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Annals of Chemical Science Research

Synthesis and Magneto-optical Properties of Co doped TiO2 Nanotubes from Electro-spun Fiber Templates

  • Open or CloseDickson M Andala1*, Samuel Chigome2, Jermaine Omulami3 and George O Achieng4

    1Department of Chemistry, Multimedia University of Kenya, Kenya

    2Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation, Maranyane House, Plot 50654, Machel Drive, Private Bag 0082, Gaborone, Botswana

    3Department of Chemistry, University of Nairobi, Kenya

    4Department of Chemistry, Maseno University, Kenya

    *Corresponding author:Dickson M Andala, Department of Chemistry, Multimedia University of Kenya, P. O. Box 15653-00503, Nairobi, Kenya

Submission: September 12, 2023;Published: November 27, 2023

ISSN : 2688-8394
Volume4 Issue3

DOI: 10.31031/ACSR.2023.04.000589


Submicron Co doped TiO2 nanotubes were synthesized by the tubes by fiber template approach. Polymer fiber templates were fabricated by electrospinning while the tubes were synthesized by sol-gel deposition followed by thermal degradation of the polymer core. The diameters of the tubes ranged between ~350 ± 100nm with an average wall thickness of ~100 ± 50nm from SEM and TEM analysis. PXRD analysis indicated Co was homogenously distributed within substitutional sites of the polycrystalline anatase phase of the TiO2. Photoluminescence studies confirmed n-type doping as indicated by reduction in intensity of highest energy direct photoemission (~420nm) due to charge transfer as well as presence of photoemission at (~470nm) associated with the presence of oxygen vacancies. Magnetic studies results indicated that the Co doped TiO2 tubes were paramagnetic at room temperature.

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