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Medical Treatments for Chronic or Aggressive Diseases, Palliative Therapy and Nursery

Da Yong Lu1*, Yu Zheng Chen2, Ying Shen3, Bin Xu4 and Da Feng Lu2

1School of Life Sciences, China

2The Second Hospital of Neijiang District, China

3Medical School, China

4Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, China

*Corresponding author:Da Yong Lu, School of Life Sciences, Shanghai, China

Submission: November 28, 2019;Published: January 22, 2020

DOI: 10.31031/NRS.2020.3.000556

Volume3 Issue2
January, 2020


Chronic and aggressive diseases are commonly incurable. Palliative and nursery care are widest practiced. Better medical service of chronic and aggressive diseases can satisfy more patients and reduce therapeutic costs in a long run. In this article, relevant medical disciplines and drug developments are provided-from technique detail to medical knowledge.

Keywords:Healthcare; Nursing; Service promotion; Herbal medicine; Modern technology; Palliative treatment; Personalized medicine; Obesity; Psycho analysis


Current situation

Chronic and aggressive diseases are commonly incurable. Palliative and nursery care are widest practiced. Better medical service of chronic and aggressive diseases can satisfy more patients and reduce therapeutic costs in a long run. In this article, relevant medical disciplines and drug developments are provided-from technique detail to medical knowledge. Palliative care and nursing advances help patient’s recovery and disease controls in the clinic. The medical significance of the quality improvements of medical healthcare and nursing activity is notable [1-12].

General methodology in different medical discipline

Table 1 shows major categories of acute or chronic disease treatments [13-35]. To general medical cares, different categories of medical disciplines are different characterized. However, it needs palliative treatments for incurable diseases. They are multi-disciplinary.

Table 1:Medical service from technical and health-care requirements.


Major parts of palliative treatments

A. Nutritional fortification

B. Herbal medicine

C. Life-style

D. High quality of nursing

E. Symptom alleviation (pain or lean)

F. Psychiatric control

G. Assistant therapy

H. Therapeutic or drug combination

I. Disease maintaining [36-57]


Palliative medicine is very useful in the clinical trials. They are commonly less harmful for patients. But most of palliative treatments need to long-term utility because the disease origins and pathogens are not removed by these treatments. They are commonly not expensive. They assist to main-stream therapy. In summary, doctors and nurses should be familiar with all these knowledge of medical disciplines and execute their service in high quality and satisfy more patients.


Palliative service plays key roles in modern hospitals. After all, doctors and nursery training should be more emphasized for all medical disciplines. Commonly, a great difference can be made by these therapeutic efforts and creativity. There is a long way to move forwards and fill the gap between therapeutic convention and palliative treatments.


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