Nereyda Pablo Rodríguez*
Associate researcher of anthropological research and solutions network, Mexico
*Corresponding author: Nereyda Pablo Rodríguez, Associate researcher of anthropological research and solutions network, Mexico
Submission: April 14, 2020;Published: April 27, 2020
ISSN 2578-031X Volume4 Issue1
Environmental changes caused by climate change have affected the distribution and feeding behavior of different species, including marine mammals such as pinnipeds, as an example there were reports of pinniped sightings on Mexican beaches, the original distribution and feeding areas are on the coasts of South America. These reports are becoming more and more frequent, and their possible causes are related with climatic anomalies such as El Niño-Southern Oscillation or La Niña event and the distribution of their potential prey.
Keywords: Climate change; Pinnipeds; Mexico
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in its article
1, defines climate change as “climate change attributed directly or indirectly to human
activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and that adds to the natural
variability of the climate observed during comparable periods of time”. Thus, the UNFCCC
differentiates between climate change attributable to human activities that alter atmospheric
composition and climate change attributable to natural causes [1]. The evolutionary record
from previous climate perturbations indicates that marine mammals are highly vulnerable
but also remarkably adaptable to Climatic Change (CC) in coastal ecosystems [2]. Pinnipeds
are unique marine mammals because they spend much of their life at the sea, but they require
land or ice to give birth. Consequently, one of the effect of the CC impact their distribution and
abundance through direct pathways, such as loss or gain of terrestrial [2].
Studies have been conducted focused on the conservation of pinnipeds, and how CC affects
them [3]. In Mid-latitude species such as Galapagos fur seal (Arctocephalus galapagoensis) or
Guadalupe fur seal (Arctocephalus philippii townsendi) are affected by warm oceanographic
anomalies, like North Pacific marine heatwave termed “The Blob” or the 2015-2016 El Niño-
Southern Oscillation (ENSO) [4,5]. These warm water anomalies impact primary productivity,
and hence prey availability across the trophic web, including for pinnipeds and other top
predators [6,3,7], many times declining their populations [8-10].
Another documented effect is the change in distribution sites, as the northward shift in longterm
distribution of the northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) from Mexico this
has been explained as a probable consequence of the ocean warming [11,12]. CC has become
a major concern, since the increment of the sea surface temperature result in a nutritional
stress [13], and a disruption of the northern elephant seal’s ability to thermoregulate while
on land [14]. In the case of the Southern Elephant Seal (SES; Mirounga leonina), effects of
global CC are not well known, although there may be an impact on foraging areas. Over the
last decades ocean warming and the reduction of ice extents in certain areas of Antarctica
[15]; affect life cycle, distribution, and abundance of key species like krill (Euphausia superba),
important for the food web of the Southern Ocean ecosystem [16,17].
Pinniped species with distribution in South America have been observed more frequently
in waters of the Mexican Pacific, as for the Glapagos fur Seal, reported in 2016 on the beaches
of Michoacán, Páez et al. [18] hypothesized that the presence of the species could be related
to anomalous temperatures recorded in the Pacific Ocean during the ENSO (2015-2016). This cause presence of tropical pinnipeds outside of their potential
foraging or reproductive áreas are primarily associated with
oceanographic anomalies like ENSO [19,20]. Previously, Aurioles
Gamboa et al. [21] reported two juveniles of Galapagos fur seal on
the beaches of Chiapas and Guerrero during 1998, which coincides
with a very intense ENSO 1997-1998.
During 2013, Zurita et al. [22] reported a sighting of
Arctocephalus australis on the beaches of Oaxaca in Mexico, this
species inhabits the continental margins of the Pacific and Atlantic
coasts of South America, from southern Brazil to the Paracas
peninsula of southern Peru [23]. The presence of this species in
the Mexican Tropical Pacific could be related to an anomalous sea
surface temperature during that period, which were related to La
Niña conditions (cold temperatures) that are opposite of those
observed for El Niño (warm phase). Zurita et al. [22] hypothesized
that these anomalous cold conditions in 2013 allowed an unusual
dispersion by this fur seal toward Mexican coasts. On the other
hand, during the last two years, Mexican organizations have
reported SES on Mexican beaches. The species presents virtually
circumpolar distribution in the South. The reported have been
in different beaches of Oaxaca, Chiapas, Baja California Sur and
Nayarit in Mexico, which seem to be from the same individual, but
the case is rare in the area. However, for this species it has already
been reported in areas of Brazil, Ecuador and Central America [24-
According to Verplancken et al. [29], the diet could be a possible
factor that has altered dispersal patterns of SES or other species.
Additionally, other long-term phenomena have been recorded
regarding ocean warming and the global shaolin of hypoxic oxygen
minimum zones and their relationships with the range expansion
of the jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) from the Humboldt Curren
Ecosystem into the northeastern Pacific [30,31]. It must consider
that the described species have a behaviour of moving to remote
feeding places. Therefore, there is no doubt that we will continue
seeing more frequent records of southern pinniped species moving
to the northern areas of their distribution, which could be related
to changes in the environment and the presence of potential prey.
© 2021 Nereyda Pablo Rodríguez. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.