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Gerontology & Geriatrics Studies

The Historical Aspect of the Development of Quantum Consciousness at the Beginning of the XXI Century

  • Open or CloseAdam Adamski*

    Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Science in Cieszyn, Poland

    *Corresponding author:Adam Adamski, Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Science in Cieszyn, Poland

Submission: December 08, 2018;Published: January 23, 2019

DOI: 10.31031/GGS.2019.04.000588

ISSN 2578-0093
Volume4 Issue3


The biochemical model explains the complex mechanisms of mental life seems to be correct. The transmission from inanimate matter to living matter cannot be explained. He still cannot explain the nature of consciousness and the transition from inanimate matter to living one. Where is the threshold and what is the role of biochemical processes in consistency of soma and consciousness as well as in building a mental structure. The author supports the thesis that the nature of mental processes is inexplicable as far as interactions of biochemical processes are concerned and it is much easier to describe it in the light of quantum processes.

LKeywords: Coherent light; Bioplasma consciousness; Soliton

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