Expanding Information on the Prey
Items and Hunting Tactics of the
Eastern Tropical Pacific Killer Whale
(Orcinus orca) Ecotype
Christian D Ortega-Ortiz1*, Camila Lazcano-Pacheco2, Myriam Llamas-González2, Raziel Meza-Yáñez2, Silvia Ruano-Cobian1, Diana G López-Luna1 and Marco A Liñán-Cabello1
1Faculty of Marine Sciences, University of Colima, Mexico
2South Coast University Center, University of Guadalajara, Mexico
*Corresponding author: Christian D Ortega-Ortiz, Faculty of Marine Sciences, University of Colima, Km 20 Carr. Manzanillo-Barra de Navidad, Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico
August 22, 2023;Published: September 06, 2023
The killer whale (Orcinus orca) distributed in the Eastern Tropical Pacific may represent a new ecotype
with distinct morphological and ecological characteristics, among them, a generalist feeding habit that
includes marine mammals, sea turtles, elasmobranchs, and bony fishes. Some of these prey species have
been previously reported for the Mexican Central Pacific; however, three additional prey species have
been recorded in recent years. A whale shark (Rhincodon typus), a spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris),
and black sea turtle (Chelonia mydas agassizii) were preyed by killer whale individuals presenting the
morphological characteristics of the Eastern Tropical Pacific ecotype; some of them had been previously
reported as potential prey. This represents an expansion of the killer whale prey list and shows that a very
generalist feeding habit is one of the main characteristics of this killer whale ecotype, which has displayed
surprising hunting tactics that need to be investigated further to obtain sufficient information to ensure
its conservation.
The killer whale (KW, Orcinus orca) is the most cosmopolitan species among cetaceans [1,2]. A classification into ten KW ecotypes worldwide [3-6] has been suggested, based on biological [7-10] and ecological aspects [8,11-13]. Three KW ecotypes have been described in the region of Eastern North Pacific (ENP), based on distribution patterns, behavior, morphology, acoustics, and feeding preferences: Fish-eating “residents”, mammal-eating “transients”, and large mammal/fish-eating “offshore” KWs [7,8,10,12,14]. Until a few decades ago, no ecotype had been recognized in the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP, an area encompassing from the southern Baja California Peninsula, Mexico, to northern Peru, including Galapagos Islands) [15] (Figure 1). However, recently Vargas-Bravo et al. [16] proposed recently that KW inhabiting the Mexican Central Pacific (MCP) (Figure 1) could be part of a new ecotype, the Eastern Tropical Pacific or ETP ecotype. The KW observed in this area demonstrated some variations in seasonal-spatial distribution patterns, group size structure, morphology, behavior, and trophic niche, compared with other ecotypes [15]. In particular, information on the trophic niche of these KW suggests generalist behavior, as they preyed on whales, dolphins, sea turtles, and bony fishes [16].
Figure 1:Encounter sites in the Mexican Central Pacific, where killer whales with similarities to the Eastern
Tropical Pacific ecotype were observed hunting recently (March 2021).
The distribution range of this new trophic generalist KW
ecotype is unknown and needs to be investigated with tools such
as photo-identification or satellite tracking of individuals; however,
considering research on KW groups from other regions within the
ETP, that have also been recognized as generalist predators, the
range of this KW ecotype could extend from Mexico to Peruvian
waters [17]. Previous studies show that KW distributed in ETP
waters have preyed on marine mammals, as well as sea turtles,
elasmobranchs (sharks and manta rays), and bony fishes [16-21].
Table 1 shows the wide variety of species that KW have preyed
in the ETP region; in this way, the ETP KW ecotype feeding habit
differs widely from the feeding activity reported for the trophic
specialist ecotypes found in the rest of the ENP [12,15,22,23].
Table 1:Several prey items reported for killer whales (Orcinus orca) from the Eastern Tropical Pacific.
The aim of the present document is to report on the prey
items and hunting tactics of the ETP KW ecotype [16] through the
documentation of a couple of recent predation events occurred in
the MCP, which highlight the wide range of prey species exploited
by this top predator [24,25].
