The unique coral reef ecosystem faces multiple stress factors from its surrounding coastal environment. Corals, an ancient marine form survived in
many mass extinction events of geological past evolved to be the provider of many vital ecological services to our planet earth. Its fragility towards
withstanding the pressures of fast developing coastal developments deserves conservation measures. This work conceptualizes the utility of
technological advancements towards conservation of coral reef ecosystems.
Corals are found to be the ancient marine organisms, and
they evolved 540 million years ago [1]. It is sensitive to light, and
temperature levels, as well as corals, survived numerous mass
extinction events in geological past [2-4]. Coral reefs are home
for 25% of marine species and occupy less than 1% of the world’s
oceans, form a unique biodiversity reserve [5, 6]. This exceptional
biodiversity has Net Primary Productivity (NPP) of 2500g C/ m2/
year [7] and higher than tropical rainforest of 2200g C/m2/year
[6] deserves conservation efforts. Its service to our planet earth
has been classified in to four major heads regulating, provisional,
cultural and supporting services. The regulating services
includes carbon sequestration, ocean water filtration followed by
provisioning of fish/shell fish protein for humans, jobs through
fishing, building materials, medical and genetic research products.
The cultural services includes Tourism, recreation, aesthetics to
coast and supporting services like coastal erosion prevention and
serves as nursery for fish juvenile continually maintaining fish
stock. It is predicted that more than 75% worldwide coral reefs
were under threat hence; a conceptual approach towards adopting
modern technology for coral reef conservation has been studied
According to WWF Living Planet Index [LPI,2016], a long-term
measure of marine ecosystem health has declined by 36% between
1970 and 2012 with an average annual decline of 1 per cent (Figure
1). The health conditions were derived from summaries of 12,634
surveys conducted from 1975-2006 [8,9]. It suggests that coral
reefs, sea-grass beds, and mangrove forests are slowly degraded
by the wide range of threats facing them. It might be caused by
cumulative local and global pressures [10] various local and global
pressures were consolidated and tabulated hereunder (Table 1).
The Indian scenario of coral reef research as well as threats to coral
reefs was summarized [11,12] and tabulated hereunder (Table 2).
It is prominent that population pressure and associated effects, as
well as siltation, contribute major threat to Indian coral reefs. Since
coastal population pressure needs administrative controls through
good management practices, sedimentation required technological
The issues of turbidity and sedimentation at coral reefs have
received increasing attention over the past decade [13-15]. Coral
reefs are recognized as structures built by animal and plant forms
creates unique environment biologically. Their problem of siltation
or sedimentation also found to be peculiar and not like most of the
benthic ecosystem [16]. In general, sedimentation should be of
exogenous origin from river runoff, wind or icebergs, or sediments
from biological derivation such as the skeletons of plankton which
settled from surface waters to the sea floor. On reef environment,
the endogenous origin of sediment through death and decay of
reef organism and physical, chemical and biological erosion of
preexisting reef rock. This carbonate sediment spreads throughout
the reef eco system and excess transported to the deep sea.
However, the unprecedented coastal development along tropical
shorelines is further augments the sediment load to the coral
ecosystem. The exogenous sedimentation creates excess turbidity
and reduces light intensity which is vital for photosynthesis and
coral growth. By considering the sensitivity of corals to turbidity,
the effects of dredging has been prioritized. The deleterious
effects of dredging in the lagoon and reefs of Lakshadweep were
studied by [17] and some specific islands [18] along Indian coastal
areas. However, the ever growing economic and societal demands
necessitate activities like coastal constructions, land reclamation,
beach nourishment and port construction along worldwide which
are depending on dredging. The impact of dredging and other
causes of sediment disturbances along corals reefs are primarily
related to the concentration, duration, and frequency of exposure
to elevated levels of turbidity and sedimentation [19]. In general,
sedimentation leads to smothering of the reef, scouring of the reef by
sediment laden waters, loss of bottom area suitable for settlement
of larvae and reduction of light intensity due to turbidity. The elite
responses of coral reef to sedimentations were documented [19]
and tabulated (Table 3).
Table 1:Different threats to coral reef ecosystem.
Table 2:Different threats to Indian coral reef ecosystems.
Table 3:Qualitative coral response to various environmental threats.
However, the sensitivity of a coral reef to dredging impacts
and its resilience depends on the ambient conditions habitually
experienced. To understand the background concentrations of
sedimentation among undisturbed reef environments were studied
by [20,21] it mean value ranges from less than 1 to about 110mg
cm-2 d-1 or < 10 mg L-1 of suspended sediment concentration. In
India, sedimentation rate studies are limited, and the pristine reefs
of Lakshadweep islands recorded 2.69 to 124.49mgcm-2d-1 [21].
The highest value was related to monsoonal effects of terrigenous
runoff [15]. The data from Palk Bay during May to October 2004
varied between 1 to 42mgcm-2d-1 [18]. The highest value was
recorded during June 2004 heavy precipitation period. However
extreme event like a tsunami of 26 December 2004 has elevated the
sedimentation rate to 54mgcm-2d-1 in the Palkbay area [22].
Table 4:Quantitative coral response to turbidity.
Abbreviations used in the tables are B-Branching; C-Columnar; (including digitate); E-Encrusting; F-Foliaceous; L-Laminar
(includingplate & Tabular); M-Massive; S-Solitary (Free-living); So-Soft corals & Gorgonians. Calyx diameter measured on museum
specimens, supplemented with data from Stafford-Smith & Ormond (1992).
