Teodora Handjieva-Darlenska1,2, Stella Shekerdjiiska* and Nikolay Georgiev2
1 Medical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
2 Bulgarian Association for the Study of Obesity and Related Diseases, Bulgaria
*Corresponding author: Stella Shekerdjiiska, Bulgarian Association for the Study of Obesity and Related Diseases, Bulgaria, Email:svhandjiev@gmail.com
Submission: June 22, 2018; Published: July 17, 2018
ISSN 2637-8019Volume2 Issue4
A problem of great importance is the incidence of coronary disorders (i.e. ischemic heart disease) among transport workers deserves more attention. Our experience confirms the beneficial effect of the nutritional supplement Resverol containing Resveratrol [1].
1276 transport workers, 36, 2 mean ages. All they passed through anthropometric measurements of body weight and relative body mass and through examination of their actual nutrition habits. In a part of them we measured blood pressure, cholesterolemia, triglyceridemia, glycemia and on 146 men electrocardiographic evaluations of ischemic heart disease have been carried out. As part of the nutritional prevention and management of these diseases we used nutritional supplement Resverol containing Resveratrol [2,3].
Out of 1276 only 36.4% subject a normal body mass is detected, over weighted 40, 3, while 23, 3-severely obese. Bearing in mind he characteristics of android obesity, leading to diabetes (2.3%), hyperlipidemia, arterial hypertension (25.6%) as well as early degenerative cardio-vascular alterations about 2/3 (63.6%) there are serious anthropometric and metabolic risk factors [3- 5]. Electrocardiographic data revealed ischemic heart disease in 65%. The combination of nutritional regimen and the supplement Resverol demonstrates its favourable effect on the blood sugar levels, serum lipids and other metabolic parameters
Resveratrol (3, 5, 4’- trihydroxy-trans-stilbene) is a stilbenoid, a type of natural phenol, and a phytoalexin produced naturally by several plants when under attack by pathogens such as bacteria or fungi [6-8]. Resveratrol is found in the skin of red grapes, some berries, peanuts and others. To drink wine in moderate amounts has long been known to have positive effects on the human body. Resveratrol is the active compound in wine and lies behind the “French Paradox”, i.e. the circumstance that the incidence of coronary heart diseases are considerably fewer in southern France than in other countries- despite a high dietary intake of saturated fats. Resveratrol has also been produced by chemical synthesis or by biotechnological synthesis (bioengineered microorganisms) and is sold as a nutritional supplement derived primarily from Japanese knotweed. Resveratrol is currently a topic of numerous animal and human studies into its effects. It has been found to increase lifespan in many organisms [9,10].
The mechanisms of resviratrol’s apparent effects on life extension are not fully understood, but they appear to mimic several of the biochemical effects of calorie restriction. Some studies indicate the resveratrol activates Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) and PGC- 1α and improve functioning of mitochondria. In mouse and rat experiments, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, blood sugar-lowering and others beneficial cardiovascular effects of resveratrol have been reported these results have yet to be replicated in humans.
There are a lot of metabolic and risk factor to cause some coronary disorders and arterial hypertension. All this can be linked to the specificities of the work activities. The inclusion of Resveratrol in the nutritional regimen improves the parameters of the glucose and lipid metabolism and emphasizes its importance in the prevention of early atherosclerosis.
© 2018 Stella Shekerdjiiska. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.