The first encounter occurred 24.3km off the coast of Manzanillo,
Colima, Mexico, at a depth of 1,494m, on March 28, 2021 (Figure 1).
Crew on a sport fishing trip aboard the Mahi-Mahi observed two
adult KW females moving in a circle; when the boat approached
the KW, the crew observed that they were attacking a whale shark
(Rhincodon typus). This was a juvenile approximately 3-4m long,
which was repeatedly struck in the ventral region by both KW, until
it was killed and subsequently consumed by both. This behavior
was observed through a video obtained with an underwater camera
(Figure 2). Afterwards, the KW approached the boat and were
photographed as they emerged from the water. These photographs
were used to analyze their morphological characteristics; Table
2 presents these morphological features of the two KW females.
They both showed a dorsal fin tip aligned to the posterior base, of
semi-rounded type, with parallel orientation of the hook-and-bump
type eye patch, and a closed saddle patch with intermediate gray
pigmentation, matching the description proposed for the ETP KW
ecotype [16].
Figure 2:Juvenile whale shark (Rhincodon typus) preyed upon by a pair of female killer whales in the Mexican
Central Pacific, March 28, 2021. The image above shows the pair harassing the whale shark on the water surface.
The following sequence of photos is from an underwater video, showing the alternation of killer whale individuals
striking the ventral region of the whale shark.
Table 2:Morphological features of killer whales (Orcinus orca) observed recently in the Mexican Central Pacific, with
similarities to the Eastern Tropical Pacific ecotype. 1st and 2nd rows belong to KW from the March 28, 2021, encounter,
the other rows are individuals observed during the March 31, 2021 encounter. M: Male, F: Female, J: Juvenile, C: Calf
and DU: Data unknown
2nd killer whale predatory encounter
Three days later, on March 31, 2021, the sport fishing boat
Manglito reported a group of approximately 10KW (two adult
males, four adult females, two juveniles, and two calves) involved
in predatory activity on a dolphin at site 18.2km off the bay of
Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, Mexico at a depth of 758m. Our research
group was conducting a coastal monitoring program on humpback
whales, and we were able to go to the site to record the encounter.
Upon arrival at the site, we observed the KW group harassing a
spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris). It appeared to be a mature
male (by the inclination of its dorsal fin towards the forepart of the
body and by its ventral protrusion) swimming in a tight circle of
only about ten meters in diameter because it was “cornered” by
the KW. During the interaction, the dolphin emerged at the water
surface to breathe and was hit by the KW. We also observed that the
KW broke the water surface by hitting it with their flukes and by the
acceleration of their bodies while they were chasing the dolphin. The
surface activity decreased a few minutes later and we introduced
an underwater camera with which we could visualize all the KW
working as a team to dismember and consume the dolphin (Figure
3). One of the calves was later observed holding a dolphin organ in
its jaws, possibly the kidney, given its characteristics (multilobed)
and consistency [26] (Figure 4). At the same time, a significant
number of seabirds (gulls, magnificent frigatebirds, among others)
consumed the body remains of the dolphin that began to appear on
the water surface.
Figure 3:Killer whales working as a team to dismember and consume a spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) in the
Mexican Central Pacific, March 31, 2021.
Figure 4:Calf killer whale holding a spinner dolphin organ in its jaws, possibly a kidney (multilobed), Mexican
Central Pacific, March 31, 2021.
