W John Martin*
Institute of Progressive Medicine, USA
*Corresponding author:W John Martin, Institute of Progressive Medicine, 1634 Spruce Street, South Pasadena CA 91030, USA
Submission: June 08, 2021;Published: June 25, 2021
ISSN: 2637-7802 Volume 6 Issue 3
Many individuals are living more stressful and less satisfying lives than did their parents. This article discusses two interrelated, but not yet generally accepted reasons for the widespread deterioration in emotional wellness. The first is the reduced availability of a life force energy called KELEA, an abbreviation for Kinetic Energy Limiting Electrostatic Attraction. The reduction in KELEA is likely to be a consequence of the increased levels of manmade electromagnetic radiation. The second contributing factor to the diminished wellness in certain individuals is the occurrance of brain damaging infections caused by stealth adapted viruses. These viruses differ from the viruses from which they are derived in that they do not normally evoke inflammation. Poliovirus vaccines were the source of some stealth adapted viruses, which are now directly transmissible between humans. A proposed major function of the brain is to bring KELEA into the body for its transfer to the body’s fluids, from which it supports the alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway. This pathway provides the major defense mechanism against stealth adapted viruses. Direct correlations are proposed between emotional wellness, the KELEA attracting ability of the brain, and the activity level of the ACE pathway. Thus, only when the brain has a sufficiently high level of emotional wellness, does it unaidedly maintain an effective ACE pathway. Compounds and devices can be used to increase the level of KELEA. Moreover, KELEA can be added to water. If the water is sufficiently activated, it can act as a continuing receiver and transmitter of KELEA even when the water is confined to a closed space. Wearable pouches of KELEA activated water, can, therefore, be used as an additional source of KELEA for the body.
Keywords: Emotional wellness; KELEA; ACE pathway; Stealth adapted viruses; Activated water; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Vaccines; Electromagnetic radiation
Emotional Wellness is defined in this article as a quantitative measure of the extent to which an individual is living a joyful, inquisitive, and optimistic life. When noticeably present, this mindset is described as a feeling of excitement, awe, wonderment, and exuberance. In contrast to mania, this elevated feeling is contained within an overall sense of serenity and contentment, in which the person remains calm, resilient, and tolerant. Empathy, gratitude and a sense of belonging are additional features of this heightened level of emotional wellness.
By contrast, a deficiency of emotional wellness is characterized by feelings of despair, depression, pessimism, boredom, sadness, frustration, anger, anxiety, and commonly hostility. These feelings can negatively impact on achieving refreshing sleep. The fundamental distinction between these opposing extremes of emotional wellness has become apparent to several individuals who have experienced a transformation in their life from the wearing of a waterceutical pouch in close proximity to their body. The water in these pouches is able to absorb and re-transmit an environmental force that has been termed KELEA, an abbreviation for Kinetic Energy Limiting Electrostatic Attraction [1]. KELEA
increases the kinetic activity of water molecules and is reflected in
a loosening of the hydrogen bonding between the water molecules
[2]. When worn closely to the body, the pouches can slowly add to
the level of KELEA in the body’s fluids. KELEA is a source of both
chemical and electrical energy for the body’s cells [3,4]. This source
of cellular energy is different from the energy obtained from food
metabolism. Accordingly, it has been called the alternative cellular
energy (ACE) pathway [5].
A memorable early description of an improvement in emotional
wellness occurred with a gentleman who was recruited to assist
with a musical arrangement. As part of the social interactions, he
was freely provided with a small pouch containing approximately
100ml of KELEA activated water. He was advised to wear the
pouch daily against his skin. When he returned a week later, he
spontaneously commented on the remarkable effects that he felt
were attributed to the pouch. Specifically, he was experiencing
uplifting feelings that reminded him of his childhood. He explicitly
described how he was now more aware of his surroundings and
more excited about facing the day’s tasks. He offered the term
“blissful” to convey the renewed sensation, but quickly agreed that
what he had regained was the joy and excitement that comes from
seeing beauty in Nature and feeling connected to a higher purpose.
