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Gerontology & Geriatrics Studies

Multitask Music-Based Therapy Optimization in Aging Neurorehability by Activation of the Informational Cognitive Centers of Consciousness

  • Open or CloseFlorin Gaiseanu*

    PhD, Science and Technology of Information Bucharest (Romania) and Barcelona (Spain)

    *Corresponding author:Florin Gaiseanu, PhD, Science and Technology of Information Bucharest (Romania) and Barcelona (Spain)

Submission: October 13, 2020;Published: November 20, 2020

DOI: 10.31031/GGS.2020.06.000639

ISSN 2578-0093
Volume 6 Issue 3


The rapid increase of the old age people imposes the reconsideration of the rehabilitation techniques and procedures and/or the development of the existing ones, at least from two points of view: the limitation use of the pharmaceutical drugs because of their secondary effects in the debilitated organisms and their avoidance; the high risk of the induced anxiety states, depression or other symptoms as a consequence of the main disease, i.e. the neuro-degenerative or mobility dysfunctions, limiting again the use of such excessive drug medication. Moreover, Alzheimer’s or Parknson’s diseases are otherwise incurable, so the application of rehabilitating procedures like music-based therapy becomes preferential. The advances both in the identification of the specific auditory musical-sensitive circuits and of the non-musical neuro-connections but activated indirectly by music, otherwise inaccessible by other techniques, and in the understanding of consciousness, which can be described by seven cognitive centers, allows to improve and develop the music based therapy. A multitask procedure based on the activation of these cognition centers is presented, allowing to increase the personal psychical engagement of the patient in the recommended music based therapeutic program, addressed both to the rehabilitation of the main degenerative disease and to the secondary induced dysfunctions. This procedure combines the evidence based medicine assisted by laboratory expertise for the determination of a correct diagnostic, and narrative based medicine allowing to quantify the personal engaging qualities of the patient with respect to the proposed music based program, reducing in this way the gap between these two basic procedures and bringing in a first plane the patient care, not only the disease, with beneficial consequence for the therapy efficiency and for the patient-medical care relations.

Keywords:Cognitive centers and their connections;Music-based therapy;Auditory neuropathway circuits in the brain;Ageing neurorehability;Evidence and narrative based medicine;Multitask optimization procedure

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