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Novel Research in Sciences

Lego Management Theory

Ibrahim Ali Al-Baher*

Assistant Professor, The Islamic University of Minnesota, USA

*Corresponding author:Ibrahim Ali Al- Baher, Assistant Professor, The Islamic University of Minnesota, Minnesota, USA

Submission: September 29, 2023;Published: January 05, 2024

DOI: 10.31031/NRS.2024.15.000866

Volume15 Issue4
January 05, 2024


Lego management theory comes as a continuation of what management theories started with, Where the Lego management theory assumes that the management of organizations, especially in our time, needs a change in their organizational structure, and the nature of tasks, functions, control systems, organization strategy, organizational culture, lines of authority and responsibility, and work rules, and in the need to change the perception of leadership and the hierarchy of the organization.

Therefore, this theory proceeds from saying that organizations at the present time must be managed in the way of Lego Which emphasizes the need for each individual to manage the administrative position with all its circumstances and variables, which occupies him with all his knowledge, skill and integrated personal experience, Without the need for a leader to lead it, and therefore this new administrative model in the world of management overlooks the idea of leadership, which occupies the top of the pyramid in its triangular shape [1].

This theory assumes that the worker or employee must receive training in addition to his job specialization in leadership skills With regard to his work alone, the teacher in his school receives training on a number of leadership skills appropriate to his job as a teacher As well as the employee in his commercial, agricultural, industrial or service organization, taking into account the level of functional maturity of each employee, So that the level of his functional maturity is ascertained, which must occupy a high degree within the scope of his work and the specialization in which he works, And so the matter is until it includes all workers in the same organization, with an emphasis on the need for the presence of coordinators for work to impart an integrative character to the work. And to ensure that there is no conflict in the work mechanisms in the organization.

On the other hand, Lego Management Theory emphasizes that departments and sections take all forms of functional interaction (functional relations), tasks, duties, rights, lines of communication, lines of authority and responsibility, form of appointments, formal and informal power meetings, Without taking the form of a pyramid in the sense that there is no official or unofficial reference for every employee, every employee is in his place a leader, Emphasizing the similarity of workers who work within the framework of one team in the same organization in terms of promotion degrees, salaries, rewards, incentives, selection and appointment time Which comes within a specific format that includes a set of sound selection steps, starting with defining the job description for the work and defining the required qualifications needed to do the work And through defining the selection criteria, which differ according to the nature of the organization - educational, industrial, agricultural, commercial... etc. And then announcing positions and vacancies, receiving nomination applications, and selecting candidates through personal interviews, then choose the best according to qualifications and experience, and finally inform the accepted applicants, apologize to others, and keep the applicants’ information for use in the coming times [2].

In the Organizational Structure

There are no specialized departments, but there are specialized people who work in a team spirit, each according to his specialization and tasks, With the need for a coordinator among employees to prevent conflicts in the work mechanisms So that the positive aspects and effects of these mental models are strengthened and weaknesses are weakened, in addition to the adoption of decentralization in this aspect In order to meet the requirements and needs of customers and the Labor market and to ensure that the goal is achieved efficiently and effectively with an emphasis on reducing the scope of control and oversight and moving towards accountability that seeks to measure and correct the team’s activity to improve administrative work and ensure its effectiveness.

In Terms of the Internal form of the Organization

The internal organization form must take the geometric shape in meeting rooms, ceilings, and offices, which is represented by the rhombus shape as if it were a well-made beehive, so that job relationships flow between employees quite easily, and the employee has the right to raise the level of his salary or to set the percentage he deems appropriate. In terms of vacation days or hours of absence from work, this is a guarantee that there will be no absence from work and a small number of vacation days, this is because the human being in his right is weak in demand, especially in a model that elevates the employee’s status within a competitive group of systems associated with the working group system.

Here, it must be pointed out that our educational, industrial and commercial organizations tend their employees to compete for the leadership that sits at the top of the pyramid, Which weakens the work of the institution, and the only goal of all employees is how to reach their financial goal of obtaining a leadership position, This witnesses a void in the first base (the first rectangle of the triangle), which occupies the largest area, Therefore, this theory does not show such attitudes and behaviors that lose the value of work in the organization, It witnesses equal regularity between all jobs so that no employee is superior to others in terms of tasks, bonuses, salaries or powers. All of this is an affirmation of the necessity of advancing the organization’s level before thinking about the advancement of the employees, who constitute the working class in its broader framework [3].

