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COVID-19 and The Oral Physician

  • Open or CloseFreny RK*

    Oral Medicine and Radiology, Nair Hospital Dental College, India

    *Corresponding author: Freny RK, Professor and Head of Department, Oral Medicine and Radiology, Nair Hospital Dental College, Mumbai, India

Submission: January 07, 2021; Published: July 29, 2021


The unending corona pandemic is spiraling us all into virologists, epidemiologists, futurologists and god only knows what. Throughout the passage of history, disease occurrences have ravaged the human race, many a times changing the course of history and, at some instances, indicating the end of entire civilizations. COVID 19 is not the first pandemic, and it will definitely not be the last. In fact, if statistics are correctly seen and interpreted death rate of COVID-19 is much less that that compared to Swine Flu in 2009-10 or Cholera outbreak (1817-1923), death due to tuberculosis and oral carcinoma is rampant and was in the headlines, till suddenly the COVID-19 wave took over. In fact, people are dying all around the world more due to lifestyle disease, comorbidities some of them overlapping COVID 19 fatalities.

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