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Modern Applications in Pharmacy & Pharmacology

From the Energetic Materials Genome to the Drugs Genome

Submission: March 27, 2023; Published: May 03, 2023

DOI: 10.31031/MAPP.2023.03.000560

ISSN 2637-7756
Volume3 Issue2


The capabilities of multifactor computational models of experimental data enriched with metadata in the field of combustion and detonation of energetic materials with complex chemical composition are described. Models created using neural networks allow for solving direct and inverse problems, conducting virtual experiments, and solving prediction tasks. The collection of such models implements the concept of the “Genome of Energetic Materials”. The prospects for creating similar models in pharmacology and setting tasks for creating a Drugs Genome are demonstrated.

Keywords: Genome; Experimental data; Neural networks; Multifactor computational models; Energetic materials; Drug compounds

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