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Novel Research in Sciences

Metaphysics & Astrotheology

Cusack PTE*


*Corresponding author:Cusack P, Park Ave, Saint John, Canada

Submission: January 07, 2020;Published: January 16, 2020

DOI: 10.31031/NRS.2020.2.000552

Volume3 Issue1
January, 2020


This is a paper to close out my work on Astrotheology. We explain that there was no intention to start a new religion; just to build on an old foundation which is Peter the Rock. This paper is mean to be the second and third legs of the three-legged stool of St. Thomas Aquinas’s’ Summa Theologica. All future physics should be built upon Astrotheology. It’s a gift from God hanks in large part to the prayers of holy monks in the Cistercian monastery in Rogersville New Brunswick, Canada.

Keywords: Metaphysics; Astrotheology; St Thomas aquinas; Summa theologica


Philosophers from centuries gone by such as Plato, Aristotle, Kant have developed the field of Metaphysics.

Metaphysics is defined as:

the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance (matter; Mass; Potential Energy), cause, identity, time (Kinetic Energy) , and space.

The equations that govern Cusack’s Astrotheology include:[1]






s=|E| |t| sinθ



There are three divisions that can apply to speculative objects, thereby permitting us to differentiate the sciences that consider such objects:

a. There is a class of speculative objects that are dependent on matter (P.E.=Mass) and motion (K.E.=time) both for their being and for their being understood, for instance, human beings cannot be without matter, and they cannot be understood without their constituent matter (flesh and bones);

b. There is a class of speculative objects that depend on matter and motion for their being, but not for their being understood, for instance, we can understand lines, numbers, and points (Mathematics) without thereby understanding the matter in which they are found, yet such things cannot be without matter;

c. There is a class of speculative objects that depend on matter and motion neither for their being nor for their being understood (theology) [2].

The Fundamental Theorems of Physics is described by one writer as: The real and physical part of the universe can be described by the mean of mathematics [3] Cusack’s Astrotheology involves the interrelationship between Energy, time and space and of course mass. This author’s intention of writing about the mathematical physics that provides a model of our physical universe, if not the spiritual universe resulted in a theory dubbed Astrotheology. Astrotheology is an ancient religion that considers the cosmos for a belief in God. Although the comparison may prove useful. It was not the author’s intention to invoke this ancient religion, but another on, namely Catholicism.

The great theologian, St. Thomas Aquinas wrote about metaphysics in the 13th Century. His main concern in his work the Summa Theologica was theology-the study of God. Cusack’s Astrotheology ‘s main concern was the other two legs of a threelegged stool, namely Mathematics and Natural Science (or physics). The idea was to find the missing link that left many well educated people out of the life of faith in God. Intellectuals lost faith in God, but instead preferred to buy agnostics or atheists. This change at the top left even more at the bottom to disregard religion as simply an errand cultural phenomenon. Consequently, the notion of sin was cast aside, and the Church founded by the Godman, Christ Himself. Western society, which owed its amazing progress over other civilizations, was crumbling as the glue that held together the society-Christianity-based on trust, truth, and cooperation, had been cast aside. Western society floundered as a result. Even many priests lost their faith in the waning days after the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965).

The author’s intention of writing Astrotheology was to prove a logical foundation upon which the faith of the modern intellectual could be sure that God existed, He founded a Church (the Catholic Universal Church) and His name is Jesus. Nothing will ever replace the Catholic Church nor Jesus’ place as the God Man in whom we must believe to be saved from eternal damnation. Astrotheology was written to correct the errand philosophies of Atheism that pointed to modern science as the true and only path to truth. Astrotheology was not meant to be a new religion, but simply to be the broadening work that completes two legs of metaphysics as discussed by St Thomas.


The evidence belies that belief in God and in His Church is no longer an option. People can believe in God and believe in Science with now excuses. Simply consider Astrotheology. God left His fingerprints on the physical universe.


I would like to acknowledge my alma mater, the University of New Brunswick, both the Saint John and Fredericton campuses, where I received a world class education in engineering.


  1. Cusack P (2016) Astro-Theology, cusack’s universe. J of Phys Math 7(2): 1-8.
  2. Kerr G Aquinas: Metaphysics. Internet Encyclopedia of Physics.
  3. Cusack P (2018) Three adjoints to the fundamental theorem of physics. Open Acc J Math Theor Phy 1(4): 161-162.

© 2020 Cusack P. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.

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