
COJ Electronics & Communications

Making a Viable Electron Device into a Reliable Product: Brief Review

  • Open or CloseSuhir E*

    Department of Physical Sciences and Engineering Division, Portland State University, Portland

    *Corresponding author:Suhir E, Bell Laboratories, Basic Research, Physical Sciences and Engineering Division, Murray Hill, NJ, USA (ret);Portland State University, Portland, OR, USA; Vienna Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria; James Cook University, Queensland, Australia, and ERS Co., Los Altos, CA, 727 Alvina Ct., Los Altos, CA, 94024, USA

Submission: October 04, 2020; Published: October 16, 2020


To assure high operational reliability of an electronic or a photonic product [1-5] one has to understand the underlying reliability physics and, to an extent possible, predict and quantify its performance in the field. In the areas of commercial or agricultural electronics, as long as the customer comes back, not the product, cost-effectiveness and time-to-market are much more important than reliability.

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