Michael Bermudez*
Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Scranton, USA
*Corresponding author:Michael Bermudez, Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Scranton, USA
Submission: March 31, 2021;Published: April 8, 2021
Volume7 Issue1April, 2021
Defining informal learning is a crucial step prior to identifying specific technological
trends that can impact delivery and execution of any new technologies. Maier [1] stated that
informal learning occurs during non-structured activities such as everyday tasks and activities
at home and work, or during leisure. Marsick and Watkins mentioned the following three
types of informal learning: self-directed learning, mentoring, and coaching. These examples
of learning typically occur outside the confines of the traditional classroom. One technological
innovation that may be included in the repertoire of informal learning activities, particularly
in self-directed endeavors, is the three-dimensional (3D) printer. According to 3DPrinting.com
(2017), “3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three [-] dimensional
objects from a digital file.”
According to Ainsworth [2], the theory of constructivism posits that people are not
passive receivers of knowledge, but instead are actual participators in creating knowledge
through building upon past acquired information and developing complex mental constructs.
The author also added that this theory promotes the use of experimentation and experiential
learning in developing knowledge rather than memorization of information from prepackaged
material from lectures and texts. Constructivism may explain how people gain knowledge
from using 3D printers. They may experiment in using the device, incorporate previously
acquired experiences, and learn from their interactions with people who may share their
interests in 3D printer use. Another theory that may be used to explain how people learn
from technological tools is constructionism. In constructionism, Bers proposed that, “people
learn better when provided with opportunities to design, create, and build projects that are
personally and epistemologically meaningful” (2008, p. 16). Constructionism also promotes
the use of technological devices that assist users in creating “powerful ideas”, or they may
be “a set of intellectual tools worth learning, as decided by a community of experts in each
of the fields of study” [3]. The implications of the commercial availability of 3D printers and
design applications mean that people can employ these powerful ideas in creating tangible
objects from a mental representation in a relatively short period of time. The use of 3D design
application and printers promote the project-based learning and inventions of self-directed
users. The “makerspace” movements also support the project-based use of 3D printers.
According to Lang [4], the “maker” process is defined as “[c] reating and exploring new
possibilities through building and experimenting with tools, [sic] technology” (p. 22). By this
definition, the maker can be someone who invents and creates tangible objects by using the
3D printer and design applications. The available 3D design applications and printers in the
market can be useful in self-directed learning. Self-directed learning involves the management
of one’s entire learning process from start to finish [5]. Also, self-directed learning can share
the unstructured nature of informal learning. Although makers can engage in self-directed
learning of 3d printer applications, they can also learn how to use the device in “affinity
spaces.” According to Gee [6], an affinity space is a place where people can interact and affiliate
based on the performance of shared activities, regardless of characteristics such as age, race,
or gender. Schon [7] mentioned somr examples of technological movements that may be
related to the concept of affinity spaces: 1) Maker Movement (involves the creation of concrete
or digital objects using new devices); and 2) Fablab (involved in providing ordinary people access to tool prototypes for fabrication of personal creation of
products). From its nascent form in the 1980’s, this device has been
developed into a more accessible form of technology that has been
used in innovative ways. It has been used to create objects for leisure
and even organs used for medical transplant. The incorporation of
this technological tool in various settings can promote learning by
doing, creating, and inventing [8-10].
© 2021 Michael Bermudez. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.