After the attack on the spinner dolphin, the KW group began
to sail west, and encountered an olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys
olivacea). This turtle was pushed by one juvenile KW using the
forepart of its body, but was not preyed on, in spite of this species
having been reported as an ETP ecotype KW prey [17]. However,
a few nautical miles later the group of predators interacted with a
black sea turtle (Chelonia mydas agassizii); which was preyed upon
in a very peculiar way. The hunting tactic consisted of the following:
An adult female stealthily positioned herself underneath
the turtle and held it in her jaws by the rear flippers to forcefully
submerge it; a few meters down it released it and executed a
powerful bite that caused lethal wounds to body parts including the
turtle’s shell. The KW then emerged at the water surface of the water,
with the turtle clamped in its jaws. The turtle showed conspicuous
wounds from which blood gushed out and spread around it; the
female submerged again, without releasing the turtle (Figure
5). Afterwards, only the turtle remains, such as parts of internal
organs, could be observed; these began to appear on to the water
surface accompanied by a grease-like odor. A few minutes later, the
attacking female and one male KW emerged to breathe very close
to the site; we assumed that both consumed the turtle. The site was
swarming with seabirds competing with each other to ingest the
remains of the turtle. This hunting tactic was repeated three times
(during one attack the male headed the hunt), preying only on black
sea turtles, in an area with a diameter of approximately 3 to 6km.
The encounter ended at 17:56h, at a distance of approximately
28km from the bay of Barra de Navidad [27-30].
Figure 5:Female killer whale holding a black sea
turtle (Chelonia mydas agassizii) in its jaws, before
submerging it again to prey on it, Mexican Central
Pacific, March 31, 2021. Note the scattering of blood in
the middle of the photograph due to the fatal wounds.
Similar to encounter 1, KW individuals were photographed
when they emerged from the water to use the photo-identification
technique and to analyze their morphological characteristics.
However, the photographs obtained were of sufficient quality
for this task for only seven of the individuals. These individuals
were different from the KW females observed 3 days earlier
approximately 50km further south, based on the shape, markings,
and scars of the dorsal fin, saddle, and eye patch [9]. Nevertheless,
these individuals also displayed morphological features typical of
the ETP ecotype [16]; i.e., a dorsal fin tip aligned to the posterior
base and mainly of semi-rounded type, the parallel orientation of
the multiple-bumps type eye patch, and a closed saddle patch with
intermediate gray pigmentation (Table 2).
This suggests that despite the short time difference between
the encounters, these were different groups, or that they probably
belonged to one group with a very wide distribution and not all
individuals in the group were observed together during each
KW are ubiquitous marine predators; they are highly
specialized and efficient hunters, capable of adjusting the type
of prey that they consume. This prey selection may have critical
implications for prey population dynamics. However, there are
many unknowns regarding the consumption preferences of certain
species [31]. The present document reports/confirms three prey
species that were preyed upon by ETP KW: i) a whale shark, ii) a
spinner dolphin, and iii) a black sea turtle. It should be noted that
the presence of whale sharks in the MCP region is not common, so
this would not be expected to be a potential prey species for KW
that inhabit this region. There have been two reports of predation
on whale sharks in the northwestern Gulf of California, particularly
in Bahía de Los Ángeles [21,25], and it is possible that KW involved
in such encounters belonged to another ecotype. Unfortunately,
these reports have not been published and it is not possible to reanalyze
the information (e.g., morphological characteristics of the
KW individuals involved) to find out if these KW resembled those
of the ETP.
Vargas-Bravo et al. [16] reported a potential KW predatory
event on a spinner dolphin that was found stranded on a Colima
beach in May 2015. The dolphin presented fresh rake-like wounds
(equidistance between the parallel lines made by the teeth on the
genital area [26]); however, an interaction between KW and the
spinner dolphin was not observed. It is therefore also possible
that this dolphin could have been attacked by another predator,
such as false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens), which are also
distributed in the area and use the region’s habitat for ecological
purposes [27].
