Michael Bermudez*
Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Scranton, USA
*Corresponding author: Michael Bermudez, Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Scranton, USA
Submission: May 5, 2021;Published: May 10, 2021
Volume7 Issue5May, 2021
The use of wearable technology appears to be becoming more prevalent and relevant as
additional advanced tools are being produced. Labis et al. (2015) defined wearable technology
as an innovative trend comprised of mobile computers and sensors that users can interact
with while being worn as part of clothing. People are now able to monitor their physical and
physiological activity levels as a result of these wearable microcomputer systems. For example,
users of the Apple Watch™ can use visual and tactile prompts from the Breathe Application to
synchronize their breath with these sensory cues. Also, the Fitbit™, a microcomputer system
worn on the wrist, can assist wearers of the product in monitoring their ambulation and
mobility. These wearable devices have the potential to promote movement, general health,
and increased participation in functional everyday activities. Wearable technology can also
be incorporated in education, particularly with adults and students who have special needs.
Wearable technology as an innovative trend appears to receive increased focus in its potential
to be applied in various educational settings, particularly special education. Pepe C et al. [1]
described the use of the Fitbit™ as a means to encourage students in an adaptive physical
education program to track their ambulatory activity.
These wearable devices worn on the wrist can measure steps and track the distance
travelled during the day. The authors added that students at their special education program
can use the Myo Gesture Control Armband™ instead of a computer mouse. This device can
be worn in the upper extremities so that users can control a computer using the armband by
using gross motor movements instead of fine motor skills.
The purpose of this report is to show how several wearable devices (BB8 Robot- Force
Band™ combination, Muse Headband™, and Apple Watch™) can be used by adults and children
who have difficulty processing sensory information. By using these wearable technologies,
people can learn adaptive ways to regulate external and internal sensory stimuli. Ultimately, the
objective in using these devices that involve receiving sensory stimuli from the environment
is for students to exhibit an adaptive response. This report also emphasizes the benefits of
interdisciplinary collaboration in the special education classroom, particularly between
rehabilitation professionals and educators. The intended audience for the conferences are
rehabilitation science professionals and educators who are interested in using technologybased
interventions for students who have issues with processing sensory stimuli.
One salient characteristic of wearable technology is that these devices can emit or detect
sensory stimuli. Environmental stimuli can be detected by the following seven human senses:
visual, auditory, olfactory (smell), gustatory (taste), tactile (touch), proprioceptive (knowing
the position of one’s joints in space), and vestibular (balance). Thus, wearable technology
can have the potential to assist adults and students with special needs in sensory integration
activities. According to Lane SJ et al. [2], sensory integration is a theory that explains the
ability to produce an adaptive response after receiving and processing sensations from the body and the environment. For example, as students listen to a
lecture, they are surrounded by noise, visual distractions, various
odors, and the tactile sensation of their clothes. These numerous
stimuli may “overload” the nervous system so that students may
not be able to focus on tasks. However, if sensory integration is
present, students can tune out extraneous stimuli so that they can
produce an adaptive response to the environment, or in this case,
pay attention to the teacher.
Many children and adults are able to internally regulate
these sensory stimuli so they are able to generally function in
the classroom. However, there are some students with sensory
processing disorders who may not be able to process and modulate
the simultaneous sensory that they receive from their external
environments and within their own bodies. Vaughn P [3] stated
that, “Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD) is a condition in
which a person has difficulty organizing and integrating sensory
information for use” (p. 1176). The author added that people with
SPD find difficulty adapting to sensory stimuli and consequently,
these individuals face challenges in performing functional tasks.
In this report, the problem presented is that a significant number
of students, both children and adults, exhibit SPD, a condition that
can hinder their learning and optimal participation in classroom
activities. For example, some children who may exhibit tactile
defensiveness may complain that they were “pushed,” when in fact
they were only “lightly” touched by a classmate. On the other hand,
students who seek tactile input may indiscriminately touch objects
and their peers. These examples of sensory processing issues can
interfere with students’ ability to elicit an adaptive response in
the classroom as they may find difficulty in attending to important
classroom tasks.
