous findings [8,31,32].
An increase in the free radical scavenging properties in baked
products is mostly associated with the antioxidant properties
present [33]. The improvement of free radical scavenging
properties in the biscuits would therefore be of great necessity
from the point of consumption. In the present study, OH* radical
scavenging activity, ABTS*, FRAP, Phenols and Flavonoids content
of the biscuit samples increased in a concentration-dependent
manner (increasing amount of tacca enzymatically modified flour).
Antinutritional properties of wheat-tacca biscuits
The alkaloid content of wheat enzymatically modified flour
biscuit as presented in Table 2 ranged from 10.70- 4.23%. There
was a significant reduction p<0.05 in the alkaloids content in the biscuit samples with increase in the enzymatically modified tacca
flour, although there was a slight increase in the alkaloid content in
TEB20% when compared with TEB10% and TEB15%. This may be
attributed to the level of enzymatically modified flour being added.
It has been reported that various processing technique like cooking
and soaking greatly reduce the level of alkaloids in foods [34].
Table 2:Antinutritional properties of wheat-Tacca biscuits.
Means (±SEM) with different alphabetical superscripts in
the same column are significantly different at P<0.05.
TEB 5%: Wheat-tacca biscuits at 5% enzymatically
modified tacca flour substitution.
TEB10%: Wheat –tacca biscuits at 10% enzymatically
modified tacca flour substitution.
TEB15%: Wheat-tacca biscuits at 15% enzymatically
modified tacca flour substitution.
TEB 20%: Wheat-tacca biscuits at 20% enzymatically
modified tacca flour substitution.
The phytate content of wheat-tacca biscuits ranged
from 4.22mg/g in control-0.98mg/g in TEB20%. There was
a significant reduction of p<0.05 in phytate content from
TEB5%>TEB10%>TEB15%>TEB20. It was observed that the
reduction was proportional to the substitution of wheat flour with
enzymatically modified flour, which suggests that enzymatically
modified flour might have phytate content less that than that in
wheat flour. Which resulted to a lower phytate recorded in wheatenzymatically
modified tacca flour biscuits. Hence the biscuit may
be regarded as safe for consumption not having any deleterious
effect on iron, calcium and Zinc bioavailability as the phytate
content is less than recommended per day requirement of 2500mg
[35]. Finding in this research is similar to the previous work of [4]
who reported a reduction in phytate content of biscuits produced
with malted sorghum-soy composite flour with increase in soy
flour substitution.
Oxalate content in composited wheat-enzymatically modified
tacca biscuits ranged from 38.80mg/g in TEB5%-41.20mg/g in
TEB20%, while biscuit made with, 100% wheat flour used as
control has 42.40mg/g oxalate. There was a significant increase
in the oxalate content of the experimental sample although not
in a particular sequence but a marginal increase with increase in
substitution of wheat flour with enzymatically modified tacca flour,
however TEB5% recorded the highest oxalate content. Saponin
content of wheat- enzymatically modified tacca flour ranged from
517.00mg/g in TEB5%-453.00mg/g in TEB20%, while its content
in biscuits made with 100% wheat flour as control is 570.00mg/g.
Although there was a reduction in the saponin content with increase
in the substitution of wheat flour with enzymatically modified flour,
however, TEB15% though lower than control, recorded the highest
Saponin content among the entire sample.
Tannins in wheat-enzymatically modified tacca flour ranges
from 0.10mg/g in TEB5% and 0.08mg/g in TEB20%. Its content
in biscuits made with 100% wheat flour as control is 0.11mg/g,
the finding revealed a significant p<0.05 decrease in tannin in
the composite flour biscuit with the degree of substitution of
wheat flour with enzymatically modified tacca flour. This result is
consistent with the previous study where there was a significant
reduction in the tannin content of cookies produced from a blend of
Cassava, wheat and cowpea flours [36]. The result obtained in this
research is consistent with the finding of previous researcher who
stated that tacca is very rich in all the above listed antinutrients,
however soaking, boiling and other processing methods have
capability of reducing it by more than half [8,37].
In the present study, the results shows that blends of wheat flour and enzymatically modified tacca flour at various ratio in producing cookies resulted into improved quality characteristics which varies with the degree of substitution. As the levels of tacca flour increased the antioxidant properties increased significantly (P>0.05), this significant increase was consistent with substitution of wheat flour with tacca flour ranging from 20%>15%>10%>5%, while the antinutritional composition also reduces with substitution, this reduction was also consistent with increase in substitution. However, the cookies characteristics for all the samples demonstrate the suitability of the wheat tacca blends up to 20% to produce health friendly cookies.
© 2021 Ojewumi EO. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.