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Environmental Analysis & Ecology Studies

Land Use Changes in Coastal Areas and the Need to Protect the Coastal Environment Limit

Naser Ebadati*

Assistant Professor of Geology Department, Islamic Azad University, Iran

*Corresponding author: Naser Ebadati, Assistant Professor of Geology Department, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr Branch, Iran

Submission: May 28, 2018; Published: July 31, 2018

DOI: 10.31031/EAES.2018.03.000566

ISSN 2578-0336
Volume3 Issue4


Over the past few decades, about 70% of the world’s shores have been affected by continuous coastal erosion. In this regard, the International Committee of Geography considers coastal areas to be one of the most unique natural areas [1]. This territory is considered to be the intersection of the morphological processes of the sea with land [2]. Ecologically, coastal areas have very importance and importance due to the presence of sensitive ecosystems [3]. Because of numerous human uses, coastal always appear as an area of traction and contradiction [4]. The global average sea level has increased by the 20th century, and it is expected that in the current century, due to glacial melt and thermal expansion, the surface water will increase [5-7], which poses a serious threat to the stability of the coastal ecosystem and property peoples [8,9]. It is vital to monitor the coastline dynamics in order to cope with these problems, because this monitoring provides essential information for understanding the response of coastal changes to the present climate change and human impacts [10].

Another environmental hazard and ecological crises that the world now faces is the phenomenon of land use change. These changes are changing over time and these changes lead to increased destruction of the land and the destruction of ecosystems, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. Therefore, in order to control the crisis, user changes require the recognition and understanding of the factors and processes and the trend is now. Land use changes are unconsciously the most important issues in the country. Because the change of most applications is often unplanned, and without taking environmental considerations into account, the growing urbanization and increased pollution of resources, the destruction of a large area of forests, the erosion of agricultural land, the occurrence of destructive floods, desertification Desert ecosystems are often due to non-standard land cover changes and improper use of exploitation methods [11]. The timely and accurate detection of changes in land surface complications provides a basis for a better understanding of the relationships and interactions between human and natural phenomena in order to better management and optimize the use of natural resources [12].

Monitoring of changes is generally carried out to assess natural processes, such as the long-term effects of climate-induced, as well as short-term processes. The processes include vegetation sequences and geomorphologic processes, as well as monitoring changes to assess impacts from human activities. Such as deforestation, agriculture and urban planning [13]. In the meantime, monitoring the coastal area is an important part in sustainable development and conservation of the environment; coastal area extraction is essential for coastal development at different times [14]. Coastline is one of the most important linear effects on the surface of the earth, which shows the dynamic nature [15]. Coastlines are defined by the International Geographic Data Committee (IGDC) as one of the most important geographic features on the surface of the earth and geographically across the coastline and the surface of the blue zone [16]. Based on this, coastline mapping and determining changes for safe navigation, resource management, environmental protection, sustainable coastal planning and development are essential [17].

In this regard, coastline limit determination in different countries of the world is based on the climatic and natural conditions of each region’s water zones, and their coastal management plans vary according to coastal land exploitation methods [18]. In coastal countries, the determination of coastline limit primarily based on the highest water level in tide time, storm levels, and changes in water levels. This is a completely customary area, and each country has a different breadth and width based on coastal use and environmental activity.

The range of seabed in different countries is based on the storm levels of winter waves. This limit is considered 50 to 200meters after the tsunami phenomenon [19]. Therefore, considering coastal changes, sea level topography, coastline slope and Failure to observe marine protection limits, the geomorphological hazards in coastal areas have been created in addition to the problems of changing natural habitats. As a result, surveying the seaside efficiency and geomorphological hazards as well as user variations and impacts on coastal ecosystems have particular sensitivities and advancing human uses has increased the vulnerability of coastal areas in some parts of the world. Therefore, the need to pay attention to these important issues and to protect natural coastal ecosystems is emphasized.


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