Gajendra Sharma* and Elzin Katel
School of Engineering, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal
*Corresponding author: Gajendra Sharma, School of Engineering, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal
Submission: May 11, 2020; Published: June 02, 2020
Volume2 Issue5June, 2020
Capacitors are mainly used in power system for reactive power compensation. Reactive power compensation can be done in two ways: Series compensation and shunt compensation. The placement of capacitors is one of the most important methods to achieve loss reduction and enhance the voltage characteristics of distribution systems. Different optimization methods can be used to determine the optimal values of the capacitors in electrical distribution networks. The problems related to determining the optimal size and location of shunt capacitors on distribution feeders has received much thought from researchers for many years. Capacitors are frequently used as mandatory devices in information and communication technologies (ICTs). This paper presents an extensive review of the different solution methods found in the literature.
Keywords: Capacitor placement; Radial distribution systems; Optimization techniques; Analytical methods; Numerical programming methods; Heuristics methods; Genetic algorithm; Particle swarm optimization
Series compensation and shunt compensation are the way techniques by which capacitors are placed in an electric network. Series compensation alters the reactance of the transmission or distribution lines, while shunt compensation changes the equivalent load impedance. Shunt compensation technique is widely used due to various problems associated with series compensation such as increase in fault current, mal operation of distance relays, problems due to sub-synchronous resonance and ferro-resonance. Some of the benefits of shunt reactive power compensation are: improvement in system power factor, reduction in network losses, reduction in consumption of reactive power, increase in system capacity, saving of cost on new installations and improvement of voltage regulation in the network. The benefits of compensation depend substantially on the manner in which capacitors are placed in the distribution system, particularly on the placement and sizing of the added capacitors. Capacitors have wide applications in ICTs. Prior to 1950s the shunt capacitor banks (SCB) were placed nearer to the main substation for capacitive reactive power compensation. The trend then shifted to install capacitors out on the primary distribution feeders rather than at the substation. This was due both to the availability of pole-mounted equipment and because of the economics favoring placement of the capacitor closer to the loads. Two benefits are generally of importance in placing the capacitor out on the primary feeders: the voltage rise which is caused by the capacitors, and the added loss reduction which results from moving the capacitors from the substation out to the load area [1]. To achieve benefits of shunt compensation under various operating constraints, it is required to determine the optimal locations, types and sizes of capacitors to be placed. The power factor correction capacitors can be installed at high voltage bus, distribution, or at the load but the optimal location can be found using different optimization techniques.
Review of optimization techniques
Different authors have proposed different methods considering different fitness function
including minimization of power losses, reduction in installation cost, and improvement in
voltage profile; lessen the burden on existing lines, maximization of system stability and
others. These techniques are classified into four categories. They are analytical methods, numerical programming methods, heuristic search methods and
artificial intelligence (AI) based methods. Analytical Methods: When
powerful computing resources were unavailable or expensive, the
author’s proposed simple calculus based analytical algorithm. Some
approximations were done in order to reduce the computation
procedure. These assumptions (e.g. load variation neglected) and
scenarios (e.g. distributed non-distributed) as considered by the
authors in developing that algorithm may lead to errors such as
overvoltage problem or loss savings ($) less than the calculated one.
The initial work was carried out by Neagle [1] in 1956 for optimum
single and multiple capacitor bank in case of uniform and nonuniform
distribution of load. According to [1], the maximum loss
reduction on a feeder with distributed load is obtained by locating
the capacitor bank where its capacitive kvar is equal to twice the
system kvar. He determined that the for maximum loss reduction,
the location of the capacitor should be [1 – (½)*(capacitive kvar/
system kvar)] distance from the main substation. Cook, in 1959,
worked on the same guideline as given by Cook [2] and proposed
a more practical algorithm for fixed capacitor bank for uniformly
distributed considering average reactive load in the system. He
suggested the location of each capacitor is two-thirds pu instead of
the optimum location for each capacitor rating. Cook also suggested
that the optimum size of SCB must be 2LF/3 where LF stands for
reactive load factor. Cook later extended his work in to include
switched capacitors [3].
Schmill [4] extended the work of Cook [3] in 1961. Equations
are given for sizing and placement of fixed or switched capacitors
on uniformly or none uniformly loaded feeders. The necessary
conditions for optimal sizing and placement of one or two capacitors
on a feeder are presented. An iterative approach is suggested to solve
the problem. Numerical Programming Methods: These are iterative
techniques used to maximize (or minimize) an objective function of
decision variables. The values of these variables must also satisfy
a set of constraints. With the availability of fast computing skills
and large memory availability, the utilization of numerical methods
in power system has increased Dura H [5] proposed a dynamic
programming approach to find the number, locations, and sizes of
fixed capacitor banks on a feeder with discrete loads? Algorithms
are presented for the special cases of no capacitor cost, capacitor
cost proportional to installed capacity, and cost proportional to
installed capacity plus a fixed cost per capacitor bank Ponnavsikko
M et al. [6] included the effect of load growth and energy cost
increase into the objective function and solve the problem using
the Method of Local Variations. In this procedure, the capacitor at
each bus is a state variable. The procedure starts with any solution
which satisfies all voltage constraints. A check is made to determine
if additional savings will result from increasing the size of the
capacitor at a bus by a discrete amount, which is determined by the
minimum available capacitor size. In such case the capacitor value
is set to the new size. Otherwise, a check is made to see if a decrease
in size will result in an increase in savings. If so, the capacitor size at
the bus is decreased, otherwise no change is made and the method
proceeds to the next bus. Iteration is complete when all buses have
been checked. Convergence is reached when all state variables
remain unchanged throughout an entire iteration. Khodr HM et al.
