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Modern Concepts & Developments in Agronomy

Synergistic Complementary Effects of Elemental Sulfur and Micro-Algae on Saline- Alkali Soils

Liming Lai1* and Jiuhuan Feng2

1Department of Agronomy, Hetao College, China

2Sanrui Agritec Co. Ltd., China

*Corresponding author:Liming Lai, Department of Agronomy, Hetao College, Bayannur, Inner Mongolia 015000, China

Submission: August 11, 2022;Published: August 25, 2022

DOI: 10.31031/MCDA.2022.11.000762

ISSN 2637-7659
Volume11 Issue 3


Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is one of the major crops in the Hetao Irrigation District (HID), which belongs to the cold and arid region, Bayannur, Inner Mongolia, China. The sunflower is planted in the saline-alkali farmlands, accounting for approximately 1/2 of the total planting area. The sunflower yield is relatively low. However, studies on improving the saline-alkali soils in the HID are still lacking. In this study, through an in-depth investigation of the HID soils and literature review, we revealed the synergistic complementary effects between elemental sulfur (S0) and Micro-Algae (MA) on saline-alkali soils. Also, we proposed a novel idea that the interaction between S0 and MA could be used to improve the salinealkali soils in the HID or other arid regions.

Keywords: Sunflower; Elemental sulfur; Micro-algae; Saline-alkali soil; Hetao irrigation District


The Hetao Irrigation District (HID) (40°12’-41°20’ N, 106°10’-109°30’ E) is located in Bayannur, Inner Mongolia, China. The HID belongs to the cold and arid region, with 0.68 million ha of irrigated arable lands. The HID farmland soil was classified as Irrigation Silting Soil by China Soil System Classification, which is similar to Plaggept by the US Soil Taxonomy. The soils are alkaline with low Soil Organic Matter (SOM) content. Also, the soils have interannual periodic secondary salinization [1]. Owing to its salt tolerance, the sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is planted in the saline-alkali lands of the HID, accounting for approximately 1/2 of the total arable lands in the district. The sunflower yield is relatively low, the annual mean yield from 2000 to 2018 was only 2370 kg ha-1[2]. However, research studies on improving the saline-alkali soils are still lacking. Through literature review and field investigation, we revealed the synergistic complementary effects of elemental Sulfur (S0) and Micro-Algae (MA) (as bio-fertilizers) on the saline-alkali soils. We also proposed that the combination of S0 and MA could be used to improve the saline-alkali soils. This study would shed new light on improving saline-alkali soils in the HID or other arid regions of the world.


S0 application

Can effectively reduce the pH value of saline-alkali soils. Firstly, S0 can be oxidized by microorganisms to generate sulfate ions (SO42-) and hydrogen ions (H+), which can reduce the soil pH value. Also, S0 is insoluble in water, resulting in a slow microbial oxidation process, which keeps the lower pH value for a longer time [3-5]. The decrease in pH value of the alkaline soil can dissolve the insoluble calcium carbonate (CaCO2) in the soil. The dissolved CaCO2 can replace the soil exchangeable Na+, thereby reducing the ESP in the soil [6].

  • The reduced pH value of alkaline soils by S0 can increase the availability of soil nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, and cobalt [7]. For instance, as the soil pH value decreases to 7, the negative charge of the soil decreases [8], weakening the repulsion between soil nitrate nitrogen (NO3--N) and soil colloid, thus slowing down NO3--N leaching. The S2O23- generated by the oxidation of S0 can inhibit the nitrification of soil ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N) and slow down the conversion rate of NH4-N to NO3--N [9,10], thereby reducing soil NO3--N leaching and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from the soil [11].
  • However, the S0 application may cause soil sulfur enrichment (i.e., an increase in SO42-), which in turn increases soil sulfate levels [4,12], and reduces crop nitrogen uptake and crop yield [13-15].

    MA commonly refers to the collective name of single-celled micro-algae that contain chlorophyll-a, which are capable of photosynthesis. MA belongs to a kind of protists. A variety of soil bio-fertilizers have been developed by using different MA species as raw materials. The bio-fertilizers were commonly used in paddy fields previously, but currently, in dryland, the bio-fertilizer application is increasing [16]. a) MA as bio-fertilizers can reduce soil sulfur enrichment. Cyanobacteria (one of the algae species) first appeared in the Archean oceans on the Earth. With increasing oxygenation and more abundant sulfate (SO42-) levels, algae (green algae together with cyanobacteria) became the main primary producers in the Earth’s oceans. Sulfur is one of the important components of algae cells. The sulfur is consumed by algae in the form of SO4 2-. Therefore, sulfur has become a macronutrient necessary for the growth of micro-algae [17]. The application of MA bio-fertilizers can inevitably consume part of SO4 2- and reduce sulfur enrichment and sulfate content in the soil. b) The cyanobacteria integrated with salt-tolerant plants can remove much more salts from soils [18]. The major contribution of cyanobacteria is to re-establish micro-ecology [18] and absorb Na+ in the soil [19]. c) MA bio-fertilizers can increase soil availability of nutrients [16,20]. In drylands, MA species can grow in symbiosis with crop roots [21], significantly affecting microbial communities [19,22], improve plant rhizosphere microbes [23-25], decompose soil compounds to generate available nutrients [21], enhance crop N uptake, and fix N [16]. d) MA can increase Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) through photosynthesis [16], thereby increasing SOM. For example, the application of MA biofertilizers in desert soil in the United States has been reported to increase SOM from 10 to 30 g kg-1 within three years [26]. e) MA bio-fertilizers can significantly reduce N2O emissions from the soils [27].

    However, little information is available on the interaction between S0 and MA. To our knowledge, only one study has so far evaluated the impacts of sulfur and algae fertilization on the productivity of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) and mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) in Egypt. The results showed that compared with the single application of S0, MA, or the control, under the condition of combined application of S0 and MA, the yields of soybean and mung bean were significantly increased, and the protein, carbohydrate, and oil contents also increased accordingly [12]. However, the effects of S0-MA interaction on soils have not been reported yet.


    As a fertilizer, S0 can reduce soil pH and ESP, improve N nutrient availability in the soil, and reduce soil NO3--N leaching, but can lead to soil sulfur enrichment (i.e., increase in soil SO42- content) and an increase in soil total salt content (Table 1). Whereas MA as bio-fertilizers can significantly reduce soil SO42- content, soil total salt content, soil N2O emission, can improve SOM content and fix N in the soil (Table 1). Therefore, the S0 and MA have strong synergistic and complementary effects on saline-alkali soil, by which we proposed a novel idea that the interaction between S0 and MA could be used to improve the saline-alkali soils in the HID or other globally arid regions.

    Table 1:Synergistic complementary effects of elemental sulfur and micro-algae as bio-fertilizers on saline-alkali soils.

    † ESP, Exchange sodium percentage; NO3--N, Nitrate nitrogen; SO42-, Sulfate ion; N2O, Nitrous oxide.


    This study was financially supported by the Inner Mongolia Natural Science Foundation (NO. 2020MS04001), the Research Funding Project of Hetao College Talent Introduction (NO. HYRC2019006), and the Hetao College Science and Technology Research Project (NO. HYZX201952).


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