
COJ Nursing & Healthcare

Pre-Analysis of Service Quality Design for Intercultural Care Service Facilities by International Medical data-anim-delay

  • Open or Close Hajime Eto*

    University of Tsukuba, Japan

    *Corresponding author:Hajime Eto, University of Tsukuba, Nakano 3-43-17-305, Nakano ku, Tokyo 164-0001, Japan

Submission: February 09, 2018; Published: March 20, 2018

DOI: 10.31031/COJNH.2018.02.000526

ISSN: 2577-2007
Volume2 Issue1


This paper presents a rough design of service system for international care service facilities proposed to be constructed in developing areas or countries by the financial and technical aid from developed areas or countries. A main problem is how to fill the cultural gap between care providers and care recipients, both in human service aspects and information-technological aspects. Here, “culture” includes language, food, custom, art, value system, religion, and the views of life and death. Information technology is expected to narrow the medico-technical gap between developed and developing areas or countries. Further, information exchange or frequent communication with the homeland or home countries of care service recipients is expected to mitigate their loneliness in distance from their homeland. Further, the administrative, legal and other formal barriers like the health insurance and the visa system are discussed.

Keywords: Aging; Baby boomers; Care service quality management; Cultural gap; Elders; Hospice; International medical aid; Medical electronics; Nursing home; Robot

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