
COJ Reviews & Research

Scientific and Associated Engineering Technology and Technical Excellence

  • Open or CloseWilliam WV*

    William W. Vaughan NASA Emeritus Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, Alabama USA

    *Corresponding author:William WV, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA

Submission: February 13, 2020; Published: March 06, 2020

DOI: 10.31031/COJRR.2020.02.000544

ISSN: 2639-0590
Volume2 Issue4


Technical excellence is a requirement for good technology development concerning all scientific and associated engineering disciplines, including for example Geoscience, Climate Studies, Global Warming, Meteorology, Hydrology, Earth Science Research, Thermodynamics of Earth and Atmosphere, Natural and Man-Made Hazards. It should be the goal of all scientific and engineering organizations and individuals, whether in government or private industry, national or international. What do we mean by technical excellence? Most people have their own ideas and interpretation as to what constitutes technical excellence [1]. Since the intent of this article is to address the importance of technical excellence relative to the development of scientific and associated engineering technology, it may be good to explore a few statements that have been made by some key individuals who were in the aerospace community. One author, Teresa V [2], defined technical excellence as an effort to ensure that well-considered and sufficient technical thoroughness and rigor are applied to programs and projects under an uncompromising commitment to safety and mission success. A NASA Associate Administrator, Chris S [3], identified four guiding principles to achieving technical excellence.

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