Table 5:Quantitative coral response to sedimentation
However, the background concentration derived by Caroline
[60] found to be suitable for the earlier studies of at Palk bay &
Lakshadweep recorded minimum of 1to 2.69mg cm-2 d-1 during the
fair-weather periods. Investigations on effects of sediment stress
in 89 coral species provided a generic understanding of tolerance
levels, response mechanisms, adaptations and threshold levels
of corals to the effects of natural and anthropogenic sediment
disturbances Paul et al. [19]. The algal symbionts of coral polyps
undergo stress from high suspended sediment concentrations and
the subsequent effects on light attenuation. The bare minimum
light requirements of corals reef ranges from < 1% to as much as
60% of surface irradiance Paul et al. [19]. However, the chronic
levels of suspended sediment load range between < 10mg L–1
in pristine offshore reef areas to >100mg L–1 in marginal near
shore reefs Paul et al. [19]. But the tolerance level of exogenous
sedimentation rates for different corals species ranged between
< 10mg cm–2 d–1 to >400mg cm–2 d–1. The exposure duration of high
sedimentation rates varied from< 24 h for sensitive species to a
few weeks (>4 weeks of high sedimentation or >14 days complete
burial) for very tolerant species. This quantification of sensitivity
between different coral species was accounted by the growth form
of coral colonies and the size of the coral polyp or calyx. These
observations were derived from the 77 published studies on the
effects of turbidity and sedimentation on 89 coral species Paul et al.
[19] and presented in tabular from [Table 4 & 5] . Most of the case
studies depict discrete turbidity or sedimentation events which
produce stress on coral reefs [21]. In India, existing knowledge
indicates that inshore corals in certain regions like Gulf of Kutch
region may have adapted to high turbidity regimes. According to
Anthony & Larcombe [61], coral resilience to turbidity might be
of rapid replenishment of energy reserves between periods of
sublethal turbidity events, interchanging between phototrophic and
heterotrophic dependence, rapid rates of photo-acclimation and
energy conservation through reduced respiratory and excretory
losses. The current record of the occurrence of symbiodinium
spp. at Gulf of Kutch express the physiological resilience is also
documented Koushik et al. [62]. These stress response of Indian
coral reefs necessitates a comprehensive scientific approach
towards solving the siltation problem through technological
intervention. The precursor for any technological intervention
requisite understanding of the different process governing the
sedimentation shall be carried out by numerical modelling. The
modeling effort has been warranted only to reef environment
where the exogenous sedimentation from the natural environment
exceeds endogenous sedimentation from the reef itself.
In general, standard engineering modeling tool shall be used
to quantitatively simulate sediment transport and deposition
with in a system [109]. Hence, conceptual site specific modelling
for various sites in India needs to be developed to understand
dynamic sediment transport along coral reef systems. As coral
reefs have a unique environment, comprehensive understandings
of the physical, chemical and biological processes influencing
the fate and transport of sediments laden with contaminants
of potential concern from sources to exposure media (ie. coral
reefs). Hence, a conceptual numerical model shall be developed
comprising vital components like hydrodynamic and sediment
transport. These components were adequately described by
various processes like terrigenous matter inflow through rivers,
tidal forcing, meteorological conditions, sediment size gradation,
sediment bed properties, advection, dispersion, aggregation,
settling, consolidation, erosion transport in suspension, water
quality and particle-to-particle interactions and anthropogenic
activities of current as well as historical condition. Accounting
all these components a numerical model using Mike21, Delf 3D
shall be set up to mimic natural conditions. The dynamics of these
components shall be simulated using the numerical modelling and
calibrated against observed values. Latter validated against the
time series field data set collected in a specific manner as per the
model requirement. The model output will be of the scenarios of
the current, historical and future condition of sedimentation in a
reef environment under consideration. The output of the modeling
exercise will reveal the impact of siltation due to anthropogenic
input (industrial discharge) or other factors like river runoff,
bank erosion, etc. If the anthropogenic input predominates the
other means of sedimentation, government departments like state
pollution control boards and central pollution control boards shall
be informed to curb the input through legislative means. However,
the exogenous sedimentation rate found to be higher and segregate
possible input areas of sediment load shall be mapped within the
model domain, and suitable technological intervention may be
Sediment movement may be arrested by established
technologies by providing geotube dykes along the eroding banks
to prevent leach outs. As this technology found to be eco friendly
and standardized by NIOT for coastal erosion prevention [110]. The
model scenario of future condition after technological intervention
also been simulated and try to achieve the sedimentation levels
of >100mg L-1 or >400mg cm–2 d–1 as reported in the literature.
Further studies are required to validate the maximum tolerable
level of sedimentation level on coral reefs of Indian coast. The
floating macro algal mass settlement on coral reefs of [111] was also
reported during January to March. It may be prevented by floating
barrier capable of filtering macro algae and not entangle fish as
well as turtles. The further large scale is floating algae; garbage
netting and collection by [112] may be adopted. This innovative
boat capable of collecting floating macro algae materials with its
foldable arms covering a width of4m span and collection rate of
98m3 day-1 during operation. Further, coral reef rehabilitation
shall be achieved through Biorock technology which uses mineral
accretion process developed by Thomas Goreau, a marine biologist
and Wolf Hilbertz, an engineer and architect [113-117] through
electro deposition of calcium from sea water enhances the coral
growth and the technology found to be viable at certain pockets of
world reefs [48,118,119].
Professor, Chief Doctor, Director of Department of Pediatric Surgery, Associate Director of Department of Surgery, Doctoral Supervisor Tongji hospital, Tongji medical college, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Senior Research Engineer and Professor, Center for Refining and Petrochemicals, Research Institute, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Interim Dean, College of Education and Health Sciences, Director of Biomechanics Laboratory, Sport Science Innovation Program, Bridgewater State University