Mohammad Asyraf S and Nordiana I*
Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology, Malaysia
*Corresponding author:Nordiana I, Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology, Melaka, Malaysia
Submission: October 10, 2018; Published: January 23, 2019
Volume1 Issue1January 2019
Training is a necessity in the workplace, without it, employments do not have a firm grasp on their responsibilities or duties. Employment training refers to programs that provide workers with information, new skill or professional development opportunities. In these studies, it focused on relationship between harvesting practices with harvesting productivity and dominant harvesting training factors that influence harvesting productivity. The study was conducted at Estate Aramijaya Plantation Sdn. Bhd, Jamaluang Mersing and data were taken from the questionnaire based on an analysis of training requirement to improve the productivity of harvesting activities. For bunches identification, practices and harvesting procedure is factor to influence and harvesting productivity to be influenced. Data gathered were analyzed using SPSS and construct for correlation and regression. From the result, bunches identification the way of work and highest factor has given an impact on the harvesting productivity. In conclusion, the most dominant factors toward harvesting production was bunches identification and practices and harvesting procedure. For recommendation, the management estate needs to provide training to employees to improve the harvesting productivity.
Keywords: Training practices; Harvesting productivity; Effect training; Bunches
Training is the most important factor in the business world because training increases the efficiency and the effectiveness of both employees and the organization. The employees who have more on the job experience have better performance because there is an increase in the both skills and competencies because of more on the job experience. The development desired knowledge, skill, to perform well on job, requires effective training program that may also affect employment motivation and commitment. Training & Development increase the workers performance just like the investigator same in his analysis that training & development is a vital activity to extend the performance of health sector organization (Iftikhar Ahmad and Siraj-ud-din, 2009). The result from this research could be useful for those who want to further the study about the harvesting training practices in the Aramijaya Plantation Sdn. Bhd. The specific objectives of this study are, first to identify relationship between harvesting training program with harvesting production and second to determine the most dominant harvesting training factor that influence the harvesting production Ideal nature of oil creation can be acquired by dealing with the reaping activity of oil palm Fresh fruit Bunche (FFB) at the correct phase of readiness. High substance of free unsaturated fat (over-ripe bunches) will build the refinery cost. Subsequently it is critical to decide the gathering date of FFB. It is broadly valued that many factors, including wild factors e.g. climate, planting materials, age, and controllable elements e.g. reaping measures, decision of planting materials (before planting), certain agronomic practices can influence OER. (Bite Poh Soon, 2000). This is wild by human, and by implication can give impact the OER rate, however, can avoid with administration to orchestrate movement despite the fact that stormy season.
The methodology used act as framework to gain and meet the objectives of this research. The questionnaires in this survey were divided into two sections which are section a (descriptive analysis) and section B (independent and dependent variable). Descriptive analysis was used for the purpose descriptions and analysis about the demography of respondent. In questionnaire created consist of gender, age, ethnicity and working experience of respondent. There is need to identify the relationship among independent variable and dependent variable. The conceptual frameworks offer the conceptual foundation to examine the relationship yield, type of bunches, skill is posited as the bases for the factor of the training need by workers in oil palm plantation. Locations in study were conducted at Aramijaya Plantation Sdn. Bhd. A set of qualitative were distribute questionnaire based on independent variable training of harvesting in oil palm plantation. The sample size for questionnaire is 97 the questionnaires made then were distributed among the workers for the study to accomplish.
There was relationship between total population and sample size which attached in the appendix A. The Sample Size Determination Using Krejcie and Morgan table to the taking of a representative portion of population as representative of that population. The elements of the population are comprised by sample that considered for actual inclusion in the research. Data analysis involves get the result after questionnaire into representative constituents to research question. The analysis of data by the statistician is using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The SPSS programming project (version 20.0) was utilized to analyses forms of data by subjective and quantitative system as per information variables, components or subject matter in every aspects and viewpoints for viewing and examining the data come from the study. The result reported in the form frequency table, percentage, means used indicate the proportion response to certain variables.
This research study was tested with three hypotheses to illustrate and investigate the objectives of this research. The data and information regarding to harvesting training practices toward harvesting productivity were considered as the first hypothesis. Next, the second hypotheses were the effect of harvesting training practices toward harvesting productivity. Lastly, the third hypothesis involves investigating the relationship between the effect of harvesting training practices factors and harvesting productivity workers [1-5].
Table 1 shows the result demographic factor respondents include of gender, Age, Ethnicity and Working Experience. The result shows that there is 100% of respondent was male workers. Next, 28.87% of respondent with average age of 31-35 years are lowest percentage of age is less than 20 years of with 5.15%. For Ethnicity, Others with 95.88%, show that majority of the workers from Indonesia and Bangladesh, followed by Malay and Chinese. Most of the workers had working experience between 1-5 years represent 47.42% of total respondent and only 4.12% of respondent had experience more than 20 years(Table 2).
Table 1:Summary of demographic information.
Table 2:Harvesting productivity.
For the highest of independent is Bunches Identification, the result show is 0.869 and strongly correlated to the changes in harvesting productivity. Once company focus on harvesting training in bunches identification, it helps to improve harvesting productivity in estate. So, if the company aimed for highest productivity bunches identification, they should focus and give training for general workers.
The regression equation formulated in this study Y=0.267X1+0.160X3+0.149X2 bunches identification (0.267) was the most influenced factor contributing to the Harvesting productivity in estate. In other word, bunches identification determines the most dominant harvesting training factor that influence the harvesting production, so the management must more focus to give attraction in bunches identification at general workers for training [6-10] (Table 3).
Table 3:Regression.
All the findings in these studies have proved that there was significant relationship between bunches identification, practices and harvesting procedure towards the harvesting productivity. The management must give more focus to bunch identification where it was significant relation toward harvesting productivity, Training design plays a very vital role in the employee as well as organizational performance. For recommendation in estate management has be given prolong training for workers and bunches identification have be more focus because the factor and relationship with harvesting production be highest more than practices and harvesting procedure.
It is recommended that further studies should be carried out on workers from other plantation to see whether there are any similarities in the findings. For another recommended if study or research about the training to toward happiness level among the worker estate in Aramijaya Sdn. Bhd or other estate in Malaysia. Furthermore, further research could also explore the different factor that contributed toward harvesting productivity [11-16].
We would like to express our deep appreciation to Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology, Universiti Teknologi MARA for all the support. This acknowledgement also goes to the UiTM for LESTARI GRANT: 600-IRMI/RD 5/3/LESTARI (166/2017) to proceed and complete this study.
© 2019 Nordiana I. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.