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Advances in Complementary &Alternative Medicine

Treating Psychological Disorder with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Lance Naizhao Li*

Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, USA

*Corresponding author: Lance Naizhao Li, Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, New York, USA

Submission: March 09, 2018; Published: April 11, 2018

DOI: 10.31031/ACAM.2018.02.000535

ISSN: 2637-7802
Volume2 Issue2


This patient, AC, 85 years old, has been treated by me since 2015. He complained that he has severe depression and anxiety. He said to me that he was very afraid of being home alone. Most of the nights, he has been experiencing panic attack. He revealed to me that his entire body shook violently, his chest was extremely tight, he had cold sweats, and he felt himself suffocated, eventually he felt terribly dizzy and his friends who live with him have to rush him into the hospital nearby. The staff in the hospital ran a series of tests and concluded that he had a panic attack.

As far as Traditional Chinese Medicine is concerned, I asked him more questions in regard to his condition. He told me he also has palpitation, frequent urination at night and he has to get up at least 5 times. His night sleep was totally disturbed and he felt extremely exhausted the next day. In terms of his diet, he lists what he will be eating every day and he eats everything in the moderate amount. Besides, he takes natural supplements to maintain his health. Sometimes he feels dizzy and has tinnitus, his knees are hurting and his legs are very weak. He particularly mentioned to me that he loves the warm weather. His tongue color is red, and his pulse is slippery and rapid. After the inquiry and examination, I came up with the diagnosis, treatment principle, and detailed treatment protocol.

    A. The diagnosis is Heart and Kidney in disharmony with Kidney Qi Deficiency.

    B. The treatment principle is Harmonizes the Heart and Kidney and tonifies deficient Kidney Qi.

    C. The treatment protocol is: Body Acupuncture, Auricular Acupuncture, Moxa, and Herbal Medicine.

Acupuncture Prescriptions

Body acupuncture

    a. K27, K16, and K6-Tonifies and harmonizes the Kidneys via the three levels. Clinically this group is very effective for treating patient who has mental instability.

    b. Lu9, P6, & H7-Buddha Triangle, also called upper Buddha Triangle. This group calms the spirit and settles the emotions.

    c. Sp6, LV4, & K3-Buddha Triangle, also called lower Buddha Triangle. This group mirrors the Upper Buddha Triangle to reinforce the effectiveness of calming the spirit.

    d. Ren17 & Ren15-They work together to bring the clear Qi to the chest to help with breathing. In this case, they are particularly effective for strengthening the exterior to control the cold sweats.

    e. GB34-Meeting point for Sinews. It is used here to strengthen the tendons and sinews and treats knee pain in this case.

    f. ST36 & LI 10-Are named as Inner Gate. Since these two points are from Yang Ming Channels. Yang Ming Channels are abundant with Qi and Blood. In this case, applications of these two points are to tonify and augment the Qi and Blood.

    g. Yin Tang-is used here to enrich the marrow and clarify the mind. This point can bring clearer Qi to the head to help settle the foggy mind.

    h. Anmian-This name in Chinese is translated as peaceful sleep. It obviously treats insomnia, dizziness, and mental instability. From the physical location, this point is much closer to Du (Governing Vessel) and Urinary Bladder Meridian. Du (Governing Vessel) is called Sea of the Yang. Urinary Bladder Meridian connects with the brain.

Auricular acupuncture

    A. Shen Men-Calms the spirit and settle the mind.

    B. Heart-Nourishes the Heart to calm the spirit. Besides, this point is good for dizziness and vertigo.

    C. Kidney-Nourishes the Kidneys to settle the mind. Besides, this point is very effective for treating tinnitus and frequent urination.

    D. Urethra-In particular this point treats frequent urination.


Ren4, Ren3, and ST36, Moxa these three points to particularly control the frequent urination, and tonify the Qi and Blood in this case. This patient told me that he felt some warm currents traveling to his naval area and then the currents start to spread according to this patient.

Herbal Prescriptions

Modified Suo Quan Wan and Ding Zhi Wan

    a. Huang Qi (Radix Astragali Membranaceus)-In this case it tonifies Qi and Blood.

    b. Dang Shen (Radix Codonopsitis Pilosulae)-tonifies the Middle Jiao and augments the Qi, so that this patient will feel less tired and much warmer.

    c. Fu Ling (Sclerotium Poriae Cocos)-Quiets the Heart and calms the Spirit. In this case, it treats palpitation and insomnia.

    d. Shan Yao (Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae)-used here to tonify the Kidneys and treat frequent urination.

    e. He Huan Pi (Cortex Albizziae Julibrissin)-Calms the spirit to alleviate depression and distressed emotions.

    f. Yuan Zhi (Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae)-Calms the spirit and quiets the Heart. It alleviates the anxiety and depression.

    g. Yi Zhi Ren (Fructus Alpiniae Oxyphyllae)-Warms the Kidneys and retains the essence to treat frequent and copious urination.

    h. Bai Shao (Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae)-In this case, it nourishes the blood to further treat the knee pain.

    i. Qian Shi (Semen Euryales Ferocis)-Stabilizes the Kidneys and retains the essences to stop frequent urination.

    j. Gou Qi Zi (Fructus Lycii)-tonifies the Liver and Kidneys. It alleviates the knee pain and treats dizziness.

    k. Wu Wei Zi (Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis)-Quiets the spirit and calms the heart to alleviate palpitation and improve the quality of sleep. It also tonifies the Kidneys and binds up essence to stop frequent uriantion.

    l. Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis)-Strengthens the Qi to treat palpitation. It also moderates spasms and alleviates the pain in the knees.

© 2018 Lance Naizhao Li . This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.

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