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Environmental Analysis & Ecology Studies

Anthropogenic Activities, Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change

Peter Sunday*

Makerere University, Uganda

*Corresponding author: Peter Sunday, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda

Submission: August 23, 2021; Published: September 17, 2021

DOI: 10.31031/EAES.2021.09.000704

ISSN 2578-0336
Volume9 Issue1


Evidence of Climate Change is depicted by the following:

a. Increased Surface temperatures: They are rising Worldwide due to gases being Trapped into the Atmosphere.

b. Decreased snowline on the Mountains

c. Deglaciation: Overall Glaciers are Melting at a Faster Rate.

d. Change of Season patterns; Drought is longer, Tropical storms are also severe due to warmer ocean temperatures.

e. Decrease of habitats of species like Fish in Lakes and Oceans.

f. Drought which is longer and more extreme in the world.

g. Sea levels are rising at a high levels hence threatening Coastal and Estuarine Ecosystems.

Anthropogenic activities refers to man made activities such as deforestation which decrease the capacity to absorb excess carbondioxide ending up forming a blanket hence increasing on the surface temperatures and also increasing acidic rains which destroy the vegetation. Climate Change is the long time Shift in weather Conditions identified by Changes in Temperature, Precipitation, Winds and other indicators.

Bushburning also involves destruction of Vegetation hence decreasing the Carbon Sink hence undesirable rains and increased temperatures. So is Wet Land reclaimation which also affects the capacity to absorb the excess Carbondioxide. Coal burning also involves the Combustion of Fossil Fuels which increases on the Green House gas emission. Industrailization too increases the level of gases into the atmosphere hence leading to Global warming.

Vehicle emissions are also responsible for Climate change as excess Carbondioxide is pumped into the Atmosphere eventually increasing the surface temperatures and unexpected rains. Inceneration of Plastics lead to increased Carbondioxide plus undesirable gases which heat up the earth surface. It affects the vegetation plus Fauna such as Fish which cannot survive. Over Cultivation tends to deplete the Ozone layer which absorbs the UltraViolet and Infra- red rays responsible for heating up the Earth Surface.

Climate Change is a Global phenomenon but More Developed Countries are responsible for the Green House effect: which is the emitting of excess Carbondioxide and Nitrogen Oxide into the atmosphere and inturn increases heat on the Earth Surface than the Developing World reason being More emissions take place in form of Industries and Vehicles.

According to WMO (World Metreological Organization) Efforts have been made to reduce these emissions in the form of reducing coal burning and limiting Vehicle and Industrial emissions. The UN, also calls for a reduction of emissions to zero level by 2050. In Conclusion, human activity is greatly responsible for Climate Change though there are other factors such as Warm winds such as the South East Trade winds which bring with them warm conditions. Volcanicity also tends to heat the Earth surface and also emits Greenhouse gases. Solar output also has an effect on the amount of radiation coming onto the Earth Surface. The Earth’s Orbit around the sun also affects the amount of radiation reaching the Earth Surface.

© 2021 © Peter Sunday. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.

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