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Novel Research in Sciences

Analysis of a Recent Statement on Medical Publishing Issues as Identified by an Ottawa Symposium

  • Open or CloseYosemite Sam* and Elmer Fudd

    Provariant Interstercis Institute, USA

    *Corresponding author:Yosemite Sam, PhD, KLM, Provariant Interstercis Institute, 6000 Dry Gulch Canyon, Alomogordo, NM 88011, USA

Submission: January 07, 2020;Published: January 16, 2020


Scholars who recently gathered in Ottawa to discuss expanding ethical issues in scientific literature have brought new focus to bear on this enduring, and possibly endearing, question. ( In response, we convened a group (N=2) at the International House of Policy to consider how this set of definitions reflects our own experience. The resulting IHOP Statement is finally being formally formulated, but first formative findings are as follows. The undersigned claim particular knowledge of such slimedrenched journalistic practices through our experience in practicing them ourselves. In short, this is our back yard and therefore there can be no better venue for a response. We address the five definitions in the same sequence in which they appear in Nature

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