Rehabilitation science professionals like occupational and
physical therapists often use sensory integration techniques
to address students’ sensory processing issues. Often, these
professionals might use devices or equipment that will provide
visual, auditory, tactile, proprioceptive, or vestibular stimuli
for children to learn to internally regulate these sensations. For
example, if children with SPD are aversive to touch, the therapist
might use a brush to desensitize them to tactile stimuli. In another
case, students may sit on an indoor swing for them to tolerate
various vestibular challenges that can help them develop their
sitting or standing balance. Therapists can select from their
repertoire of sensory integration intervention tools in order
for children with SPD to become sensitized to certain sensory
information and ultimately develop a functional attention span for
classroom activities.
Wearable technology has the potential to promote sensory
integration in the classrooms of students with SPD. However,
educators must be judicious in selecting devices that can increase
opportunities for these children to acquire adaptive skills in
regulating sensory stimuli. One way these teachers can assist in
choosing wearable technology in the classroom is by consulting with
rehabilitation science professionals and educational technologists
before purchasing technology-based devices.
The researcher also vigorously proposes the use of the following wearable technology devices for sensory integration for students with special needs in the classroom:
A. Combined use of BB8™ (robot) and Force Band™
(wearable technology worn on the wrist that promotes the use
of proprioception))
B. Muse Headband™ (device worn on forehead that provides
auditory cues)
C. Apple Watch™ (Breathe application that emanates
vibrotactile cues)
The BB8™ robot and Force Band™ can be used in combination
for the acquisition of sensorimotor and cognitive skills. The Force
Band™ can be worn around the wrist to control the BB8™. The
wearer can move the arm in various directions and planes to move
the robot from a distance.
In its website, Muse [4] mentioned that its headband product,
worn on the forehead can be used to monitor the wearer’s brain
wave activity. The company then explained that the device uses
the brain wave information to impart feedback (auditory cues) of
soothing sounds that can calm the user. In this way, people appear
to self- regulate their internal environment prior to engaging in
an activity that requires attention and concentration. Additionally,
users may be able to learn how to modulate various stimuli form
the environment in order to produce a more adaptive response
or behavior. According to Muse, this device-designed for adultsis
recommended to be used by people 16 years and older. Muse
also mentioned that they plan to create a Muse device designed
for children in the future. The Apple Watch™, through its Breathe
app, can provide wearers visual and tactile cues to be more aware
of their breathing and consequently, promote relaxation and
decreased stress. The device user can sync the breath to the visual
patterns on the watch screen and the vibration on the wrist. Visual
and tactile cues can be utilized to voluntarily regulate the breath
and therefore, provide opportunities for relaxation and healthy
Existing theories, found predominantly in educational settings,
support the use of the BB8™, Force Band™, Muse Headband™,
and Apple Watch™ in learning. Ormond JE [5]stated that sensory
cueing can provide signals to people on how to behave. Gredler
ME [6] explained that motor skills learning involves first learning,
and then practicing and refining movement. These theoretical
explanations can be used as the foundation in applying various
wearable technological devices in learning and education. The
activities that use these wearable technology devices involve a lot
of sensory input and cues. For example, the use of the BB8™-Force
Band™ combination gives the wearer visual (the moving BB8™
robot), auditory (voiced instructions from the phone- based app
and Force Band), and proprioceptive/ kinesthetic cues (movement
of upper extremity joints). The Muse Headband™ provides auditory
cues to provide feedback for the wearer to relax. The Apple Watch™,
through its Breathe app, can provide wearers visual and tactile cues to be more aware of their breathing and consequently promote
relaxation and decreased stress. These wearable technological tools
can provide a varied “sensory diet” (a selection or repertoire of
sensory-based tools and activities) in a classroom that can provide
students enjoyable opportunities for sensorimotor skill acquisition.
Theoretical processes from the rehabilitative sciences can also
be used to provide the rationale for the use of wearable technology
in the school setting. Activity analysis is a fundamental process in
occupational therapy that involves the extensive examination of
a task to explore the uses of activity in interventions and uses for
learning (e.g. sensory, motor, and cognitive). Crepeau EB et al. [7]
mentioned that, “Activity analysis addresses the typical demands
of an activity, the range of skills involved in its performance, and
the various cultural meanings that might be ascribed to it” (p. 239).