In terms of Control Systems

Direct control is absent in this theory, as oversight is in the form of accountability aimed at activating partnership between workers within the framework of one team, So that each specialized team in the organization has boundaries through which it meets another team within the same organization, These boundaries also include areas closely related to the work of each team, which contributes to achieving the integration of the single work of the organization Thus, achieving its goals, which stem from a common vision, mission and philosophy that takes the character of sharing power and responsibility, There is no scapegoat in this theory, but rather everyone bears the consequences of failure and enjoys success, This is an indication of following the policy of the contributing employees in the organization and dealing with them as true partners This calls for empowering employees and making them more responsible and to act flexibly and effectively within the available capabilities, And establishing a symbiotic relationship among them and providing them with the appropriate organizational climate that gives opportunities to participate in decision-making and decision-making , Focusing on the principle of consultation based on choosing the most correct opinion, even if it comes from a single employee, The criterion for that opinion by judging it with correctness and accuracy is the question that leads to: Does this opinion achieve the organization’s goal or not. Taking into account the circumstances and changes that the organization is going through, whether in its internal environment or in the external business environment, Including the opportunities that can be exploited or threats and risks that need to be addressed and avoided, with the need to emphasize the existence of an early warning system for the organization, This ensures that the organization is prepared for threats before they occur and takes the necessary actions, policies and strategies to confront threats and risks, that the organization is exposed to in order to ensure its safety and its continuity in achieving its planned and planned goals.

In Terms of Organizational Culture

LEGO managwhich theory focuses on a culture of taking risks and training employees to be willing to accept the risk of looking for a specific opportunity or solving a specific problem in light of a small amount of information with many qualitative and quantitative possibilities, using quantitative and qualitative decision-making methods such as the qualitative circle And Riva models, Kaufman analysis of problems, and the cause and effect model to ensure effectiveness in achieving organizational goals in light of a large number of possibilities, There is an atmosphere of risk and uncertainty This theory also emphasizes the importance of a culture of openness that focuses on the importance of communication, cooperation, and talking about the totality of experiences, experiences, and situations of failure and success for each employee, Which contributes to enriching the organization with a huge amount of knowledge, in addition to forming an organizational memory full of attitudes, experiences and expertise. Lego management theory emphasizes solving the problems facing the organization in a systematic, scientific and organized way away from guesswork It also emphasizes the importance of data and information rather than assumptions, It also seeks creative experimentation based on a systematic search for new ideas and proposals as a basis for making the appropriate decision for the administrative position and the appropriateness of the administrative process.

In Terms of Achieving Goals

LEGO management theory sets detailed, tactical, small goals for each team working in the organization, So that it is easy to achieve those goals in the shortest time, least effort and cost, and the highest return, in order to reach the overall strategic goal of the organization, The goal as a whole is a dream to come true and it needs to unite the cognitive and organizational efforts based on effective dialogue far from the comics and the Byzantine controversy that is useless. Therefore, the organization, according to the LEGO model, considers the goal as the basis for the success of the organization, and in the event of failure of the goal, regardless of its importance and role in the organization, This means that the organization has failed in one aspect, which calls for the establishment of support groups from the teams associated with the team that did not succeed in achieving its goal, Which confirms the complementarity of implementation, which is parallel in principle in its planning, coordination, direction, control and accountability.

In Terms of the Nature of the Tasks and Functions

LEGO management theory seeks to transform routine tasks and functions in a single organization into roles that enable individuals to assume responsibilities and act flexibly. In accordance with the administrative position and the level of functional maturity of the individual and his expectations in reaching the outstanding achievement resulting from the effort expended.

In Terms of Lines of Communication

Communication lines run according to the LEGO management theory in all directions, with a focus on horizontal communications between workers within one team and the administrative units that make up the organization, note that the work of the team is carried out in a circular manner, and the same applies to the rest of the teams deployed in the organization in terms of form and content.

In Terms of Scope of Supervision

One team works in the light of LEGO management theory to practice reciprocal supervision based on mutual benefit and not to limit knowledge, adequacy and qualification to one individual without the other. In addition to working on the flow of knowledge, competencies and rehabilitation to the beautiful, connected circle according to the experiences and experiences that individuals go through during their work period within the scope of the same team.

In Terms of Lines of Authority and Responsibility

According to the Lego management theory, the authority is lost between members of one team, but the responsibility remains inherent to each member of the team within one work cell, Given that responsibility represents the moral aspect that cannot be abandoned, but the lines of authority and responsibility emerge while distinguishing an individual from the rest of the individuals during their work So that they exercise the authority of understanding resulting from a lot of thinking and experience so that it becomes a role model for the rest of the team within the part that distinguishes it from others- Emphasizing the possibility of individual differences - between members of the same team, whether in the cognitive, emotional or psychomotor aspects, Here is a clear confirmation of the importance of learning stemming from the human self so that it can be used and managed properly.

