Adam Adamski*
Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Science, Poland
*Corresponding author: Adam Adamski, Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Science, Poland
Submission: March 04, 2020; Published: March 13, 2020
Volume1 Issue1March 2020
The human biological system not only cares for chemical electrons, but also for electrons flowing from semi-conductive structures, as well as photons, phonons, electric, electromagnetic, gravitational, soliton and spin fields. Life not only flared with light but spoke with quantum molecular speech. The brain as a biological computer, unlike a mathematical machine that is a product of technology, does not need outside software, because it has its own software built into the cell, so in biology it is impossible to separate structure from function. The electronic interpretation of the living system turns out to be extremely inspiring, it allows you to take into account the fact that the organs receiving information from the environment are not only sensory receptors, perceptive and motor systems, but also the entire biological mass of the body in which biocomputers needed to simulate information and its use for functioning of mental processes and for adaptation to the environment in which a given individual lives.
Keywords: Synesthesia; Consciousness; Bioplasma; Solitons; Quantum biocomputer; Bose-Einstein condensate
Synesthesia is an individual sensual impression that occurs when the stimulus of one sense (sound, written/spoken word, etc.) produces a simultaneous impression in two or more senses (e.g. seeing words in colors). Synesthesia is characterized by several features that allow it to be distinguished from other phenomena:
a. Synesthesia is triggered automatically and without the will and control of consciousness;
b. The phenomenon accompanies synesthetic women already in childhood and lasts a lifetime.
c. Once established, the synesthetic sensations remain forever the same, e.g. the letters of the alphabet always produce the same colors [1].
Linguistic synesthesia
The most common, occurs when sensory impressions they relate to letters, numbers, words (names, days of the week, months, seasons, etc.) evoke sensations related to hearing, sight, taste and touch. Color impression: seeing words or individual letters in a specific color, e.g. th e number 6 is green, the word sand-yellow, and each letter of the alphabet has its own color and is different for each synesthetic. Many synesthetics notice that they react with color to the word they hear (e.g. Tuesday is green): taste is a reaction to the spoken or written word (e.g. the name Monika has a raspberry flavor) [2].
Musical synesthesia
Nikołaj Rimski-Korsakow, the Russian composer perceived musical tones in specific colors:
In addition to Korsakov, synestics include such musicians as L. van Beethoven, Franz Liszt, and J. Hendrix. Mozart and others [3].
Audiomotor synesthesia
Overheard sounds cause a forced body position. The late Russian neuropsychologist Alexander Łuria [4] described his patient-Salomonow Szereszewski, who was distinguished by outstanding synesthetic abilities. He experienced four-sensory synesthetic sensations- every sound made him feel light, color, taste and touch. He told that he saw music in colors and also smells. I see them in a rather specific way because I see them in geometric shapes. They are round or sharp, in shapes reminiscent of tiny blocks, small cylinders or, for example, falling light squares. This patient had an interesting event when buying a perfume. When was the first time I chose the perfume and asked the saleswoman "what are they to be?" I replied, "you know that the smell is like light little squares, not so round, but rather spicy". Saleswoman's face- priceless7. Some synests claim that the sounds they see are integral pictures of what surrounds them. It is difficult for them to separate from real objects. The intensity of the sound of its volume depends on the clarity of shape and color saturation [4] .
Often, synestets learn to adjust life situations to the phenomena of synesthesia. One of the synesthetes says- I have already learned that the real image is more static, and the sound images are moving, they change position with me. When the sound is very strong and I engage my hearing, my vision weakens more and the two worlds begin to mix very much with each other.Once, as a child, I was afraid of loud drums or loud rock music. These sounds looked like black rods flying towards me. I was afraid that they would hit me. I didn't understand where this fear came from [5].
On one hand I can see music, I can hear colors and it is beautiful. It helps me a lot in musical work. At work, what my colleagues did for half a year, it took me two weeks. On the other hand, sounds and their images can surprise me and hurt me with dissonance, which causes me to feel severe discomfort. At the same time, I can’t imagine seeing the world not like others. I don’t know how I could live without this phenomenon [6].
There are many theories explaining the phenomenon of synesthesia. One of them is the theory of learned associations that a person experiencing these impressions unconsciously learned to associate words or sounds in childhood with colorful engravings from books, or with the color of postcards or the color of objects from their surroundings [7]. According to Harrison, the environment has an impact on the mental development of this phenomenon, it is the external environment that affects the structure of the brain (types of games, e.g. colored letters, a very colorful children’s room) [8]. Acquired synesthesia theory considers synesthesia as a result of drug and drug use. Neurological theory believes that the lateral knee-shaped body nucleus (part of the thalamus) and the optic nucleus determine synesthesia . The theory of infant synesthesia says that up to 3 months of age we are all synestites, then these abilities disappear completely, some remain and they become synestites for life. The theory of multi-level processing assumes that synesthesia is the result of abnormal brain processing at many levels. According to the author, synesthesia is conditioned by quantum processes in the human biological system.
The biological system plays the role of an electronic device and functions on biological electronic material. Thanks to these properties, it can transfer information inside and outside the system electronically. Melanin biocomputer-according to the author, melanocytic cells located in the skin, hair follicles, sense of sight, ear, nerves, Niger substance and meninges are responsible for maintaining the structure of melanin biocomputers. The course of melanin synthesis depends on light, temperature and electric field [9]. Melanin has the ability to convert light into an acoustic wave, i.e. a photon into a phonon and vice versa, a phonon into a photon. This continuous transformation of elementary particles photon into phonon and vice versa, but also photon into soliton, becomes the basis for binary and qubit recording of information. This transformation creates a quantum system with two different base states that performs the function of a physical qubit and can play an important role in a quantum computer. The formation of qubits can also occur through the coherence and decoherence of laser light in Bose-Einstein condensate [10]. Melanin directs the reduction of free radicals in the human biological system, it also has the ability to accelerate and delay the movement of photons, phonons, solitons and their spins, which is used in creating the information language [11]. Following the reasoning of Stonier T [12] and Grandson M who recognize that the world is filled with quantum information carriers called the infon.
Stonier [12] hypothesizes that photons are not fundamental particles but consist of two components: energy and information. The electromagnetic wave consists of not one, but two sets of oscillations:
Stonier [12] answers the question- why do our receptors react to photons and do not respond to infons and tachions? Visual perception only provides an image of spinning skipping rope, the rest is done by infons, the author adds that also solitons and bioplasma together with biocomputer simulation. The task of biocomputers is to process and organize perceptual images and further transfer them to the bioplasma. In the bioplasma, the perceptual image is imprinted into the content of the bioplasma and is evaluated and compared with it against its own pattern. Melanin biocomputers are responsible for processing perceptual and soliton material taken from the Cosmos, in conscious, unconscious, subconscious states, in dreams and in different states of awareness. The task of bioplasma is to maintain a balance of carrier concentration in specific proportions for individual parts of the biological system. Brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and receptor cells have the highest concentration of bioplasma and saturation with wave processes [13].
The role of bioplasma is: Integrating, storing and managing energy and information processes in the human biological system. According to Sedlak W [14], bioplasma "knows" what is happening inside and around it. Informs about the energy situation of the whole and parts. Bioplasma creates a state of matter that is one in diversity. It is the material center of life and the foundation of consciousness [15]. The human biological system has the ability not only to receive solitons from space, but can also produce them in Bose-Einstein condensate. Solitons generated from the human body are transferred to the Cosmos [16-27].
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