These authors’ activity analysis format included the following
categories: description, objects used in the task, space demands,
social demands, sequence (including timing and patterns), required
skills (observable actions/performance skills), required body
structures and functions, safety hazards, adaptability to promote
participation, and grading (modification of activity according to a
person’s skill level). Activity analysis is used to examine and explore
the uses of the selected wearable technology in providing sensory
integration activities in the curricula. Although activity analysis
is mainly used in occupational therapy, this process reflects some
aspects of a lesson plan. For example, the description may contain
objectives of the lesson an educator wants to impart. Also, the
required materials can be seen in both activity analyses and in
lesson plans. A salient difference is that activity analysis contains
Required Body Structures and Functions, a section that is more
therapy- and medical- based.
Each of the three wearable technological devices used as
interventions for SPD are subjected to activity analysis as seen in
the tables below: As seen in Table 1, the use of BB8™-Force Band™
may require a larger space than the use of the other wearable
technologies. For instance, the users wearing the Force Band must
have adequate space to move their upper extremities in order
to control the robot. The BB8™ itself must have enough space to
move around. As seen in Table 2, the Muse Headband™ can be a
useful preparatory activity before users attend to tasks that require
intensive concentration. Besides relaxation, this device can be
used for self-regulation so that users know if they are in a more
relaxed or active state. By using this tool, students may increase
their self-awareness while engaging in healthful breathing and
meditation techniques. In Table 3, the Breathe app in Apple Watch™
can be seen as a simpler version of Muse in that the duration of the
breathing activity is shorter (one minute). A student who may not
be able to sit still during a Muse Headband™ breathing exercise for
three minutes can use this application first. As students are able to
attend to task for more than one minute, they can then progress to
using the Muse Headband™.
The uses of these wearable technology devices can be beneficial
additions to students’ repertoire of sensory-based activities in the
classroom as the tools involve the use of auditory, visual, proprioceptive/
kinesthetic, and tactile cues for sensorimotor learning. Additionally,
these are interesting and attractive ways for children to
learn movement, engage in self-regulation tasks, and simply have
fun. Also, by using wearable technology, sensorimotor lessons and
tasks that were previously more complicated and time-consuming,
can be more conveniently implemented. The use of wearable technology
as part of SPD intervention can presents some disadvantages,
too. Wearable technology devices can be costly, especially for
schools with much more limited funding. The Apple Watch™ and
Muse Headband™ cost several hundred dollars each. Skeptics may
also view these tools as novelties. Students may use these devices
enthusiastically only in the beginning. Additionally, some people
may experience difficulty setting up the devices to work.
Table 1: Activity analysis for BB8™-force Band™.
Table 2: Activity analysis for muse headband™.
Table 3: Activity analysis for apple watch.
Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD), conditions in which
people are not able to optimally regulate incoming sensory
information, can hinder students’ participation with functional
activities in the classroom. Emerging wearable technology devices
can potentially be used in SPD interventions by promoting sensory
learning of students. These devices such as the BB8 Robot™-Force
Band™ combination, Muse Headband™, and Apple Watch™ can be
applied in the sensory integration of students with SPD in order
for these children to produce an adaptive response in educationbased
learning environment. Additionally, these devices, through
their generation of tactile, visual, auditory, and proprioceptive cues,
might assist users in regulating and modulating sensory stimuli
received from the environment.
In order for wearable technology to be effectively applied
in sensory-based learning, educators and rehabilitation science professionals like occupational and physical therapists need to
collaborate in creating learning opportunities that incorporate
the use of wearable technology in order for students to achieve
sensory integration. Teachers and therapists can combine their
analytical techniques such as lesson plans and activity analysis to
examine how wearable devices can be applied in the classroom to
assist students in developing sensory skills. As more technologybased
research is undertaken, the repertoire of wearable devices
will most definitely expand in number and scope. Moreover,
interdisciplinary collaboration will only help to solidify wearable
technology’s niche in the education of students with special needs
and sensory integration intervention.
© 2021 Michael Bermudez. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.