Department of Biotechnology, Brazil
*Corresponding author:Maria Aparecida MM, Department of Biotechnology, Brazil
Submission: March 28, 2019; Published: April 22, 2019
ISSN : 2688-8394 Volume1 Issue1
Phyllanthus (Euphorbiaceae) is a native genus of the American continent representative medicinal plant with very high number of species (more than 1,000) located in tropical and subtropical countries. In Brazil, this genus is represented by over than 100 specimens, that are widely distributed in different environments. In fact, Phyllanthus is present in almost all Brazilian territories. The species of this genus are extremely used in folk traditional medicine. The species Phyllanthus Amarus Schum & Thorn and P. niruri L. have been frequent targets of ethnopharmacological work. However, in the beginning of this century botanic studies were intensified by using molecular markers for unambiguously identification of Phyllanthus species and to indicate the significant differences between the specimens of this genus. There are many differences between P. amarus and P. niruri, the main differences were found to be in base, seed and stigma type. Systematic studies at molecular level have been assessed for acute authentication of plant specimen by using RAPD, ISSR, SCAR, AFLP, ITS, RFLP, ISSR-PCR and PCR-RFLP-ITS markers linked to a dominant gene. These methods have been assessed to the genus Phyllanthus with highly efficient results. With respect to phytocomponents of P. amarus herb, it is proved that the lignans Phyllanthus and hypophyllanthin are the main biomarkers. Phytochemical investigations were conducted with an unambiguous identified P. amarus collected from Brazil. Its ethanolic extract, revealed the presence of six bioactive lignans (phyllanthin, hypophyllanthin, isolintetralin, demethylenedioxy-niranthin, 5-demethoxy-niranthin, niranthin) and one triterpene (2Z, 6Z, 10Z, 14E, 18E, 22E-farnesil-farnesol). This rich lignan extract was used in Nano emulsion formulations, that is a safe therapeutic new medicine to be applied in the health care. Other polar extracts of P. amarus have been encapsulated by using bionanotechnologies and are presented in this review. Technological innovations and recent progress in the multiple aspects of Phyllanthus´s plant development was reviewed. Today’s current state of Phyllanthus amarus Schum is supported by its scientific findings, which has many applications, of which mainly focusing in the biotechnology field to face the new challenges for this lead medicinal plant.
Keywords: Phyllanthus; Phyllanthus Amarus Schum & Thorn; Morphology; Herbal Authentication; Phytochemical and Pharmacological properties; Biotechnological studies