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Advances in Complementary & Alternative medicine

Supporting Career Choices for Women in the Sciences and Engineering

  • Open or ClosePhyllis L MacIntyre*

    Assistant Professor, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Canada

    *Corresponding author: Phyllis L MacIntyre, Assistant Professor, Petrocelli College, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Canada

Submission: March 13, 2020; Published: April 09, 2020

DOI: 10.31031/AES.2020.01.000510

Volume1 Issue2


The purpose of this article is to review of current literature on women’s career growth in the sciences and engineering fields. It became evident quickly that sufficient evidence exists documenting the gender disparities in the Sciences, Engineering, Technologies, and Mathematics (STEM). Essential at this time is the generation of remedies to encourage and promote women as they pursue careers in the hard sciences and engineering fields. The economies of Canada and the US urgently need competent scientists and engineers across domains of business, higher education, and for innovation in the creation of new technologies. The article explains how stereotype threats and biases remain prevalent barriers to both men and women in the sciences and engineering. The author proposes adoption of the growth mindset, the reinforcement of leader identify for engineers, and she recommends urgency on mentoring and coaching approaches to strengthen retention of women in the fulfillment of careers in science and engineering.

Keywords: Mentoring; Coaching; Mathematics

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