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Determinations in Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology

Rearing System Including Health Concern of Small Ruminant in Jumla, Nepal

Submission: October 11, 2022;Published: January 10, 2023


Small ruminant production is one of the main sources of meat in Jumla district of Nepal and plays a vital role in the country’s food security. An observational study was carried out at Guthichaur and surrounding areas to know the rearing system including health practices of small ruminant in Jumla. The interview was done with 20 farmers’ group around Guthichaur, Jumla and each group/flock comprised of 100 to 350 animals. They were asked about the rearing system, feeding, vaccination and deworming schedule, general health problems etc. Sheep was a major livestock commodity and most of the farmers raised sheep and goat together in the same flock. Farmers raised sheep and goat in transhumance system (migratory sheep flock). Baruwal, Bhyanglung and their crosses in case of sheep while Sinhal in case of goat were raised commonly. From the beginning of summer season (March-May), sheep grazed in the nearby field from morning to evening. At night, some farmers kept their sheep and goats in shed while some farmers kept their sheep outside their shed in field. Sheep remained in sheds in winter when there was snowfall. During snowfall, land was covered with snow and there were limited places for the animals to graze. Hay and stored corn were major feed during snowfall time. From June to the first week of September, farmers kept their sheep and goats in high hills called patan. Sheep grazed herbs there, no trees or shrubs were found. Farmers generally did not deworm or vaccinate their sheep except a few. When animals become weak, farmers deworm those individuals only. Farmers performed open castration by themselves. Major health problems faced by farmers were plant poisoning, parasitic infestations, scabies and lice infestation, pneumonia, abortion, uterine prolapse, vaginal prolapse and inbreeding etc as well. Farmers kept the same male for seed material for many years. It is difficult to convince them that inbreeding occurs when the same male is kept in herd for many years.

Keywords:Rearing system; Small ruminant (sheep and goat); Transhumance system; Plant poisoning, Pneumonia; Jumla; Nepal

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