[7] solved the SCB problem using mixed-integer linear problem and
considered overall energy saving as fitness function. The problem
was formulated as the maximization of the NPV of the compensation
project. The objective was to maximize the global savings obtained
from loss reduction and capacity release in the expansion of the
network. After a suitable linearization, the optimization problem
was formulated as a mixed-integer linear problem and successfully
solved by using a widespread commercial package.
Heuristics Methods
Heuristics methods are “hints”, “suggestions”, or “rules of thumb”
based methods that are developed through intuition, experience,
and judgment. Heuristic methods produce fast and practical
strategies which reduce the exhaustive search space and can lead
to a solution that is nearer to the optimal solution with confidence.
The solution to the capacitor problem using heuristic rules involves
searching through a set of possible solutions. Abdel-Salam et al. [8]
presented a new technique for reducing the energy losses arising
from the flow of reactive power in a distribution system by placing
compensating capacitors at a few specific locations in the network
termed “sensitive nodes” to achieve a maximum annual dollar
saving. A cost study is performed taking into consideration the load
variations during the year and the costs of capital and installation
of the compensating capacitors. Chis et al. in [9] extended the
work of Abdel TS et al. [8] and considered cost of capacitor bank
(size) from both energy and peak power loss reductions. Some
advantages of this method are: reduced size of the problem,
reduced computation time and better savings. In Ramalinga RM et
al. [10] the authors have used direct search algorithm to determine
the optimal sizes of fixed and switched capacitors together with
their optimal locations in a radial distribution system so that net
savings are maximized and improvement in the voltage profile
is achieved. AI Methods: The simplest of search algorithms in
optimization is exhaustive search that tries all possible solutions
from a predetermined set and subsequently picks the best one.
However such methods are considered as non-efficient in terms
of computation time and space requirement. Heuristic techniques
which are smart and inspired from nature have also been proposed
in literature, commonly known as artificial intelligent (AI) methods.
When a realistic problem formulation with all considerations is to
be solved, however, most other methods are unable to work well
whereas AI methods provide reliable and optimal solutions in
a short CPU time. Some examples of such methods are based on
genetic algorithms (GA), fuzzy, immune algorithm, Tabu search,
fuzzy-GA, particle swarm optimization, plant growth simulation
algorithm, memetic-algorithm approach, teaching learning based
optimization algorithm, ant colony, graph search algorithm,
etc. However in large systems, AI methods suffers from high
computation time and large memory space requirement, in such
cases hybrid methods are considered more powerful. Sundharajan
[11] proposed new optimization method using a Genetic Algorithm
is proposed to determine the optimal selection of capacitors. The
objective function is to minimize the peak power losses and the
energy losses in the distribution system considering the capacitor cost. Genetic Algorithms are basically search mechanisms based
on the Darwinian principle of natural evolution. Only information
needed to in GA is the objective function. The five components
that are needed to implement this algorithm are representation,
initialization, evaluation function, genetic operators and schemata.
Likewise genetic parameters such as population size, crossover
rate and mutation rate help to tune the performance of the genetic
The number of function evaluations is greater and hence
GAS are slower compared to traditional optimization algorithms.
However, the function evaluation for each string is independent and
hence they could be processed in parallel. This implicit parallelism
makes them the most suitable for design optimization in a parallel
computing environment. Chung Fu [12] attempted to solve the
capacitor placement problem by using Ant Colony Search Algorithm
(ACSA) based the natural behavior of ants in locating food sources
and retrieve them to their colony by the construction of unique
paths. The objective is to minimize the system power loss, subject
to operating constraints under a certain load pattern. The main
computational processes of ACSA are i) initiation ii) Estimation of
the fitness iii) Ant placement and reconfiguration iv) Local/global
updating rule v) Termination of the algorithm. From the application
results, it was observed that the feeder reconfiguration and
capacitor placement process reduced the power loss and improved
the voltage profile. In addition, the computational results showed
that the performance of the ACSA method was better than those
obtained by the Simulated Anneling (SA) and Genetic Algorithm
(GA). It was also observed that the ACSA method is especially
suitable for application to large-scale distribution systems. Singh
and Rao [13] discussed the Optimal allocation of capacitors in
distribution systems using particle swarm optimization. The
objective is to minimize the sum of energy loss and the capacitor
costs satisfying operational and power balance constraints. The
buses having higher sensitivities would be candidate locations in
order to reduce the search space. After the selection of buses with
higher sensitivity factors as candidate locations, optimization is
done by particle swarm algorithm. Comparison of PSO is carried out
with other methods like Tabu Search, Hybrid Method and Genetic
Algorithm. Results demonstrate that PSO yields greater savings,
lesser losses and better voltage profile compared to other methods.
Computation time of PSO is very less when compared with Genetic
Researchers have devised different methods to solve the problem of optimal placement of capacitor banks. This paper presents a review of these methods. It is clear from the existing literature that each method has several advantages and several demerits too. The issues associated with both the design and control problems of different methods need to be addressed, which opens a whole new possibility for future research on this topic.
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