Luiz Sampaio Athayde*
Natural from Feira de Santana city, Brazil
*Corresponding author:Luiz Sampaio Athayde, Natural from Feira de Santana city, Brazil
Submission: June 06, 2019; Published: August 28, 2019
ISSN : 2688-836XVolume1 Issue5
The seasons occur across the planet because of the inclination of its longitudinal imaginary axis. The translation of the earth shows the four different astronomical positions, which help to define the four seasons, lasting ~ 90 days each. The four seasons are set also by weather patterns and the incidence of the sun throughout the year in the tropical zone, it makes the differences become more subtle, damaging its conceptualization in this region.
Their differences are more bounded outside the tropics, in the temperate zone, in the dominant countries, which have created these rules and imposed through literature for northern colonized countries such as ours. The dominant countries in the world are United States of America, Japan and Countries from European Continent [1].
Brazil it´s a country colonized for Portuguese people and other countries from South and Central America was colonized for Spanish people. Spain and Portugal are countries from European continent. Besides being an almost totally tropical country, Brazil is the only country in the world in whose territory are Equator and one of the Tropics, The Tropic of Capricorn. This differentiated condition in relation to the countries of the temperate zone in itself justifies the adoption of its own rules for four seasons, but we only learn and teach the four seasons like countries from temperate zone, even it’s not make sense here.
The sun towards on Salvador ~ 27/10 (Bahia, Brazil), for example, far before the official summer (almost 60 days), therefore, the city receives its rays back the pin, ~ 15/02, which would date the fall in the official rules. The summer of Salvador should be considered on 27/10, date of the first solar zenith until April 2nd, 45 days after the second, because the heat comes before summer officially and lasts much longer, with high temperatures since before Spring official until after the official fall, which would justify the modification [2-5].
The differentiated system of direct sunlight, twice a year between the tropics, highlighting the need for different standards for four seasons of the year in these localities are, however, it is taught the same rules of the temperate zone. Different society need different types of education as long as it is taught by the master minds of education. Knowledge acquisition will make by the subject’s interaction with the environment, and knowledge is built with the approximation of reality by men, therefore, would be more correct to teach rules that are consistent with the observed reality in different localities, especially with the possibility of flowing information, update observation, and the presence of new technologies available for education.
There is another concept in tropical zone that totally incorrect here. In the summer, the day are longer than night, and in the winter, the night are more longer than day. In fact, this phenomenon is bigger in polos of the earth and have well observation in temperate zone, but in our latitude, 13.0 degrees south, we can observer the variations of velocity of the sun but not the variation duration of the day and night because changes summer to winter. There some days that the sunset and sunrise happen early and other that it happens latest. This variation of velocity happen four times a year and can be demonstrate by the sun’s analemma. It’s already was demonstrate in a conference in Houston, last 2015 in a text entitled Paradoxical Variation of the Solar Day Related to Kepler / Newton System. This speed variations of the solar day do not happen in relation by velocity variation of the planet in your own orbit. Are different phenomenon and have different causes.
For this reason, the summer in Salvador should be considered since the first solar zenith (~27/10) until 45 days after the second zenith (~15/02). From 25/07 to 03/11 the sunset become faster, and sunset happen each day early. 27/10 it’s a date next to 03/11, the fastest day of the sun in tropical zone. We observer high temperatures this date. For the same reason (see sun’s analemma and calendar), 12/02 it’s the slowest day by solar day. Sunset late. If sun stay more time, we can considered summer after solar zenith more 45 days. It’s a careful criterion because a official season in a 90 days long.
Obviously other locations from tropical zone can considerer its own seasons based in solar zenith and climatic parameters. Certainly, we need to create a new tropical zone in two parts. From point of latitude 11º 43’ 11” until the tropic (the mid distance between equator and tropic, north or south) we have bigger summer, at least zenith to zenith more 45 days, as described. It’s necessary remember that in south the difference between points of the analemma are bigger than in north. Probably from point of latitude 11º 43’ 11” until the equator (the mid distance between equator and tropic, north or south) there aren’t winter.
© 2019 Luiz Sampaio Athayde. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.