The theme of improved emotional wellness has now been
echoed by other individuals using the KELEA waterceutical
pouches. Most of these individuals had been more focused on the
successful relief of specific ailments, such as arthritic pain. The
apparent elevation in mood was, therefore, initially assumed to be a
secondary outcome of the lessening of their symptoms. When more
directly quizzed, however, they realize that the emotional benefits
have gone beyond those explainable by the reduction in symptoms.
Retrospectively, it is apparent that at least some degree of
improved emotional wellness has been a feature in most of the
patients being treated with other formulations of KELEA activated
water [6]. Examples include the responses of a series of AIDS
patients who were receiving daily intravenous injections of a
product called Enercel [7,8]. Not only did this lead to a reduction in
their HIV blood levels, but the treated individuals became far more
outgoing and optimistic. As a group they became socially interactive
and really wanted to help others learn about the treatment. Another
positive example was that of a 15-year-old girl who had suffered
facial lacerations and head injury in a car accident. In spite of losing
some close friends in the car accident, she regained her emotional
stability soon after beginning an intravenous course of Enercel. An
additional feature noted in this girl and in several Enercel-treated
cancer patients is that that the elevated mood persists even after
the discontinuation of the Enercel.
The example of the unanticipated regaining of emotional
wellness by the musician is particularly informative because he
had considered himself to be quite healthy prior to receiving the
water-filled pouch. This realization raises the possibility that large
segments of the population may be unaware of their being relatively
deficient in emotional wellness. An incidental accounting to a
criminal lawyer of the restored emotional elements in the musician
led the lawyer to conclude that virtually all of his clients were
very much in need of a cellular energy boost. Reduced emotional
wellness may well, therefore, predispose an individual to criminal
behavior. A similar conclusion probably applies to those involved
in the destroying of properties and assaulting of law enforcement
officers during otherwise peaceful protests. It is apparent that many
of these individuals are cognitively as well as emotionally impaired
in that during interviews they are unable to rationally explain their
behavior. Rather they seem intent upon indiscriminately blaming
others for what they may not readily recognize as their suboptimal
emotional wellness. This is consistent with the ease in which
protesting individuals readily switch their complaints between
different conspiracy topics. It is possible, therefore, that the growing
protest movements are yet additional signs of a community-wide
reduction in emotional wellness. A similar argument can be made
regarding individuals resorting to using mind altering drugs.
The following ideas are offered as science-supported
considerations for why there has been an overall deterioration in
emotional health. These include an understanding of KELEA as a
non-food source of cellular energy. The normal environmental level
of KELEA is likely reduced from manmade activities. An additional
factor is the widespread infection of humans with brain damaging
stealth adapted virus. These infections can further reduce to ability
of the body to attract KELEA.
The fundamental role of KELEA is presumably to prevent the ultimate fusion of electrostatic attracted opposing electrical charges. KELEA is, therefore, considered to be a repulsive force that is attracted to separated electrical charges. It must exist throughout the universe. It would, therefore, be continually coming to the earth in association with the electrons and protons that comprise cosmic rays. The increasing levels of manmade electromagnetic radiation in the earth’s atmosphere is potentially reducing the amounts of KELEA reaching the surface of the earth. This reduction is because electromagnetic radiation leads to the separation of positive and negative charges, which would then be able to capture some of the incoming KELEA. Experimental data have been obtained in support of this proposition [9,10]. The reduction of the amount of KELEA reaching the earth’s surface would presumably lead to diminished ACE pathways for all life forms. The introduction of increased electromagnetic radiation in the form of 5G transmissions will surely aggravate this reduction in available KELEA. Air pollution may also act as a diversion of some of the KELEA that would otherwise be available for biological processes.
