
COJ Reviews & Research

Tinnitus, Diploacusis, Hyperacusis, Dysarmonic Paracusis and Deafness in the Musicians

  • Open or Close Lucio M1*, Salvatore T2, Anna Corinna A3, Vinicio P3, Mario T2, Barbara F4 and Paola A5

    1ORL Centri Medico Legali di Lecce e di Brindisi, Italy

    2Medico del Lavoro Centri Medico Legali di Lecce e di Brindisi, Italy

    3Dirigente Medico di I° livello Centro Medico Legale di Brindisi, Italy

    4Tinnitus Center European Hospital, Italy

    5Dirigente Medico di II° livello Centri Medico Legali di Lecce, Brindisi e Casarano Inail, Italy

    *Corresponding author: Lucio Maci, ORL Centri Medico Legali di Lecce e di Brindisi, Inail, Italy

Submission: December 17, 2018; Published: January 09, 2019

DOI: 10.31031/COJRR.2019.02.000528

ISSN: 2639-0590
Volume2 Issue1


All the texts of Musical Education in Schools of all levels defined The Music “the art of sound “. For Le Petit Robert, music is “the art of combining musical sounds, according to rules (depending on the time and place), of organizing a duration with sound elements. In the Book of Music, Paul Augé wrote that “Music is the art of combining pleasant sounds with the ear.” The sound for physics is a periodic acoustic phenomenon and usually pleasant to listen, the noise instead is not periodic and is unpleasant “.

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