In Terms of the Idea of the System

In traditional and even modern systems, the system was likened to the body of a living organism. Bertlanffy, a biologist, was the first to set the outlines for the idea of a system By likening the system to the bodies of living organisms, but in the LEGO management model, this systemic model can be reduced and shortened to the living cell in the organism’s body, Especially as we live in the era of globalization, which led to the emergence of mergers and strategic partnerships between organizations across different continents and produced tremendous developments in information and communication technology, Which turned the world into a real small village and eliminated the spatial and temporal barriers and as a result of the above, the organizations have turned on living tissues after they represented integrated living organisms.

Accordingly, the organization’s organization within the theory of Lego management takes the form of living cells that interact in their components, functions and objectives in an integrated manner, achieving success or failure within the limits of the living cell, which is represented by the management of one team.

In Terms of Peripheral and Central Cells in Lego Management Theory

Within the LEGO figure, we find that there are pieces that form a center from which the figure originates, thus, the centrality of its construction and the success of its composition. In contrast, we find that pieces of LEGO are peripheral, so that their presence is important for the completion of the form of a single building, but if it is lost, it may not lead to the collapse of the entire system, unlike the central pieces, Accordingly, work teams with knowledge, skill, and personal competencies and strategic planning must occupy the position on which all membership teams depend, Which constitute the parties despite their importance and which also carry cognitive, skill and personal competencies, but at a lower level, or we can say competencies that can be replaced with competencies imposed by the administrative situation and working conditions.

A. Principles of LEGO Management Theory

The principles underlying the LEGO management theory are:
a) Getting rid of old routines and rigid work methods and switching to flexibility.
b) Reducing the cost of performance.
c) Transforming the work of individuals from control and supervision to having powers and responsibilities.
d) High quality performance.
e) Fast and distinguished service through delegated powers to each member of one cell in the same organization.
f) Establishing integration and interdependence between the components of a single administrative process.
g) Minimizing business overlap and achieving one specialization.
h) Fundamental rethinking and radical re-engineering of processes to achieve effective improvements in performance in terms of cost, speed, quality and maximum returns.

B. General Framework of LEGO Management Theory

The general framework of LEGO management theory is as follows:
a) Integrating several processes into one process and assigning them to one individual or the entire work team and thus the disappearance of assembly lines.
b) Not separating work and decision-making and making the workers themselves do the decision-making and decisionmaking.
c) The administrative processes are carried out according to this theory in a spiral sequence with regular edges so that each individual in the team touches a part of the administrative process taken, and therefore the chance of his participation in the intended process is certain.
d) The single administrative process takes many forms, which imposes on the members of the same team to work to achieve balance and in proportion to the rationale of the intended process.
e) Executing work in the most appropriate and logical place, unlike the case in traditional organizations, which revolve around specialists.
f) Reducing the stopping point, review, inspection, and control that characterizes traditional organizations, where the process is carried out through the work team and quality control is centralized and takes an overall picture after the end of the administrative process.
g) That the organizational culture prevailing in the organization is in harmony with good performance so that it becomes one of the employees’ priorities.
h) Reward individuals for their work based on the final results of the team’s performance, so that the outstanding individual within the same team is rewarded whereas, if the right work is not carried out in the right way from the first time, the penalty will be imposed on the work team and not on a particular member. So that the purpose of the punishment is not to cause harm, but rather as a warning of the deviation that occurred in the work, and this punishment is to load the work team with another duty or a job other than the job originally assigned to it, and this is what can be called “burdening.”
i) Converting tasks from simple to complex so that they fall under the responsibility of the work team.
j) Increasing the independence of individuals in performing their tasks and establishing the rules of work, creativity and innovation.
k) Integrating the specialized jobs into one job with the same specializations in one place.
l) Reorganizing work on new bases, including: decentralization of management, flexibility, focuses on education that produces more knowledgeable, knowledgeable and skilled workforces, and the introduction of information technology within the framework of administrative systems.
m) Beware of falling into illusory learning, which means misinterpreting phenomena and results.


  1. Al-Baher, Ibrahim (2022) Encyclopedia of administrative terms. Editions Notre Savoi, France.
  2. Al-Baher, Ibrahim (2023) Leadership: Theory and practice. Lambert for Publishing, London.
  3. Al-Baher, Ibrahim (2021) Lego-Management Theorie. Verlag Unser Wissen, Germany.

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