The ACE pathway is involved in many physical, chemical, and biological processes. It would appear that in chemical reactions the levels of KELEA on approaching opposite electrical charges become progressively diminished as the charges move closer to one another. As such it is an expression of chemical energy [3]. This concept also implies that KELEA has an effect at a distance. Its effect on water can lead to a loosening of the hydrogen bonding between the water molecules [2]. KELEA can also be attracted to the separated electrical charges on dipolar molecules. Possibly through an oscillating mechanism, certain dipolar molecules can repeatedly attract and release KELEA. If placed in the vicinity of water, these oscillating dipolar compounds can add to the existing level of KELEA in the water. The water is then referred to as being KELEA activated. KELEA can similarly act on the body’s fluids. Through a reduction in intermolecular bonding, it reduces the viscosity of the fluids allowing for increased permeability. Water bound electrolytes, including chloride ions, can also become more available. Furthermore, KELEA can directly empower both chemical and electrical activities of cells.
The fluctuating electrical activity of the brain is thought to be the body’s major receiver of KELEA [11]. Arguably, this proposed activity is as significant a basic function of the brain as is the brain’s electrical networking circuitry. It is possible that this KELEA attracting ability began as a basic function of the central complex in the brains of primitive invertebrates [12] and became further developed in the reticular formation of the vertebrate brain [13]. It would seem, however, that this basic KELEA attracting function can be further enhanced, especially in conjunction with what is being considered as emotional wellness. Conversely, it is likely diminished by those brain activities associated with stressful and self-depreciating negative thoughts and emotional feelings. Realizing that the brain can consciously be utilized as an added source of KELEA in order to help achieve sustainable emotional wellness is the major premise of ongoing clinical studies.
Various brain illnesses can also presumably reduce the brain’s
capacity to attract KELEA. The brain is particularly susceptible to
symptomatic illnesses due to viruses, which have undergone an
immune evasion mechanism referred to as stealth adaptation [1].
Public health authorities have been reluctant to acknowledge the
existence of these viruses because some were derived from viruses
that infected the types of monkeys used to produce poliovirus
vaccines [14]. Nevertheless, based on extensive culture data in the
late 1990s, at least 10% of individuals without a diagnosed disease
and the majority of tested individuals with neurological and/or
psychiatric illnesses are infected with these viruses. Presumably,
the prevalence of infection has significantly increased since the
time of these culture studies.
The existence of stealth adapted viruses has yet to be
acknowledged by public health officials or indeed by the wider
scientific community. The public health reticence is due to the
early findings of genetic sequences in some of these viruses that
are closely related to genetic sequences in African green monkey
simian cytomegalovirus (SCMV) [1]. Certain other stealth adapted
viruses have genetic sequences originating in rhesus monkeys [15].
These results clearly imply that ongoing infections of humans with
some stealth adapted viruses are unfortunate consequences of
using monkey kidney cell cultures to produce poliovirus vaccines.
Stealth adapted viruses were initially described as an infectious
cause of the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). They were also
detected in the brains of many patients with diverse neurological
and psychiatric illnesses [16-21]. It is reasoned that the brain
is particularly susceptible to symptomatic illness due to stealth
adapted viruses because unlike most other organs, its functions
are regionally organized with crucial communication pathways
between its functionally different regions.
The novel feature of stealth adapted viruses is that inflammation
does not normally occur in infected humans or animals. This is due
to the deletion or mutation of the genes that code for the relatively
few virus components, which are normally targeted by the cellular
immune system. The deletion of genes can involve fragmentation
of the virus genome. The possible cross linking of fragments by
cellular genomic sequences can allow for the incorporation of
the cellular sequences into the replicating virus genome [15,22].
These results have drastically changed the perception of viruses as
always being genetically clearly distinguishable from cells to one
in which viruses may essentially be replicating cellular derived
genetic sequences. Even more interesting, bacterial sequences have
also been detected in a well characterized stealth adapted virus
[22]. This can explain why some stealth adapted viruses are being
mistakenly attributed to bacteria. This occurs, for example, with so
called chronic Lyme disease.
