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Novel Research in Sciences

How Would You Act in My Place?

  • Open or CloseOtto E Rossler*

    Faculty of Science, University of Tübingen, Germany

    *Corresponding author:Otto E Rossler, Faculty of Science, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany

Submission: April 17, 2021;Published: May 3, 2021


I found a big result: Zwicky 1929 was right. For the new fundamental science of Cryodynamics, the belatedly encountered sister discipline to deterministic Thermodynamics which my Tübingen school has discovered, confirms him. He anticipated it in effect. So, the cosmos is eternal and unbounded as seen by Saint Auguistine, while the famous Hubble redshift law is caused by the dynamic interaction between the passing photons on the one hand and the cauldron of moving galaxies on the other [1].

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