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Environmental Analysis & Ecology Studies

Foliar Application: A Thriving and Flourishing Domain in Agriculture

  • Open or Close Pushpa C Tomar* and Tanya Kalra

    Department of Biotechnology, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, India

    *Corresponding author: Dr. Pushpa C Tomar, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad, Haryana, India, 121004

Submission: February 20, 2018; Published: March 27, 2018

DOI: 10.31031/EAES.2018.02.000526

ISSN: 2578-0336
Volume2 Issue1


Foliar Application seems to be an upcoming and ongoing research area especially in the field of agriculture. This is been in practice in various parts of the world and proved its positive results in its field [1,2]. Foliar application can be explained as spraying the suitable fertilizer solution (condition is, that it should be water soluble) on the surface of the leaves of growing plants [3]. This practice not only saves quantity of fertilizer used but also improves the uptake of a particular micronutrient by the crops and boosts the yield too. Interaction between crop’s genetic potential and the environment in which it grows is detrimental for the yield of a crop [4]. Soil application of nitrogen is a conventional method to supply nitrogen to plants and for improvement in any field adhering to the old ways will not be a better option [4]. In some instances, the availability of urea becomes inadequate for the farmers at sowing time. In such situation the foliar application of plant nutrient is effective and economical for some crops [5].

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