Among the ACE pathway supported cellular activities is the
direct, non-immunological suppression of infectious diseases,
including those due to stealth adapted viruses [23]. Basically,
infections are viewed as a competitive process for the body’s energy
resources. The infection proceeds if the body has insufficient cellular
energy to out-compete the microbe’s draining of the body’s energy
resources. Enhancing the ACE pathway can, therefore, assist in the
recovery of stealth virus infections of the brain and presumably help
restore some of the lost KELEA attracting capacity of the brain. The
level of recovery of emotional wellness is likely to be limited by the
extent of the prior structural brain damage due to the stealth virus
infection. Knowing that improved emotional wellness is achievable
provides a powerful incentive for individuals to engage in further
efforts to boost their ACE pathway. One approach is to wear a pouch
containing KELEA activated water. Another is to humidify indoor
living areas with KELEA activated water.
Several locations around the world have been identified as having water with exceptional healing qualities. A pool in Bethesda, Jerusalem is referred to in the Bible as being able to heal the person who first stepped into the pool after the water had been agitated by an angel. Mecca was established at the site of a source of naturally healing water. Numerous medical spas exist around the world in which visitors seemingly benefit medically and certainly cosmetically by soaking in the water. While these benefits are typically attributed to the contained minerals, peat, humic acids, or other components contained within the water, it is more likely that the water itself is activated. This inference can now be tested using a series of proprietary assays, including analysis of the water after zero-residue filtration.
Activated water can also be produced from regular water using two basic approaches. The first is the addition to the water of dipolar compounds, including mineral oxides, herbal tinctures, antioxidants, certain gases, and activated water by itself. These compounds are collectively referred to as enerceuticalsTM. They can attract KELEA and transfer the energy into the water. Electrolysis can also render water more dipolar. The second approach is to place water in an area with a heightened level of KELEA. The heightened level of KELEA can be established using various oscillating electrical devices. It can also occur around certain enerceuticals, including containers of activated water. Given the enormous range of potential uses of KELEA activated water, the opportunity exists to productively utilize and optimize each of the many available activating methods for different applications. These include improved human and animal health, increased agricultural productivity, and numerous industrial applications,
The overall emotional wellness of those living on earth appears to be declining. It is proposed that the fluctuating electrical activity of the brain enables the body to attract a life force energy from the environment. This life force is being called KELEA, an abbreviation for Kinetic Energy Limiting Electrostatic Attraction. It is presumably being delivered to the earth in conjunction with cosmic rays, but now at reduced levels due to manmade electromagnetic radiation. The KELEA attracting capacity of the brain can be further reduced in individuals infected with braindamaging stealth adapted viruses; some of which are derived from vaccines. A direct correlation is proposed between the brain’s KELEA attracting capacity and an individual’s level of emotional wellness. The amount of KELEA available to the body also correlates with the level of a non-food-derived source of cellular energy called the alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway. Emotional wellness. is seemingly a measure of the ACE pathway. This pathway also provides a non-immunological defense mechanism against viruses, including stealth adapted viruses. It promotes the non-scarring repair of damaged tissues, including burns. The ACE pathway has many additional functions in the body, which can be impaired if the body has insufficient cellular energy. Water has the capacity to absorb KELEA and can be used as a potential additional source of KELEA for the body. In particular, KELEA activated water can compensate for the reduced levels of KELEA reaching the earth surface. A convenient use of KELEA activated water is in wearable waterceutical pouches. Indoor air spaces can also be humidified with KELEA activated water. Extensive clinical trials are needed to validate and optimize these approaches.
The Institute of Progressive Medicine is a component of MI Hope Inc., a non-profit public charity, which has supported the publication of this article.
© 2021 W John Martin. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.