
COJ Nursing & Healthcare

Effect of Two Teaching Methods on Learning Outcomes Regarding Prevention of Cervical Cancer Among Married Women in Rural Areas of Kannur District, Kerala-A Pilot Study

Submission: December 07, 2017; Published: March 29, 2018

DOI: 10.31031/COJNH.2018.02.000534

ISSN: 2577-2007
Volume2 Issue2


Cervical cancer is the second most prevalent cancer among women worldwide and the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths. The study was conducted among married women who met the inclusion criteria in a selected rural areas at Kannur district to assess the effect of two teaching methods on learning outcomes regarding prevention of cervical cancer. Study adopted an experimental two group pre test post test design with a Quantitative research approach. Study was conducted in selected rural areas of Kannur district among married women in the age group 18-60 years. Sampling technique adopted for the study was simple random sampling with the sample size of 60.

The study revealed that there is a marked improvement in the knowledge, attitude, practice and perceived barriers among the married women regarding prevention of cervical cancer after video assisted teaching rather than the self instructional module. Major findings of the study were; majority of the women belongs to the age group of 18- 30years (50%) and most of their age at marriage was 18-30 years (93.3%), 56.7% of women had college education and, 50% of women were housewives. In pre-test out of 30 samples 26(86.6%) samples had inadequate knowledge before video assisted teaching were as in post test 19(63.3%) samples had adequate knowledge after VAT. In pretest out of 30 samples 25 (83.3%) samples had inadequate knowledge before self instructional module were as in post test 3 (10%) samples had adequate knowledge after SIM.

In pretest out of 30 samples 25(83.3%) samples had positive attitude before video assisted teaching and in post test 30(100%) had positive attitude after VAT. In pretest out of 30 samples 22(73.3%) samples had positive attitude before self instructional module and in post test 29(96.6%) had positive attitude after SIM. In pretest out of 30 samples 15(50%) had good practice before video assisted teaching and in post test 22(73.3%) had good practice after VAT. In pre-test out of 30 samples 15(50%) samples had good practice before self instructional module and in post test 17(56.6%) had good practice after SIM. Hence it can be inferred that video assisted teaching is more effective than self instructional module in increasing knowledge score among married women in rural area regarding prevention of cervical cancer

Keyword: Cervical Cancer; Learning outcomes; VAT and self instructional module

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