Robert A Rucker*
Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Michigan, USA
*Corresponding author: Robert A Rucker, Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Michigan, USA
Submission: November 15, 2021;Published: December 03, 2021
ISSN 2578-0042 Volume5 Issue4
The Shroud of Turin is a 14.3 by 3.6 foot linen cloth that has been in Turin, Italy, since
1578. Ancient tradition has long claimed this piece of cloth to be the authentic burial cloth
of Jesus Christ. This is supported by full-size images on the Shroud of the front and back
of a man who was crucified exactly as the New Testament says Jesus was crucified. So far,
historical research has been unable to prove or disprove whether the Shroud is the authentic
burial cloth of Jesus. Scientific research regarding its authenticity must be accomplished by
following the scientific evidence where it leads, without bias or preconceptions. This process
of following the evidence where it leads is the essence of forensic science. It can be described
as reverse engineering from the evidence back to the cause. Scientific research on the Shroud
can be divided into four periods:
1898 to 1977: Scientific testing of the Shroud began in 1898 when an Italian amateur
photographer named Secondo Pia took the first photograph of the cloth. He would have
expected his photographic plate to show a poor resolution negative image of the face, but
instead it contained a good resolution positive image. This meant the image on the Shroud
was a good resolution negative image, with light and dark areas reversed. Therefore, the
image could not be a painting because an artist prior to 1898, or 1578, could not have painted
a good resolution image of what he had never seen, i.e., a negative image of a face. Research
continued over the next eight decades by very qualified people in the United States and other
countries. In general, they concluded that the dead body of a crucified man was wrapped in
the Shroud and in some unknown way had encoded front and back images of itself onto the
burial cloth in which he was wrapped. This belief was largely based on the pristine unbroken
appearance of the edges of the blood clots, with their indented center and raised edges, and
the clear blood serum extending beyond the blood clots due to capillarity.
1978 to 1987: The discovery in 1975 by Dr. John Jackson, professor of physics at the Air
Force Academy, that the images contained 3D information led to formation of the Shroud of
Turin Research Project (STURP). In 1978, the Vatican allowed STURP, led by John Jackson, to
send 26 American scientists to Turin to perform nondestructive experiments on the Shroud
for a total of 120-hours. They worked in three shifts over a period of five days. The members
of STURP made extensive preparations for testing and obtained donations of about 2.5
million dollars’ worth of scientific equipment. STURP’s experiments on the Shroud included
microscopy, absorption radiography, X-ray fluorescence and absorption radiography, Lasermicroprobe
Raman spectroscopy, etc. The main objective of STURP was to determine how
the images were formed. They concluded the images could not be the product of paint, dye, or stain because there was: 1) No pigment on the fibers, 2) No
evidence of a binder to hold pigment, 3) No brush strokes, 4) No
clumping of fibers or threads, 5) No stiffening of the cloth, and
6) No cracking of the images along fold lines. They found that UV
did not cause the image to fluoresce so the image could not be a
scorch. STURP also found no capillarity (soaking up of liquid) in the
fibers or threads, so the images could not be due to a liquid such
as an acid or an organic or inorganic chemical in a liquid form. The
images on the Shroud could also not be the result of a photographic
process because the images contain 3D information. Photographs
and paintings do not contain 3D information. Multiple tests also
indicated the presence of real blood on the Shroud.
1988 to 2016: Small samples were cut from the lower corner of
the Shroud in 1988 and sent to three laboratories for carbon dating.
The mean date obtained from the three laboratories was 1260 ±
31. When this was corrected for the changing concentration of C-14
in the atmosphere, a range of 1260 to 1390 AD (two sigma) was
obtained. This allegedly proved the Shroud could not be authentic,
and thus significantly reduced research on the Shroud.
2017 to 2021: The 1988 measurement data was finally
released for review in 2017. Statistical analysis of the data proved
the samples from the lower corner were not homogeneous, i.e.,
representative of the rest of the Shroud. This non-homogeneity
of the samples has been confirmed by four recent papers in peerreviewed
journals and is consistent with previous statistical
analysis of the measurement data. This indicates the presence
of a systematic error in the measured (C14/C12) ratios of the
samples evidently because this ratio in the samples was altered by
something other than decay of the C14. This means the carbon date
of 1260- 1390 AD for the Shroud should be rejected. This leaves
us with three main questions: 1) How were the front and back
images of the crucified man formed on the cloth? 2) How were the
(C14/C12) ratios of the samples altered? 3) Why is the blood that
would have dried on the body now on the cloth, since cloth does
not absorb dried blood? Multiple answers have been attempted to
answer these separate questions, but a recent hypothesis proposes
a concept that could explain all three questions.
The images on the Shroud are made by the top one or two layers
of fibers in a thread being discolored to a sepia or straw-yellow
color. This discoloration of the fibers penetrates to less than 2% of
the radius of a fiber. It is the pattern of these discolored fibers that
form the images of the crucified man. Three things are needed to
produce this pattern of discolored fibers: 1) a mechanism to discolor
the fibers, 2) energy to drive the discoloration mechanism, and 3)
information to control which fibers are to be discolored. Since the
images are that of a crucified man, the information must be that
which defines the form of a crucified man and could only have come
from the body that was wrapped in the cloth. The only mechanism
that could communicate this information from the body to the cloth
and produce the good resolution image that can be seen, appears
to be radiation. Thus, many if not most Shroud researchers now
believe the images were formed by radiation. Research indicates
this radiation was evidently low- energy, perhaps charged particles
and/or electromagnetic radiation, and released in an extremely
brief intense burst of energy from the body. If this burst of radiation
included neutrons, a small fraction of the neutrons would have
been absorbed in the trace amount of nitrogen in the cloth to form
new C-14 atoms in the fibers. This new C-14 could have shifted
the carbon date forward by thousands of years, depending on the
location on the Shroud. To shift the carbon date forward from the
time of Jesus’ death, about 33 AD, to the midpoint of 1260-1390
AD requires the C-14 concentration at the 1988 sample location be
increased by only 16.9%. If the radiation burst from the body were
sufficiently brief and intense, it would have thrust the dried blood
off the body onto the cloth by a natural process called radiation
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