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Integrative Journal of Conference Proceedings

Shaping Thinking and Inspiration as the Source of His Development

Evgeniy Bryndin*

Research center, Nature Informatics, Russia

*Corresponding author: Evgeniy Bryndin, Research center, Nature Informatics, Russia

Submission: May 31, 2022;Published: July 08, 2022

DOI: 10.31031/ICP.2022.03.000553

Volume3 Issue1
July , 2022


There are many approaches to multi-disciplinary approaches to the formation and development of thinking. The author briefly considers the interdisciplinary approach to the formation of thinking based on the triad-mind, living language, spirit. This approach aligns well with inspiration as the source of the development of thinking. The article concludes with a hierarchical approach to the formation of technological thinking based on categorical criteria and knowledge and skills of mankind.

Keywords: Mind; Living language; Spirit; Communicative associative neural network; Creative thinking; Nature

Shaping Creative Thinking

Unlike many multi-disciplinary approaches to the formation and development of thinking [1-4], the author proposed the following interdisciplinary approach. Mind, living language, spirit is a triad of creative thinking. The mind has the property of generating thoughts through living language and spirit. The spirit has the property to understand new concepts and permeate the nature of the external environment into living information [5]. The mind uses the communicative associative neural network information system of the brain and knowledge memory to generate thoughts [6]. Spirit helps the mind to develop new concepts.

A living language has been formed since childhood in dialogue. The lack of dialogue up to five years does not give rise to thinking in a child, because a living language and a communicative associative information neural network of the brain are not formed. The mind does not acquire the property of giving birth to thoughts.

When the child has formed thinking, the spirit learns to perceive new concepts and penetrate the updated external environment into live information. The ability of the spirit to perceive new concepts and living information helps to develop new concepts and shape creative thinking. Creative thinking relies on the concepts and images of the formed living language, living information of the environment, on moral criteria and principles approved by the spirit, and on the source of inspiration. Spirit permeates into an inspiration and initiates creative thinking.

Nature as a Source of Inspiration for Creativity

Nature is a source of inspiration for man, a creative interlocutor for the mind and heart. Nature is one of the most important sources from which creative people get inspiration. Nature is a muse for people’s creativity. In the history of our country there are many famous people whose creativity was strongly influenced by nature. One of them is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. “Boldinskaya Autumn” is the brightest period in his work. While in the village of Boldino, the writer opened up in many genres and wrote a large number of works. What attracted Pushkin to this village? And the fact is that he in Boldino found a muse that did not leave him for days or nights. This muse is nature.

Yasnaya Polyana had a great influence on the work of the writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. It was here, in his native estate, that Lev Nikolaevich felt like an artist. It was here that he was first visited by inspiration, which later glorified the writer as an exponent of Russian nature. It was here that images were born, which were then included in many of the writer’s works.

Nature and creative people are closely intertwined. Nature is the main source of inspiration for them.

Man has the ability to see the beautiful in nature. Man saw the depth of the blue sky, the flickering of mysterious stars, the crimson sunset, the gentle pink dawn, the reflection of the sun in the transparent drops of morning dew, the gray threads of rain in the cloudy autumn, tender stalk and the bell of the snowdrop, - he saw and began to create beauty in his heart.

A person became creative when he heard the whisper of autumn leaves and fell in love with him, heard a bird song and tried to convey it through onomatopoeia and the creation of many musical instruments. When he managed to convey through his works of art the hovering spring stream and the ringing of silver lark bells in the bottomless sky, he noticed the uniqueness of each snowflake and the longing for the howling of a snow blizzard outside the window, the gentle splash of the wave and the solemn silence of the night. Man heard all this and, holding his breath, listens to hundreds and thousands of years of wonderful music and poetry of nature. The world around us is reflected in the emotional state of a person. Nature always inspires a person, gives him a feeling of beauty and harmony with the world.

Left alone with nature, a person can understand himself and find answers to all questions of interest. This is where her creative influence lies. Good nature has taken care of everything so much that everywhere you find something to learn (Leonardo da Vinci). Man is endowed by the Creator with power over external nature, while in his work he is subordinate to her (Georg Hegel). Nature is a pleasant mentor, and not even so much pleasant as careful and loyal (Michelle Montaigne).

Humans are part of nature. At every step you can see the influence of nature on human creativity. People tried to comprehend various elements and describe the impact of external forces on their activities. The consequence of this influence is the fact that the interaction of human activity and nature very often gives impetus to various creations. Nature fills the heart with the beauty of forests and flowering meadows, bright positive emotions, awakens joyful feelings, sows good and pushes for new creations. Usually, after a long stay in nature, the mind seems to be cleared, new thoughts and ideas begin to fill it, which you immediately want to run and implement. Simply put-we are inspired. Everything that has happened to people since their emergence is connected with spiritual laws, especially harmony, creativity and beauty. The ideal is the life of people in harmony with nature. Nature is perfect in terms of harmony and beauty.

Nature has creative qualities. She reproduces flowers, trees, grass and so on in certain conditions, having live information about them. A person feeding on the living information of the nature of objects, processes, phenomena, connections and laws becomes the creator of living knowledge and living practice [7]. The living information of Nature represents the communication vibrations of its essence. Man has a natural mechanism of creative activity with living information of Nature. The mental bio-field of the mind perceives the communicative vibrations of Nature. When the perceived natural communicative vibrations come into resonance with the vibrations of the mental energy of the associated neural network systems of the brain, then a figurative or linguistic similarity of them arises depending on the concentration of attention [8].


The proposed approach to the formation of creative thinking based on the cognitive triad-mind, living language, spirit - allowed modeling creative and professional activities by ensembles of intellectual agents based on living information of the updated environment. With live information of the updated environment, identified by specialists with creative thinking and recorded in a living language, the communicative associative logic of technological thinking with artificial intelligence can operate. This approach at the current stage of the development of information technologies, cognitive robotization, digital twins and artificial intelligence systems, their synergy allows us to begin to form a rational cognitive mind with artificial intelligence in virtual space. Cognitive virtual intelligence with artificial intelligence can be formed by a cognitive ensemble of intelligent mobile diversified agents with strong artificial intelligence by recurrent development of professional skills [9]. Cognitive artificial intelligence will be able to learn, reason, apply new knowledge, and respond sensibly and safely to the external environment. He can become a good assistant to mankind in the safe development of life. Human thinking is accompanied by internal speech at the level of a living language. Internal speech can be captured by neurointerface. This allows specialists to communicate with each other and even with robots through neurointerface and means of communication over internal speech in the process of thinking [10].


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