1High Dilution Science, São Paulo, Brazil
2Santo Amaro University, São Paulo, Brazil
*Corresponding author: Maria Luiza de Sousa Barbosa, High Dilution Science, Santo Amaro University, São Paulo, Brazil
Submission: January 23, 2024;Published: March 22, 2024
Introduction: Babesiosis and canine Ehrlichiosis are often associated. Transmitted by the tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus, they parasitize cells such as neutrophils and erythrocytes, causing severe anemia, apathy, weight loss, anorexia, epistaxis, fever, petechiae, among other clinical manifestations.
Aim: Report the evolution of homeopathic treatment in the case of hemoparasitosis.
Methodology: An 8-month-old female dog, weighing 6kg, was treated in the municipality of Ribeirão Pires - SP, Brazil. She arrived with a 4-month history of chronic anemia and was being monitored by a colleague with allopathic therapy, which had no effect. When the condition worsened, she was referred for homeopathic treatment. On clinical examination, the patient was prostrate, with tick infestation, moderate dehydration, pale mucous membranes, increased respiratory amplitude and reactive lymph nodes, joint stiffness, decreased range of movement, limping of the four limbs, inability to stand or walk, moderate secretion in both eyeballs and epistaxis. In laboratory blood analysis, a reagent for Babesia sp. serology was identified and the IgG serology test for Ehrlichia canis and changes in the blood count that subsequently followed collections every seven days. The homeopathic treatment lasted ninety days, Arnica montana 200cH and Lachesis muta 100cH were used in a single dose, Phosphurus 30cH twice a day for ninety days, Symphytum officinale complex + Rhus toxicodendron and Calcarea Complex (Carbônica, Fluorica and Phosphorica) 6cH for sixty days, Arnica montana 30cH and Pyrogenium 12cH for forty-five days.
Result: After starting treatment, the patient exonerated due to hyperthermia 40 °C and uveitis in the left eyeball, followed by an improvement in laboratory tests, hematocrit from 24% to 29%, platelets from 40 thousand to 286 thousand and leukocytes from 41 thousand to 23 thousand in an interval of 21 days. There was clinical improvement in terms of general condition and ambulation, the animal relapsed during treatment.
Conclusion: Laboratory tests (blood count) prove that the homeopathic therapy adopted was effective for hemoparasitosis.
Keywords:Anemia; Hemoparasitosis; Homeopathy; Phosphorus; Polyarthritis; Ticks