André LBS Bathista*
Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso-IFMT, Brazil
*Corresponding author: André LBS Bathista, Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso-IFMT, Brazil
Submission: May 4, 2021;Published: May 10, 2021
Volume7 Issue4May, 2021
Keywords: Covid-19; Sars-cov-2; Human
Here in central western Brazil, precisely in the state of Mato Grosso, 1.2 million doses of
the Sputnik V vaccine from Russia were purchased in the first quarter of 2021, at a cost of
$10 per dose. This was a measure taken by the Mato Grosso state government, given the lack
of effort by the federal government to deal with the covid-19 case more expeditiously. The
practice of lockdown used here in the Midwest is still timid in relation to other places in the
world. Despite the state of Mato Grosso being one of the epicenters in Brazil of Sars-Cov-2, the
concern of the business class does not help in the fight and confrontation of the virus.
Vaccination is the fastest and safest way to stop the circulation of the virus and all the
impacts that this disease has on people’s lives. We have contacted embassies and companies
around the world, but most of them refuse to negotiate directly with the state governments, so,
more than a month ago, in partnership with the Consortium of the Amazon and the Northeast,
we started the negotiations for the purchase of the Sputnik V vaccine. Nowadays, the great
desire of the population is to get rid of this torment that has taken so many Brazilian lives.
According to the contract between the Mato Grosso State Government and Russia, a
total of 1,201,500 doses will be purchased, requiring two doses per person for complete
immunization, as with Corona vac. Each dose will cost U$S 9.95, resulting in a total of U$S
11.95 million - about R$ 67.3 million of reais.
The immunizers will be delivered in batches. The first batches are expected to arrive in
the second half of April. And the last ones, in July. The state government explained that in
case the Ministry of Health has no interest in funding the vaccine to incorporate it to the
National Immunization Plan (PNI), the Mato Grosso government will pay all the costs and
use the immunizers for exclusive vaccination of the Mato Grosso population, in addition to
the vaccines made available by the ministry. As for the articulation, the acquisition of the
vaccines was made possible by the partnership between the governors who are members
of the Governors Forum of the Legal Amazon and the Northeast Consortium, who jointly
articulated the purchase of the vaccines.
© 2021 André LBS Bathista. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.