Our KW hunting event on black sea turtles represents a first
record for the ETP ecotype. The notable preference for preying on
black sea turtle seen during this encounter has not been previously
reported. One hypothesis may be that the black sea turtle biomass,
larger size, and weight (compared with olive ridley turtles [28])
would provide more nutritional resources for predators; or, the fact
that they lay a greater number of eggs (>65) per nest, as well as
greater number of nests (~7) per breeding season (also compared
with olive ridley turtles [29]). From a physiological viewpoint,
this could favor the energy stores that a predator such as a KW
could take advantage of. However, this is an idea that needs to be
investigated in depth. The present study contributes to expand the
list of prey species and shows that the main characteristic of this
ecotype, in addition to its morphology, is a generalist predatory
habit. A similar generalist predatory behavior has been suggested
for KW from other ocean basins such as the Caribbean [32], New
Zealand [33], the Galapagos Islands [34], and the Southwest Indian
Ocean [35], where the existence of KW individual ecotypes remains
unclear [16]. It is likely that these individuals also represent a
different ecotype from those recognized worldwide
However, more information is needed to complete the “puzzle”
regarding the biology/ecology of these tropical KW of the ETP
and studies such as photo-identification or satellite tracking on
individuals would contribute to establish the potential limits of
their distribution. Genetics and acoustic studies that would also
aid to differentiate this ecotype to ensure measures that allow an
adequate management for their conservation [36-40].
The KWs distributed in regions of the ETP show different
morphological characteristics and a generalist feeding habit
compared to other ecotypes. This paper confirms two species
(whale shark and spinner dolphin) as prey for this killer whale
ecotype, and also reports a new prey (black sea turtle) for the ETP
region. These KW employed hunting techniques (striking, diving
and dismemberment) that had already been reported as part of
their predatory strategy but are still surprising [41-43].
We would like to thank Iván Livas, captain of the vessel “Mahi-
Mahi” for the information provided for the first encounter; Alan
López captain of the vessel “Manglito” for the calling at sea to
obtain the information for the second encounter; to the Faculty
of Marine Sciences of the University of Colima for the logistical
support, to the marina Las Hadas for their support in safeguarding
our research vessel, and to the Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y
Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT), for the research permit SGPA/
Bigg MA, Olesiuk PF, Ellis GM, Ford JKB, Balcomb III KC (1990) Social organization and genealogy of resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the coastal waters of British Columbia and Washington State. In: Hammond, PS, Mizroch SA, Donovan GP (Eds.), Individual recognition of cetaceans: Use of photo-identification and other techniques to estimate population parameters. Reports of the International Whaling Commission. Special Issue 12: 386-406.
Barrett-Lennard LG, Matkin CO, Durban JW, Saulitis EL, Ellifrit D (2011) Predation on gray whales and prolonged feeding on submerged carcasses by transient killer whales at Unimak Island, Alaska. Marine Ecology Progress Series 421: 229-241.
Pacheco AS, Castro C, Carnero HR, Villagra D, Pinilla S, et al. (2019) Sightings of an adult male killer whale match. Aquatic Mammals 45(3): 320-326.
Guerrero-Ruiz ME (1997) Current Knowledge of the Orca Orcinus orca (Linnaeus 1758) in the Gulf of California, Mexico [Current knowledge of the orca Orcinus orca (Linnaeus 1758) in the Gulf of California, Mexico] (Bachelor's thesis). Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur, La Paz, Mé
Sánchez-Díaz VM, Meráz J (2001) Record of predation on Dermochelys coriacea, on the coast of Oaxaca by Orcinus orca. Science and Sea 5: 51-54.
Guerrero-Ruiz ME, Urbán J, Gendron D, Rodríguez ME (2007) Prey items of killer whales in the Mexican Pacific. Paper SC/59/SM14 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee. USA.
O’Sullivan JB, Mitchell T (2000) A fatal attack on a whale shark Rhincodon typus, by killer whales Orcinus orca off Bahia de Los Angeles, Baja California. In Abstract: American Elasmobranch Society Whale Shark Symposium.
Eckert KL, Bjorndal KA, Abreu-Grobois FA, Donnelly M (Eds.), (2000) Research and management techniques for the conservation of sea turtles. IUCN/SSC Sea Turtle Specialist Group Publication No. 4.
Mota-Rodríguez C, Riosmena-Rodríguez R, Santisteban-Espíndola I, Camacho-Romero FJ, Lara-Uc MM (2015) Brown or black turtle of the Eastern Pacific. Biome 29(3): 63-67.
