Luisetto M1*, Behzad Nili Ahmadabadi2 and Ghulam Rasool Mashori3
1Applied pharmacologist,Independent Researcher,Italy
2Innovative PharmaceuticalProduct Development Specialist, USA
3Department of Medical & Health Sciences for Woman, Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences for Women, Pakistan
*Corresponding author: Luisetto M,Applied Pharmacologist,Independent Researcher, 29121 Italy
Submission: January 19, 2018;Published: July 05, 2018
ISSN: 2576-9170
Volume2 Issue2
Amount of stress; Brain; Neuroscience; Kinetics; Toxicology; Unbalances; Pharmacological strategies
We can see that the AMOUNT of stress and stimulus and related KINETICS are relevant factors involved in some human conditions. Not only the single stress but the global amount in a limited time are involved in this situation and a chronic condition make more severe this situation.
“We start our paper observing that in past centuries physicians in some cardiologic disease were used to prescribe to the patient to take a long rest in order to recuperate their health status. In past centuries it wasn’t available high efficient drugs strategies and so to take a long rest without physical and psychological stress contributes to this process.
Also in oriental medicine we can see body balances strategies, and also in some Psycoaanalitc techniques we can see that time is relevant to re-equilibrate some conditions (in example acute stress). We can think that the main factors involved are TIME and LONG REST in order to balance the physiologic functions. In some case it was observed complete resolve in some situations. In example we can think that a metabolic unbalances can create this situation and the time make possible to restore.” [1].
“As observed in other scientific or medical discipline controlling some non physiological cellular activity,
Results in reducing of abnormal organ activation. The same way we can think that some neuronal transmission pathway can be better pharmacologically modulate In order to have in example relevant reduction in Amygdala dis functions [2] “Emotional processing and learning, and several social and affective decision making functions are impaired in Psychopathy, which correlates with specific changes in neural functions” [3].
“About 70% of works ability and success depends on emotional intelligence versus 30 % technical abilities (Remember Pareto paradigm 20/80 similar). The emotional intelligence theory shows that the emotional brain can be more rapid in responding to some stress stimulus then the rational thinking.
For example studies showed that Amygdala physio pathology is involved in E. I. management and can give in this situation rapid response without waiting for the cortical brain control. (Neocortex/ reptilian brain) [1]. When in the same time many strong emotions stimulation arrives too fast to Amygdala the neo cortex is not involved [1]. An easy reactive Amygdala can results in working difficulties in relationship in equip.
Low level of social intelligence gives isolation and depression and low working performances. Conflict are natural in all context and so in working setting. The self-motivation is strongly involved in professional development.
Successful status is related with high emotional, social and political attitudes. But even if the technical competences are subjects of usual educational and university policy we see a real gap for the emotional social and relational development in student curriculum. So in this work, we try to give some elements for improving behavior skills to be active and efficient part of a professional team or to prevent and resolve conflict. In our opinion some theory is to be post under right light: and for example: De Bono Seven hats and Lateral thinking (problem solving approach), E. Goldratt TOC Theory of constraints, about psychological limits (a management theory), translational analysis, emotional and social intelligence, Pareto paradigm, GANTT diagram, Eisenhower matrix, Deming cycle (total quality management), MASLOV hierarchy of need, but they only the first of many other” [5].
Under the light of the Citated literature and other biomedical article available we can observe that in order to evaluate stressing situation are fundamental:
We have seen that in order to improve resilience abilities are useful many techniques [5] in order to balance the mindset activity. If unbalanced results in an in adequate kinetics with an inappropriate global response.
We think that also this condition must be evaluated under a kinetic- toxicological aspect to clear the basic Phisio-Patogenetic moves. A deep knowledge in some process can be useful also in pharmacological new strategies finding today not travelled as request.
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