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Novel Research in Sciences

Philosophies and Theories that Develop a Universal Design for Learning in further Education using Technology

  • Open or CloseColm Barcoe*

    Ballsbridge College of Further Education, Ireland

    *Corresponding author:Colm Barcoe, Ballsbridge College of Further Education, Ireland

Submission: February 29, 2024;Published: May 24, 2024

DOI: 10.31031/NRS.2024.15.000874

ISSN 2639-0612
Volume15 Issue5


The history of educational philosophies directly impacts an individual’s teaching practices. This paper will examine the key approaches to pedagogy through the exploration of theories relevant to community and further education. To achieve the main aim, an examination of adult learning philosophies will provide insights into the development of an informed approach to a universal design for learning in further education. This examination of key motivations regarding teaching practices and pedagogical theorists will highlight a wide range of long-standing philosophical problems in epistemology, ethics, and political philosophy. In an effort to address these challenges and opportunities, the philosopher of education needs to constantly examine, review and augment their pedagogical programs to meet societal needs. This paper’s innovation is the proposal of a pedagogical framework based on the author’s philosophical beliefs and learned experiences through teaching practices. This can happen through the implementation of a wide range of teaching strategies that aim to consider the needs of the learner in a further education apprenticeship program. The study demonstrates how the proposed strategy can be put into practice and become of practical benefit to those working in higher education. This can happen through implementing a technologically-enabled approach to a further education programme.

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