Perryman WL, Foster TC (1980) Preliminary report on predation by small whales, mainly the false killer whale Pseudorca crassidens, on dolphins (Stenella spp. and Delphinus delphis) in the eastern tropical Pacific (Administrative Report LJ-80-05). National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Science Center.
Watson L (1981) Sea guide to whales of the world. Hutchinson Publishers, London, pp. 1-302.
Vázquez-Ruiz KM (2004) Spatial-temporal distribution of the killer whale (Orcinus Orca) 'CETACEA', Feeding behavior and identification of individuals in Bahía de Banderas Nayarit-Jalisco, during the period between the years 1982-2003. Bachelor Thesis, Technological Institute of Bahía de Banderas, pp. 1-61.
Bigg MA, Olesiuk PF, Ellis GM, Ford JKB, Balcomb III KC (1990) Social organization and genealogy of resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the coastal waters of British Columbia and Washington State. In: Hammond, PS, Mizroch SA, Donovan GP (Eds.), Individual recognition of cetaceans: Use of photo-identification and other techniques to estimate population parameters. Reports of the International Whaling Commission. Special Issue 12: 386-406.
Barrett-Lennard LG, Matkin CO, Durban JW, Saulitis EL, Ellifrit D (2011) Predation on gray whales and prolonged feeding on submerged carcasses by transient killer whales at Unimak Island, Alaska. Marine Ecology Progress Series 421: 229-241.
Pacheco AS, Castro C, Carnero HR, Villagra D, Pinilla S, et al. (2019) Sightings of an adult male killer whale match. Aquatic Mammals 45(3): 320-326.
Guerrero-Ruiz ME (1997) Current Knowledge of the Orca Orcinus orca (Linnaeus 1758) in the Gulf of California, Mexico [Current knowledge of the orca Orcinus orca (Linnaeus 1758) in the Gulf of California, Mexico] (Bachelor's thesis). Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur, La Paz, Mé
Sánchez-Díaz VM, Meráz J (2001) Record of predation on Dermochelys coriacea, on the coast of Oaxaca by Orcinus orca. Science and Sea 5: 51-54.
Guerrero-Ruiz ME, Urbán J, Gendron D, Rodríguez ME (2007) Prey items of killer whales in the Mexican Pacific. Paper SC/59/SM14 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee. USA.
O’Sullivan JB, Mitchell T (2000) A fatal attack on a whale shark Rhincodon typus, by killer whales Orcinus orca off Bahia de Los Angeles, Baja California. In Abstract: American Elasmobranch Society Whale Shark Symposium.
Eckert KL, Bjorndal KA, Abreu-Grobois FA, Donnelly M (Eds.), (2000) Research and management techniques for the conservation of sea turtles. IUCN/SSC Sea Turtle Specialist Group Publication No. 4.
Mota-Rodríguez C, Riosmena-Rodríguez R, Santisteban-Espíndola I, Camacho-Romero FJ, Lara-Uc MM (2015) Brown or black turtle of the Eastern Pacific. Biome 29(3): 63-67.
Perryman WL, Foster TC (1980) Preliminary report on predation by small whales, mainly the false killer whale Pseudorca crassidens, on dolphins (Stenella spp. and Delphinus delphis) in the eastern tropical Pacific (Administrative Report LJ-80-05). National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Science Center.
Watson L (1981) Sea guide to whales of the world. Hutchinson Publishers, London, pp. 1-302.
Vázquez-Ruiz KM (2004) Spatial-temporal distribution of the killer whale (Orcinus Orca) 'CETACEA', Feeding behavior and identification of individuals in Bahía de Banderas Nayarit-Jalisco, during the period between the years 1982-2003. Bachelor Thesis, Technological Institute of Bahía de Banderas, pp. 1-61.
Professor, Chief Doctor, Director of Department of Pediatric Surgery, Associate Director of Department of Surgery, Doctoral Supervisor Tongji hospital, Tongji medical college, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Senior Research Engineer and Professor, Center for Refining and Petrochemicals, Research Institute, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Interim Dean, College of Education and Health Sciences, Director of Biomechanics Laboratory, Sport Science Innovation Program, Bridgewater State University