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Advances in Complementary & Alternative medicine

Alternative Therapies for Liver Diseases

Neelam Kushwaha1* and Anand Mohan2

1Hospital Registrar Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, India

2College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, India

*Corresponding author: Neelam Kushwaha, Hospital Registrar Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Udgir, India

Submission: May 24, 2019;Published: May 28, 2019

DOI: 10.31031/ACAM.2019.04.000589

ISSN: 2637-7802
Volume4 Issue3


Ayurveda is one of the oldest healing traditions rooted in ancient Indian culture. Traditional healing system around the world that utilizes herbal remedies is an important resource for the discovery of modern drugs. Liver injury involves co-lateral oxidative/per oxidative damage of hepatocytes and the resulting lipid peroxidation. Therefore, supplementation of antioxidant may protect cellular structures against oxidative stress. Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is one of the oldest-known herbal medicines. The hepatoprotective as well as anti-inflammatory and antifibrotic actions of Milk thistle has been established. Other hepatoprotective agents have recently received attention for their roles in the ancillary treatment of liver diseases are listed below:

a) Picrorhiza kurroa is grown in northwest India and has been used as part of the traditional ayurvedic medical system to treat liver problems. It has been shown to be effective in treating acute viral hepatitis in humans.

b) Allium sativum possess hypolipidemic, antiplatelet and recirculatory effects. Aged garlic also has hepatoprotective, neuroprotective and antioxidative activities.

c) Mamordica subangulata leaf (dry or fresh) can protect rats from paracetamol induced toxicity.

d) Azadirachta indica leaf extract of Azadirachta indica prevents and reverses the hapatotoxicity damage induced by antitubercular drugs in rats.

e) Phyllantus emblica increases cell viability of rat primary cultured hepatocytes. P. emblica has been used for the anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic treatments by the rural population. The important constituent of plant leaves has the anti-neutrophilic activity and anti-platelet properties.

f) Carica papaya helps in healing of the damage occurred due to hepatic injury.

g) Camellia sinensis has active ingredients called catechin which have a potential therapeutic significance because of their potent antioxidants, which have an ability to neutralize free radicals and act as free-radical scavengers. It has antiviral activity and immunestimulating properties also.

h) Musa Sapientum Paradisiaca is rich in dopamine, phenolic compounds and flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties.

i) Cnidoscolus aconitifolius is commonly eaten as vegetable in soup in Southwestern Nigeria. The medicinal use of the C. aconitifolius for the treatment of jaundice has been reported.

j) Brassica oleracea is rich in both nutritional antioxidants and non-nutritional antioxidants. It reverses the hepatotoxicity.

k) Terminalia chebula has been extensively used in Ayurveda, Unani and Homoeopathic medicine and has become a cynosure of modern medicine. The leaves, bark and fruit of T. chebula possessed high antioxidant activity. T. chebula poses strong hepatoprotective activity.

l) Abutilon indicum has been with well reputed potential in “Siddha” system of Ayurveda having high potential as a remedy for jaundice.

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