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Clinical Research in Animal Science

Preparation of Animal Food

Carlos M Martínez Hernández1*, Hans Oechsner2 and Adianni González Freire3

1Prof Titular, Cuba

2Hans Oechsner, Germany

3Ing Agrícola, Cuba

*Corresponding author:Carlos M Martínez Hernández, Prof. Titular, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu”de las Villas, Villa Clara, Cuba

Submission: August 09, 2022;Published: November 15, 2022

Volume2 Issue3
November , 2022


The work is presented in three parts. The first part approaches the German methodology for the preparation of food animal going to the biggest bovine livestock (bovine branch), the methods of preparation of allowances are exposed based on the German norms and its wide use in Germany for the feeding of the livestock bovine facilities in small, medium and big facilities. The second part exposes the technologies used in Cuba. In third part it leaves the possibility it discusses of introducing some of the German technologies in Cuba. Emphasis is made in the possibility of introduction of these technologies in any investigation or development institution in Cuba that is in charge of from the bovine production to private or state scale. For their importance and applicability, the fundamental steps of the haymaking methodologies and silage are described to different scale, in dependence of the size of the installation, of the purpose of the breeding (meat or milk) and of the number of livestock heads, being the objective of this work to discuss these methodologies in our country.

By means of these methodologies it is possible to produce animal food using endogenous resources that allow achieving a sovereignty and economic independence when not having to care great quantity of agricultural ingredients that urge the production of animal food (animal concentrated food), saving material resources, humans and money. Finally, it is emphasized in the importance of to value the results reached with these methodologies due to their possibility of being transferred to productive scale and to potentializes this activity to national scale.

Keywords: Animal food; German methodologies; Necessary inputs


Some years ago, Martínez et al. [1] they treated some aspects of the upgrade of the bovine facilities in Germany and their possible introduction in the countries of the south, specifically in the Cuban case; in that occasion it particularizes in the case of the facilities and their productive infrastructure. Presently work will be approached the technologies that exist in Germany to satisfy the feeding demands for this livestock type of agreement with Martínez [2], in Cuba the feeding of the bovine livestock is carried out in grasslands and hills in an intensive way (rotation for small extensions) and extensive (in big earth extensions) dedicated to these tools. Also, by means of the use of diets that contain concentrated allowances, to which are denominated piensos. These allowances denominated piensos are quite expensive, when having to care most of the input and motivated by the preparation of these, which are elaborated to industrial scale in factories specialized in these operations [3-5]. The fundamental inputs for the preparation of these concentrated allowances (piensos) are grains, albumin supplements, mineral salts, medications and antibiotics among others. Other forms of feeding of the bovine livestock in Cuba are by means of the green forage and the hay makers, however; the technology of preparation of hay in ballers and the technology of the silage is quite depressed at the present time, due to different factors such as: great deterioration of the machinery used in this works and a low capacity and quality of grasses and forages for these operations [6-9]. For such a reason this work has as objective: to present some variants of animal food preparation in Germany so that they can be valued and pondered by the people to make it be possible (special finding) of their introduction in the case of Cuba [10,11]. Maximum in the current moments where the country bets to give a total overturn to the animal feeding with endogenous resources and with the participation of state and private producers, in the two fundamental branches of the bovine production (milk and meat) [12-14].


In the work you can appreciate that for the breeding and development of the biggest bovine livestock (GVM), of any purpose (milk, meat or double purpose) a fundamental premise is to guarantee its feeding of quality and quantity during the whole year. The work shows the German methodologies for the preparation of animal food going to the biggest bovine livestock (GVM), which they are simple, reliable and robust. These methodologies are used to small, median and great scale in the German bovine facilities [15]. All these technologies could be transferred to the Cuban case to real scale for their valuation and setting in practice using our agricultural endogenous resources; as much the technologies as the agricultural materials with which is counted for the obtaining of the maximum productive potential of our bovine livestock bigger than different purposes, however, are clear that the important thing is to have the financial resources and the political will to make them reality. The road to achieving the above-mentioned could be foreign- owned investment, which has proven its effectiveness in other domestic productive areas [16].

Finally, it is inferred that without an animal feeding of quality and quantity, increments cannot be expected in the bovine production in Cuba in next years. For such a reason, with this work it is suggested that the people to make decision (decisores) has the possibility to carry out an analysis and pondered valuation of these technologies for their possible introduction in the country. An amplification of this mini revision will be consulted in the next papers that will be published of the Cuban magazine Titled: “Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias”. La Habana. Cuba.


  1. Martínez C, Oechsner H, Kanswohl N, Schlegel M (2009) Instalaciones para ganado vacuno lechero. Tendencias actuales. (Facilities for livestock bovine milkman. Current tendencies).
  2. Martínez C (2015) Instalaciones agropecuarias. Fundamentos y elementos de cá Libro de texto. (Agricultural facilities. Foundations and calculation elements). Textbook. UCLV. Editorial Félix Varela, La Habana, Cuba, ISBN 978-959-07-1708-6, p.241.
  3. Becker M (1967) Análisis y valoración de pastos y forrajes. Editorial Ciencia y técnica, Instituto del libro. La Habana, Cuba, p.201.
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  5. Handbuch (2001) Landwirtschaftliche Betriebsgebaude. Planungshilfe, Funktions und Bauanleitungen, Germany, ISBN-3-7843-3039-8.
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  7. Jungbluth T, Buescher W, Krause M (2013) Technik Tierhaltung. Gundwissen Bachelor. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart. Germany, p.304.
  8. Jungbluth T, Buescher W, Krause M (2017) Technic Tierhaltung. 2. Auflage. Verlag Eugen Ulmer. Stuttgart, Germany, p.322.
  9. Kimakobski BI, Ortiz R, Benítez D (1979) Consumo de hierba de animales en pastoreo. Metodología para su determinació Instituto de Ciencia Animal (ICA), La Habana, Cuba, p.15.
  10. Martínez C y Cruz Maykel Díaz (2019) Fundamentos de mecanización agropecuaria. (Foundations of agricultural mechanization). Textbook. Editorial Félix Varela, La Habana, Cuba, ISBN 978-959-07-2327-8, p. 215.
  11. (2011) NRAG 185, Suelos. Ensilado de forraje. Especificaciones, p.10.
  12. (2012) NC 884, Código de Buenas prácticas de alimentación animal, p.17.
  13. (1993) CXA-4, Clasificación de alimentos y piensos, p. 183.
  14. (2013) CXG-80, Directrices sobre la aplicación de la evaluación de riesgo en los piensos, p.7.
  15. Viviani E, Barbarossa R (2022) Heno de calidad. Sitio argentino de producción animal.

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